WLPB - Build a Website or Landing Page with the Website & Landing Page Builder

Modified on Fri, 8 Mar at 5:44 AM


The Website & Landing Page Builder (WLPB) allows you to create corporate websites, community-based microsites, landing pages, and multi-paged Static Sites without having to program. 

Advantages of Website/ Microsite Configurator:

  • Leverages dynamic templates or widgets tailored to support today’s real estate market needs

  • Bildhive’s API connects custom-created websites to Bildhive’s platform and all its applications (Content Asset Management System, Amenity Configurator, Forms & Surveys Configurator, Reports & Analytics, Payment Gateway, etc.)

Advantages of Landing Page Configurator

  • Design and create multiple landing pages to segment target customers

  • Optimize the entire digital marketing strategy

  • Improve SEO

  • Integrated with Bildhive’s applications (Forms & Surveys Configurator, Content Asset Management System, Customer Relationship Management, Email & Broadcast Builder, Reports and Analytics, etc.)

Advantages of Static Site Configurator

  • Ideal for static multi-paged websites and landing pages

  • Fast loading times due to static content, eliminating real-time data retrieval from other Bildhive Apps

  • Efficiently supports multiple broker portals

There are four chapters in this article:

!! Heads-Up 

Our Table of Contents links might occasionally land you Just Below The Target Section. If this happens, a Simple Scroll Up to the Previous Section will get you right where you need to be.


Chapter 1 - Select And Stylize Your Site Template

Get Started

1. Launch the Website & Landing Page Builder (WLPB) App

  1. Go to the project’s Workplace,

  2. Under Marketing & Communications Management, find the Website & Landing Page Builder (WLPB) 

  3. Click on it

Info: You will be redirected to the Main Screen of the App. There are two Segments in this screen: the Navigation Bar to the left and the Main Stage.  

The Left Navigation Bar allows you to navigate to:

  • All Projects 

  • Microsites 

  • Landing Pages

  • Static Projects

  • Published

Create A New Site

2. Select Landing Page, Microsite, or Static Site (Type of Project) and Give it a Name

  1. To start a new site, from the Main Stage, go to the top right and click Create Site

  2. The Create New Site pop-up opens

  3. From the Select Project Type Dropdown menu select Landing Page, Microsite, or Static Site*

  4. In the Project Name field, enter a Name *

  5. Click Ok

  6. Next, pick a Template from the Theme Library

Mandatory fields.

3. Select a Blank Template or a Predefined Template

  1. From the collection of Templates in the Theme Library, select the one that best fits your needs

  2. Roll over a template and click the Preview button, to preview the template in a new tab

  3. To Select a Template to work with, roll over it and Click Inside the template but NOT on the Preview Button

  4. An Orange Frame indicates that the theme is Selected

  5. Hit Continue

  6. To Create Your Own Template, click Add Blank 

  7. Hit Continue

  8. Next, Set Up the Website Title & Logos 

!!  Preview a Template Before Selecting it

That way you can make sure it is the Right Type of Template for your needs.

4. Set up the Website Title and Logos

  1. In the Your Site Title field, enter the Title you wish to appear in the Browser and in Google search results

  2. Click on the Dark Logo field to open your Media Library

  3. Select a logo to appear on Light Surfaces

  4. Hit Select

  5. Click on the Light Logo field to open your Media Library

  6. Select a logo to appear on Dark Surfaces

  7. Hit Select 

  8. Next, define the Color Palette

!! About Uploading to the Media Library: 

If you have not uploaded the images to your Media Library yet, you can upload them now using the Content Asset Management System (CAMS). If you don’t know how to upload to the Content Asset Management System (CAMS), please Follow These Steps. For Optimal Performance, please follow our Asset Preparation Guidelines when preparing your assets.

!! About File Formats and Folders: 

Different Sections in the Bildhive Platform require you to upload files in Specific Formats. When a section requires a jpeg/png Format, only those Folders Containing jpegs/pngs will be Displayed on the left-hand navigation bar. If the section requires pdf format, then only the Folders that Contain pdfs will be Displayed when accessing the Media Library from that Specific Section of the platform.

!! Do You Need to Change the Logo?

Follow These Steps.

5. Select the Color Palette for your Site

  1. If you selected a Predefined Template, the Primary, Secondary, Text, and Accent Colors from the Template are displayed in the Color Palette Screen

  2. To Change the PrimarySecondaryText, or Accent Color, hit the button with the Color Sample and Hex #

  3. In the color detail Pop-up, change the Hex #, the RGB numbers, move the Color Slider, or select a Shade from the Color Gradient Bar

  4. To Change the whole Palette, select any one of the suggested Color Schemes

  5. If none of the suggestions suit you, click Randomize Suggestions until you find the right one

  6. Once you are happy with your selections, click Next 

!! Do You Need to Make Adjustments to the Colors?

Follow These Steps.

6. Select the Typography for your Site

  1. If you selected a Predefined Template, the Use Theme Defaults slider is turned on

  2. If the Default Typography is the right one for your Website, go to the bottom and click Create Site

  3. If you need to make adjustments, slide the Use Theme Defaults to the Left and make the Necessary Changes then, at the bottom, click Create Site

  4. You are redirected to the Builder Screen

!! Do You Want to Use Different Fonts or Change the Typography of the Site?

Follow These Steps.

Lay Out And Stylize Your Site

7. Introduction to the Builder Screen: 

The Builder Screen is the place where you style and add content to your site. There are 4 Segments on the Screen. These are, from left to right:

  • The Main Stage - where you View the design

  • The Editing Panel - where you Select a Section and make Edits to the Settings of the section 

  • The Right Navigation Bar - where you can select to view/edit the Pages of your site, the Sections of a page, the Blog Posts (only applicable to microsites), or the Project Settings

  • The Top Bar - where you change the view to Mobile / Desktop, view your Connection Status, Publish, Preview, and Save the Site.

!! Is Your Site Ready to be Connected or Published?

 You can do this with the Publishing Manager.

8. The Sections Editing Panel

The Sections Editing Panel is open by default. The name of the page you are adjusting appears at the top of the panel Under Current Page. Below, you can see the components or sections included in the page you selected, listed in the order that they appear.

The list is divided into 3 Segments:

  • The Header segment

  • The Body segment 

  • The Footer segment

9. Select & Stylize a Section of a Template

  1. To Open the Sections Editing Panel, select Pages from the Navigation Bar to the Right of the screen

  2. From the List of pages, Select the one you want to Edit

  3. This opens the Sections Editing Panel of the Page

  4. To Select a Section of the pagedo one of the following:

  5. From the Sections List in the Editing Panel, select the Section 

  6. Or, on the Main Stage, click Directly on the Section

  7. An Orange Frame surrounds the Selected Section

  8. At the Top of the Editing Panel, below the name of the Page, you can see the Name of the Section 

  9. List of Settings for each of the elements in the section, Opens-up

  10. On the List of Settings, select the Setting you want to Adjust

  11. Make the Adjustments

  12. Continue with the Other Settings in the List 

  13. Once you finish adjusting a Section, click on the Back Arrow next to the section’s name to go back to the Sections Editing Panel

  14. Select another Section and repeat the steps

!!  In each Section, there are different Elements with different Settings.

10. Change the Name of a Section

  1. At the Top of the Editing Panel, below the name of the Page, you can see the Name of the Section

  2. To Edit the Name of a Section, click on the Pencil Icon beside it

  3. On the Rename Section pop-up, under Section Name, enter a new Name

  4. Click Ok

Adjust/ Define General Settings

Below are some Common settings found within the General Settings of a Section:

11. Define Background Color(s)

  1. To adjust the Background Color, click on the Color Circle 

  2. In the color Pop-up, move the Slider to change the color Range

  3. Click on a Color Swatch

  4. or Enter the Hex or RGB code

  5. To adjust the Opacity, move the Opacity Slider

  6. Click Out of the color Pop-up

12. Define Border Color

  1. To adjust the Border Color, click on the Color Circle 

  2. In the color Pop-up, move the Slider to change the color Range

  3. Select a color swatch or Enter the Hex or RGB code

  4. Click Out of the color Pop-up

13. Define Background Image

  1. To add a Background image, click on the background Image Field

  2. This opens your Media Library

  3. From the Media Library, Select an Image

  4. Click Select

  5. Your Template is updated with the New Image


14. Define Padding Vertical

  1. Select from Extra Small-XS, Small-SM, Medium-M, Large-LG, Extra Large-XL

15. Define Padding Horizontal

  1. Select from Extra Small-XS, Small-SM, Medium-M, Large-LG, Extra Large-XL

16. Define Margins 

  1. Select from Extra Small-XS, Small-SM, Medium-M, Large-LG, Extra Large-XL

17. Define Heading Level

  1. Select whether it is Heading 1,2,3,4,5, etc or No Heading

18. Define Text Position

  1. Select whether you want the text Positioned to the right or left in relation to the layout

19. Define Text Alignment

  1. Select whether you want the text Left, Center or Right Aligned

20. Define Section Spacing

  1. If one section has more than one element, use the Slider to define the spacing between them

Replace, Adjust, and remove  Images and their Settings

Below are some common  Image Settings to guide you if the section you selected contains one or more images.

21. Replace an Image

  1. To Replace an image, Click on the image

  2. The Media Library opens up

  3. Select a replacement Image 

  4. Click Select

22. Add Alt Text for SEO and Assistive Technologies

  1. Enter an Alt Text, a Short Description of the Content of an Image

23. Image Spacing

  1. If you have a Series of Images, use the Slider to define the spacing between the images

24. Add Tint to your Image

  1. To add a Transparent Layer of Color to your imageclick on the Color Circle

  2. In the Color Pop-Up, select the Color that you want Overlaid on your image

  3. Click Out of the Pop-up

25. Remove an Image

  1. To remove an image, Roll-over it and click the X

!! TIP: Add ALT text to your images. 

It is considered best practice. It can help with Search Engine Optimization, (SEO) and Assistive Technologies

Adjust Heading Settings

26. About Headings:

On a webpage or in a section within it, Headings introduce information and are a useful aid to Navigation. Below are some important facts about headings.

  • There are Six Levels of headings, Headings 1 to 6 

  • Heading 1 is the most important level, while Heading 6 is the least important 

  • On a page, heading levels Help Organize Information and provide Hierarchy 

  • Assistive Technologies, web Browsers, and Plugins all rely on them to Navigate web pages

These are some common Header Settings:

27. Define Heading Level

  1. From the Dropdown, select Headings 1 to 6 or No Heading

28. Header Copy or Text

  1. Enter the Text you want to appear in the Header


29. Header Font Size

  1. Select from Extra Small to Extra Large

30. Header Text Color

  1. To adjust the Header Text Color, click on the Color Circle 

  2. In the color Pop-up, move the Slider to change the color Range

  3. Select a color or Enter the Hex or RGB code

  4. Click Out of the color Pop-up

Adjust Body Copy or Text Settings

The Body Text is the Copy Section of a web page that contains the Main Text. These are some common Body Text Settings:

31. Body Copy or Text

  1. Enter the Text you want to appear in the Body Text

32. Body Font Size

  1. Select from Extra Small to Extra Large

33. Body Text Color

  1. To adjust the Body Text Color, click on the Color Circle 

  2. In the color Pop-up, move the Slider to change the color Range

  3. Select a color or Enter the Hex or RGB code

  4. Click Out of the color Pop-up

!!  What Happens When There are Two Paragraphs?

If you have two paragraphs, the first one will be labeled as Body Text 1 and the second one as Body Text 2.

Adjust Block Settings

!! What are Blocks?

You will notice that some Sections contain Blocks. These are used to organize a List or Series of Items (like images, logos, links, etc.) Blocks keep items Evenly Distributed. When you add or delete a block, Bildhive will Automatically Redistribute the items. Depending on the template you choose, you can add a Limited Number of blocks to a layout. If you need to have more control over how to distribute the series of items, select a Section Template that does not contain blocks.The following are some common Block Settings to guide you if the section you selected contains Blocks:

34. Block Settings

  1. In the Section’s List, select Blocks 

  2. A list of Menus appears, each containing the Settings for an Item on the List

  3. To Adjust an item, click Menu to Display its Settings 

  4. Depending on their use, the Settings can be very different, 

  5. When the items in the Block are linked, you need to specify the Type of Link, whether it is a section of the page, a different page within the microsite, or an external link, as well as the Text Label and Pages to which the item links 

  6. Some Types of Blocks can include Header and Body Text

35. Remove a Block

  1. To Remove a block from the layout, open the Block Settings

  2. Click on the Menu of the block that you want to Remove

  3. Scroll Down to the bottom of the Block Settings and click Remove Block

  4. Confirm Remove Block

36. Add a Block

  1. To Add a block, open Block Settings

  2. At the Bottom of the list, click Add Menu

  3. A new Menu will appear in the Block List and a Block will be added to the Layout

Adjust CTA Settings

Some pages contain CTA’s (Calls to Action). These are Prompts to encourage the user to Take certain Actions. The following are some common CTA Settings to guide you if the section you selected contains one.

  1. Inside the CTA Settings, locate the Link Type Field

  2. Click on the Dropdown Menu to specify whether you want your CTA Button to link to an External Link, a Section in the Page, or a Different Page

  3. You will have to enter the External Link URL, select a Section from the Dropdown 

  4. If you need to link it to an Internal Page and you already have that page configured, just go to the Select a Page dropdown and select the Page

  5. If you have not created the page, yet, follow these steps to Create the Page First, then, go back to the CTA Settings and select the Page from the Select a Page dropdown 

38. Text Label

  1. Inside the CTA Settings, locate the Text Label field 

  2. Enter the Text you want to appear in your Button

39. Define Button Colors (Text, Background, Border and Hover)

  1. Inside the CTA Settings, locate the Color Circle you want to Adjust 

  2. In the color Pop-up, move the Slider to change the color Range

  3. Select a color or Enter the Hex or RGB code

  4. Click Out of the color Pop-up

40. Create a Transparent CTA Button

  1. Inside the CTA Settings, locate the Button Background Color Circle and Select it

  2. In the color Pop-up, move the Opacity Slider to the Left

41. Define Button Height, Length, Radius, Border Thickness

  1. Inside the CTA Settings, Scroll Down to locate the Slider of the Parameter you want to define and Adjust as needed 

Adjust Social Media Settings

If the section you selected contains Social Media elements, these are some common Settings.

  1. Scroll down the Settings List, locate the Social Settings Section and Select it

  2. Enter the Social Text, if any

  3. Insert an ImageAlt Text, and Valid social Links for each one of your social Media Platforms

Add, Replace, Remove and Delete Sections

43. Add a New Section to a Page

  1. To Add a Section to a Page, go to the Page Sections List and select the Page you want to add a section to

  2.  At the end of the List of Sections in the Page, click Add Section 

  3. The Add Secion pop-up opens

  4. On the Left Navigation Bar of the Add Section Pop-Up, select the Type of Section you want to insert 

  5. Once you select the Type of Section, a series of Options is presented

  6. From the Options presented, Select the one you need

  7. Once the new Section is Placed in your template, its Settings Drawer Opens

  8. This allows you to Make the necessary Edits to the newly placed section, including changing its name

  9. The new section will be Placed at the Bottom of the Body Section

  10. To Move the Section, Close the Settings Drawer

  11. Locate the Section you want to Move 

  12. Click on the Three Bars to the right of the section and  Drag it Up to the right Spot

!!  It is NOT Possible to Add Sections to the Header or the Footer of the Template. However, you can Make Adjustments to the existing ones or replace them with a Different Option. 

44. List of the Types of Sections you can Add in Low Rise Projects

Name of Section

Low Rise Projects




Saved Sections








Appointment Booking




Banner Image
























Error 404




Event Booking




















Home Model




































Single Model




Site Plan














Restricted to Home Page and Thank You Page

It is not possible to insert sections for Home Models, Site Plans, and Blogs.

45. List of the Types of Sections that you can Add in High Rise Projects

Name of Section

High Rise Projects




Saved Sections








Appointment Booking




Banner Image




























Error 404




Event Booking






























































Restricted to Home Page and Thank You Page

It is not possible to insert sections for either Condo Units or Blogs.

46. Replace a Section on a Page

  1. Open the Page that contains the Section

  2. On the Sections List, scroll to the Section you want to Replace and Select it

  3. Scroll to the Bottom of the Section’s Editing Panel and click Replace

  4. The Replace Section Pop-Up opens

  5. On the Left Navigation Bar of the Replace Section Pop-Up, select the Type of Section you want to insert 

  6. From the Options presented, Click the one you prefer

  7. When the new section comes in, its Settings Drawer is Open

  8. This allows you to Make the necessary Edits to the newly Replaced section, including changing its name 

!!  It is Possible to Replace both the Header and the Footer.

47. Remove or Delete a Section from a Page

  1. Select the Page that contains the Section you want to Remove

  2. The Sections List opens

  3. From the Sections List, scroll to the Section you want to Remove and Select it

  4. The section’s Editing Panel opens

  5. Scroll to the Bottom of the Section’s Editing Panel and click Remove

  6. In the Remove This Section Pop-Up, confirm Remove

!!  It is NOT Possible to Remove or Delete sections from the Header or the Footer of the Template, but it is possible to adjust them or replace them.

48. Save a Section

  1. To Save a section with its Settings, open the Page that contains the section

  2. The page’s Sections List opens up

  3. Scroll to the Section you want to Save and Select it

  4. Scroll to the Bottom of the Section’s Editing Panel and click Save (disk icon)

  5. In the Save This Section, enter a Name 

  6. Click the Checkmark 

  7. To close the Pop-Up, click Outside of it

!! After you save a section, it can be used on any site within the same project.

49. Insert a Saved Section

  1. To Insert your saved section into the Template, open the Page Sections List

  2. In the Page Sections List, scroll down to find the Add Section button 

  3. Click on it

  4. On the Left Navigation Bar of the Add Section Pop-Up, select Saved

  5. Find the Section and Select it

  6. The new Section will be Added to the End of the list

  7. Drag and Drop it into its Right Spot on the layout

Chapter 2 – Add New Sections and Pages to Your Site

Insert An Appointment Booking Section

!!  About Bildhive’s Appointment Booking Widget 

You can Add the Appointment Booking Widget to your Website or Landing page so that Prospects or Customers can Book Appointments directly from there. To use this functionality, you must First Define the Meeting Parameters in the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) app and then Link it to the Appointment Booking Section.

50. Select the Appointment Booking Widget from the Sections List

  1. At the bottom of the Editing Panel, click Add Section

  2. In the Add Section Pop-up, scroll down the Navigation Menu till you see Appointment Booking

  3. Select it

  4. Click the Image of the Appointment Booking Widget to add it to your Template

  5. When the new section Comes In, its Settings Drawer is Open

  1. From the Dropdown, select the Instance or Project you want Linked to the Appointment Booking Widget

  2. Adjust the General Settings

  3. In the Text Settings section, enter Header, Duration, and Time Texts

  4. If you need to make Adjustments to the Primary, Secondary, or Text Color, open the Color Settings

52. Preview your Appointment Booking Calendar

  1. To Preview the Booking Calendar, go to the Top Bar and Save your Template

  2. Then, to the Left of the Save Button, click Preview to open a preview of your website

  3. Once the Preview opens, open the Page where you placed your Calendar and Locate it 

  4. To open Appointment Options for a date, Click the Date in the Calendar

  5. Once it opens, check the Types of Meeting buttons (Phone Meeting, Virtual Meeting, Sales Center Meeting) at the top of the Calendar

  6. Check the How Long Do You Need (Time Duration) options

  7. Check the Time Zones Options

  8. Check the Available Time Options 

  9. To Edit the FontHeadlines, or Colors, go back to the Appointment Section of your Template and make the necessary Adjustments

  10. To change the Types of Meetings offered, Meeting Duration, or Available Time Slots, open the Content Asset Management App and make the necessary adjustments there

!!  Is There a Meeting Type Option that You Don't See? 

Meeting Type option does NOT Appear in the Appointment Booking Calendar if NO Reps Selected to offer that type of meeting. For example, if no rep selected to offer Sales Center Meetings, you wouldn't see that option on the Booking Calendar.


!!  You can only Insert Amenity Maps configured with Bildhive’s Amenity Map Configurator.

53. Select an Amenity Map Section from the Sections List

  1. At the bottom of the Editing Panel, click Add Section

  2. In the Add Section Pop-up, scroll down the Navigation Menu till you see Amenities

  3. Select it

  4. From the Options presented, Select the option you Prefer

  5. When the new section comes in, its Settings Drawer is Open

54. Select the Instance or Project from which to Pull Data

  1. From the Dropdown, select the Project from which you want to Pull the Amenities Data

55. Define the Amenity Map Section’s General Settings

56. Define the Placement of the Legend (Category Position)

  1. From the dropdown, select if you want the Categories List to be placed to the Left or the Right of the Map

57. Define the Colors for the Legend (Categories List)

  1. To adjust the Category Text ColorCategory Highlight Text Color, and the Background Color for the Category List, click the Color Circle you want to adjust 

  2. In the color Pop-up, move the Slider to change the color Range

  3. Select a color swatch or Enter the Hex or RGB code

  4. Click Out of the color Pop-up

Insert A Site Plan Section

!!  You can only Insert Site Plans configured with Bildhive’s Site Plan Configurator.

58. Select Site Plan from the Sections List

  1. At the bottom of the Editing Panel, click Add Section

  2. In the Add Section Pop-up, scroll down the Navigation Menu till you see Site Plan

  3. Select it

  4. From the Options presented, Select the option you Prefer

  5. When the new section comes in, its Settings Drawer is Open

59. Select the Instance or Project from which to Pull Data

  1. Scroll Down and, Locate the Site Plan Settings and Open them 

  2. From the Choose Instance to Pull Site Plan Data dropdown, select the Instance or Project from which you want to Pull the Site Plan Data

  3. Repeat this every time the Site Plan is Updated or if you Replace it with a different Option from the Sections List

60. Choose the Tags you Would like to Show in the Map

  1. Click the Dropdown Menu to display the available Tags added when the Site Plan was configured

  2. Select All the tags that Apply

  3. To Delete a Tag, click the X next to it

61. Load Master Plan as Well?

  1. Select Yes to Load the Master Plan of this Community, otherwise, select No

!!  What is the difference Between a Site Plan and a Master Plan?

 Site Plan shows a Close-up View of the area where the lots are located in a community so that the user can see the Details. A Master Plan shows a Zoomed-out View of an area around the community that can include previous or future phases, main roads, etc. Loading the two maps allows the user to Toggle between the two views. The Master Plan is configured using the Master Plan Configurator.

!!  If you select Site Plan 2, it offers you the Option to Add a Link below the Map. This link can be used for many things, for example, to open a new tab where you can Download the Site Plan

  1. Open the Site Plan Settings

  2. In the Site Plan Link Label field, enter the Label you want to add to the Link, for example, Download Site Plan

  3. To enter the Site Plan Link, click on the Site Plan Image in the Editing Panel to open your Media Library

  4. Find the Folder that contains the Site Plan Image

  5. Select the Image

  6. On the Right side of the screen, a Thumbnail of the image is displayed

  7. Hover on the image to open the Actions Menu

  8. Click the Link Icon

  9. On the File Link pop-up, click the Link Icon to Copy the link to your Clipboard

  10. Close the Media Library 

  11. Find the Site Plan Link field in the Editing Panel and Paste the Link

  12. If you Do Not Want To Add Link, simply leave the Site Plan Link Label field Empty

63. Make the Site Plan Interactive or Static

  1. By default, the site plan is set to be Interactive, to make it Static, open the Site Plan Settings

  2. Scroll down to the Static Site Plan slider and slide it to the RIGHT 

!! You can’t see the Lot Details when you click on a Lot?

Check that your Static Site Plan slider is off (slider button should be on the left side), this functionality is only Available on Site Plans that are set to be Interactive.

64. Unit Container Position –Interactive Plans Only


On Interactive Site Plans, you can display a list of the Available Homes. To access the list, the user must go to the Site Plan Menu and click on the House Icon. The homes are set to display inside a container on the Right of the Site Plan. To change the settings so the list displays to the Left or the Bottom, follow the steps below.

  1. To Change the Position to the left or the bottomclick on the Unit Container Position dropdown and select Left or Bottom

!! This function is NOT available on static site plans, so the Home Icon will NOT appear on the Menu.

65. Sort Home Models inside the Unit Container –Interactive Plans Only

  1. To sort the list of Home Models inside the Unit Container by Alphabetical Order, Price, or Sq. Ft., scroll to the Sort Home Models sectionclick on the Dropdown and Select an option

  2. To View the list, go to the Site Plan, locate the Menu at top of the Site Plan, and click the Home Icon

66. Hide Status Dots, Activate Pulsating Dots

  1. Dot is Automatically Displayed on a Lot when its Status Changes from available to sold, hold, sold conditional, etc.

  2. To Hide the Dots, open the Site Plan Settings scroll down to the Hide Dots Slider and move it to the RIGHT

  3. By default, the Status Dots are set not to Pulsate (increase and decrease in size)

  4. To make the dots Pulsate, move the Pulsate Dots slider to the Right

67. Enable Pop-Up Mode and Premium Information –Interactive Plans Only

  1. On interactive Site Plans, Slide the Enable Popup Mode slider to the Right so that Lot Details, including the models that fit on it, pop-up when you roll over a lot

  2. To Enable Pop-Up Mode for Model Details, slide the slider to the Right 

  3. To Include Premiums in the Lot Details, slide the Show Lot Premiums slider to the Right

!! This function is NOT available on static site plans, so the Model Details Pop-Up will NOT appear on the Menu.

68. Select your Hide Lot Color and Legend Divider Color

  1. To adjust the Hide Color and the Divider Color, click on the Color Circle 

  2. In the color Pop-up, move the Slider to change the color Range, select a color or Enter the Hex or RGB code

  3. Click Out of the color Pop-up

!!  What is the Hide Color?

When a Filter is selected, this is the color of the Overlay that covers Non-Applicable Lots. For example, when a filter is applied to display only Hold lots, all other lots are Covered with the Hide Color.

!!  What is the Divider Color?

The Divider Color applies only to Builder Group Site Plans. It defines the Color of the Line that Separates the Home Type selector from the Builder selector.

69. Preview your Site Plan

  1. To Preview your site plan, go to the top of the screen, Save your work, then, to the Left click Preview

  2. Preview of your website opens in a New Tab

  3. Navigate to the page where your Site Plan is located and scroll down until you find it

  4. Locate the small Menu, and click the Plus Sign to zoom in

  5. Select 1:1 to View the Entire Plan

  6. Select the House Icon to open the Unit Container and view a list of the Home Models 

  7. Close the Tab when you are done

!!  Does your Interactive Site Plan have Empty Squares on the Site Plan Legend?

Empty or White Squares on a legend mean colors weren’t assigned to Lot Types during configuration. Fix it in the Site Plan Configurator. Follow these steps –Assign Colors to the Lot Type. 

Insert A Section To Show The Home Models On A Low Rise Project


To show the home models, you need to add two different sections:

The Home Models Section, which displays thumbnails of all the Home Models in the Community and a Model Details Page which displays the elevations and all floorplans for each Home Model. In order to populate your website with all this information, you need to enter it first using the Home Model Configurator.

70. Select a Home Model Option from the Sections List

  1. At the bottom of the Editing Panel, click Add Section

  2. In the Add Section Pop-up, scroll down the Navigation Menu till you see Home Model

  3. Select it

  4. From the Options presented, Select the option you Prefer

  5. When the new section comes in, its Settings Drawer is Open

!!  Did your Home Models Not Come In?

In order to populate your Home Models Section with all its information, you must FIRST Choose the Instance (or project) that contains the Data.

71. Choose Instance(s) or Project(s) from which to Pull Home Model Data

  1. Open the Model Settings

  2. Under Choose instance(s) to Pull Home Model Data, click Instance

  3. Locate the Choose Instance to Pull Models Dropdown and Click

  4. From the Dropdown, select an Instance

  5. If desired, enter a Label for the Instance

  6. Once you select the instance, the Home Models Populate the Section

  7. To Add an Additional Instance, click Add Instance and Repeat the process

72. Define the General Settings of the Home Model Section

  1. Select a Background Color and or Image

  2. Enter Padding and Margins

  3. To show All Home Models, Only Standing Inventory Models, or Non Standing Inventory Models, select an Option from the Filter Home Models dropdown

  4. To Organize the homes by Alphabetical Order, Number of Beds, Price Point, Size (frontage), Square Footage, or None, choose an option from the Sort Home Models dropdown.

  5. To Enable users to Filter homes by Frontage, slide the Filter by Frontage Slider to the Right

73. Define the Header Settings

  1. Define the Heading Level for SEO and Assistive Technologies purposes

  2. Define Header TextSize and Color

74. Define the Call to Action Settings

  1. These include the Call to Action Label and Color

  2. The Labels appear Below each Home Model and Clicking them Takes the User to the Model’s Detail Page 

75. Define the Model Settings and Show/Hide Price, Beds, Baths, etc

  1. Slide the sliders to the Right if you want to show the Price, Bed(s), Bath(s), Sq. Ft, etc

  2. Define the Model Label, Model Header, and Model Body Font Sizes by selecting XS, Small, Medium, Large, XL, or XXL

  3. Define Model Label, Model Header and Model Body Font Colors by clicking the color Circles, adjusting the Settings in the In the color Pop-up, and Clicking Out of the Pop-up

76. Insert a Section to Show Only ONE Home

  1.  To insert a section showcasing only One Home Model, please select the Single Model Widget from the Sections List

Enable The Model Details Page

!! You can only insert this section into Low Rise projects.

When you create a Microsite using Bildhive, the Model Details Page is automatically added. This page is locked and will not be visible if no Home Model Information is entered. However, if you are adding Home Model information, you need to add the Model Details Section to the Page. There are two sections that can be added:

  • The Exterior Rendering and Information Section (Model Details 1)

  • The Floorplan Section (Model Details 2)

77. Insert the Exterior Rendering Section

  1. From the Right Hand Navigation Bar, open the Page Menu 

  2. Select Model Details, this Opens the Model Details Sections List

  3. At the Top of the List, click on the Model To Preview dropdown and Select Model to serve as a Sample

  4. Go to the Bottom of the Sections List and click Add Section

  5. In the Add Section Pop-up, scroll down the Navigation Menu till you see Model Details

  6. Select it

  7. From the options that display, Select the Option with the Rendering

  8. The Rendering Option will be Inserted into the Layout 

  9. Adjust the different Settings as needed

78. Insert the Floorplan Details Section

  1. To insert the Floorplan Details section, Close the Model Details section to go back to the Sections List

  2. Scroll down and click Add Section

  3. In the Add Section Pop-up, scroll down the Navigation Menu till you see Model Details

  4. Select it

  5. From the options that display, Select the Option with the Floorplan

  6. The Floorplan Option will be Inserted into the Layout

  7. Adjust the different Settings as needed

  8. The Floorplans for the selected Model will appear in the Layout

  9. To Preview your Models, go to the right navigation bar and select Pages>Home Page. Then, at the top, click Preview

  10. To Navigate between floorplans, click the Floor Tabs at the Top

!! Do you Need to Change a Rendering or Adjust the Details of a Model?

The Details that appear below the rendering are the Details you entered in the Home Model Configurator for this Model and Elevation.To Replace the image or make any changes to the information, you will need to use the Home Model Configurator. 

!! TIP:  If you wish to See the Adjustments you made, go to the right navigation bar and select Pages>Home Page. Then, at the top, click Preview. If you want to Share the Preview Link with a client, Copy the New Preview Link. Please DO NOT use a Previous preview link as it will not reflect the changes.

Insert A Section To Show Condo Units

!! You can only insert this section into High Rise projects.

To show the Condo Suites, you need to add two different sections:

The Suites Section, which lists all the Suites in the Condo and a Suites Details Page which shows floorplan, floorplate and details of each Suite. In order to populate your website with all this information, you need to enter it first using the Condo Unit Configurator and the Condo Grid Configurator.

79. Select the Condo Section from the Sections List

  1. At the bottom of the Editing Panel, click Add Section

  2. In the Add Section Pop-up, scroll down the Navigation Menu till you see Condo

  3. Select it

  4. From the Options presented, Select the option you Prefer

  5. When the new section comes in, its Settings Drawer is Open

!!  Is the Condo Section Empty?

In order to Populate your Condo Section with its information, you must FIRST Choose the Instance (or project) that contains the Data.

80. Choose the Instance or Project from which to Pull the Condo Units Data

  1. Open the Condo Settings

  2. Locate the Choose instance to Pull  Condo Data dropdown and Click

  3. From the Dropdown, select an Instance

  4. Once you select the instance, the Suites Populate the Section

  5. Depending on the Option that you Selected, you will need to Define the rest of the Condo Settings 

  6. For options that show the Units in a Condo Grid, these options can include: Filters, Status Color Overlay, Status Dots, Pulsating Status Dots, Showing Premiums and selecting the Color to Cover the Units when filters are applied

  7. For options that show the Units as a List, the options can include: Show Available Only, selecting the Columns that appear in the List, selecting the Fields that appear in the Unit Detail Page, defining the Style and Colors of the Dropdown

81. Define the General Settings of the Condo Units Section

  1. Select a Background Color and or Image

  2. Enter Padding and Margins

82. Define the Header Settings

  1. Define the Heading Level for SEO and Assistive Technologies purposes

  2. Define Header TextSize and Color

  1. Enter the Text

  2. Define the Font Size

  3. Define the Color

84. Define the Color Settings (If Applicable)

  1. Define the Color for the Price Slider

  2. Define the Color for the Price Slider Handle (the Dots in the Slider)

85. Define the Call to Action Settings for the Condo Units Page and the Unit Detail Page

  1. These include the Link Type, Text Labels, and the Page where the link should take you to

!! The Condo Unit Details appear as a pop-up window. 

The Call to Action Settings are the ONLY Place you can Adjust the pop-up. To preview the pop-up you must FIRST set up your Navigation Menu

Insert A Form or Survey Section

!!  The Website Builder is used to Lay Out and Style forms and surveys. To incorporate a Form or Survey Section into your website, you must first configure the Templates using the  Forms & Surveys Configurator. 

86. Select a Form or Survey Section from the Sections List

  1. At the bottom of the Editing Panel, click Add Section

  2. In the Add Section Pop-up, scroll down the Navigation Menu till you see Form

  3. Select it

  4. From the Options presented, Select the option you Prefer

  5. When the new section comes in, its Settings Drawer is Open

  6. Then, scroll down to the Choose a form/survey field, and from the dropdown, follow these steps to Select a Template 

87. Choose the Template for your Form or Survey

  1. Click General Settings

  2. Scroll down to the Choose a Form/Survey field

  3. Click the Dropdown

  4. Locate the Form Template of your choice

  5. Select it

  6. Once you Select the Template, the Template Fields are Imported into the Form

  7. To Redirect the user to a particular Page (for example, a Thank You page) once the form is Submitted, slide the Redirect or Submit? slider to the Right

  8. Then, from the Choose Page to Redirect To dropdown,  Select the Page you want them to be redirected to (for example, a Thank You Page)

  9. Continue Adjusting the Layout, Text and Color Settings as needed

!!  You must first Add the Page so that it appears in the dropdown.

To add a page to the Website, follow These Steps, and then choose it from the dropdown menu under Choose Page to Redirect To.

88. Create a Thank You Page

  1. Go to the Right Navigation Bar and click the Page icon to open the Pages Menu

  2. Scroll to the Bottom of the list and click Add Page 

  3. Enter a Name* for the page and copy a Header Style *

  4. Click Ok

  5. Go back to the Pages Menu and Select the Page you just created to open it’s sections list

  6. Locate Add Section below the Header, click it

  7. In the Add Section Pop-up, scroll down the Navigation Menu till you see Content

  8. Select it

  9. From the Options presented, Select the layout you Prefer

  10. When the new section comes in, its Settings Drawer is Open

  11. Stylize the page

Activate reCaptcha  on your Form

89. Introduction to Google reCAPTCHA:

reCAPTCHA is a free service you can use to protect your site from spam and abuse. It uses technology to distinguish between bots and humans and allow only REAL PEOPLE to submit forms.

To set up reCaptcha, use the Form & Survey Configurator.

90. Check if reCaptcha is Working

  1. To Confirm if reCaptcha is workingopen the Website Configurator and select the Site where the Form or Survey Resides

  2. Click Preview and Navigate to the Form or Survey

  3. The "Are you a Bot" field should be Visible at the bottom of the form if reCaptcha is working

!!  You can’t see the ‘Are you a Bot Field’?

Open the Form & Survey Configurator to check the reCaptcha settings. Or contact support@bildhive.com. 

Insert An FAQ Section

91. Introduction:

In order to add an FAQ section to your website, follow these three steps: 

  • Step 1: select the FAQ Section 

  • Step 2: Enter the Information you wish to appear in the FAQ section, including the Categories, the Questions and Answers 

  • Step 3: Adjust the Layout of the FAQ section

92. Step 1 –Select an FAQ Section from the Sections List

  1. At the bottom of the Editing Panel, click Add Section

  2. In the Add Section Pop-up, scroll down the Navigation Menu till you see FAQ

  3. Select it

  4. From the Options presented, Select the option you Prefer

  5. When the new section comes in, its Settings Drawer is Open

93. Step 2 –Add, Edit, and Remove FAQ Categories, Questions, and Answers

  1. To Add a New Category, go to the FAQ Items section and click Add Category

  2. Select New Category then enter the Category Name

  3. To Add a New Category, click Add Category 

  4. Once the Categories have been added, add the FAQ Items or questions that belong to each Category

  5. In the Categories Dropdown, select all the Categories under which this item will fall

  6. Enter a Title for the FAQ Item or the Question

  7. Enter the Body Text for the FAQ Item or Answer to the question

  8. Repeat these steps to add all your categories and questions

  9. To Remove a Category, open the Category, and click Remove Category

  10. To Remove a Question, scroll down to FAQ Items, locate the Question you want to Remove, open it and click Remove Item

94. Step 3 –Adjust the Layout of the FAQ Section

  1. Once you finish entering the Categories and Items, adjust the rest of the settings

Insert A Video

95. Select a Video Section from the Sections List

  1. At the bottom of the Editing Panel, click Add Section

  2. In the Add Section Pop-up, scroll down the Navigation Menu till you see Video

  3. Select it

  4. From the Options presented, Select the option you Prefer

  5. When the new section comes in, its Settings Drawer is Open

  6. Once the video section is inDefine the Video Settings

96. Define the Video Settings

  1. Click the Video Settings section

  2. To Select a Video, click the Video field

  3. This opens your Media Library

  4. Select an .MP4 Video File

!! About Uploading to the Media Library: 

If you have not uploaded the videos to your Media Library yet, you can upload them now using the Content Asset Management System (CAMS). If you don’t know how to upload to the Content Asset Management System (CAMS), please Follow These Steps. For Optimal Performance, please follow our Asset Preparation Guidelines when preparing your assets.

!! About File Formats and Folders: 

Different Sections in the Bildhive Platform require you to upload files in Specific Formats. When a section requires an .MP4 Format, only those Folders Containing videos in this format will be Displayed on the left-hand navigation bar. If the section requires pdf format, then only the Folders that Contain pdfs will be Displayed when accessing the Media Library from that Specific Section of the platform.

!! Heads-Up. Only MP4 Files will be accepted.

97. Place a Placeholder or Cover Image for the Video

  1. To place a Placeholder Image, locate the Placeholder Video Image field, click, and select an image from your Media Library

!! About Uploading to the Media Library: 

If you have not uploaded the videos to your Media Library yet, you can upload them now using the Content Asset Management System (CAMS). If you don’t know how to upload to the Content Asset Management System (CAMS), please Follow These Steps. For Optimal Performance, please follow our Asset Preparation Guidelines when preparing your assets.

!! About File Formats and Folders: 

Different Sections in the Bildhive Platform require you to upload files in Specific Formats. When a section requires a JPEG or PNG Format, only those Folders Containing images in this format will be Displayed on the left-hand navigation bar. If the section requires pdf format, then only the Folders that Contain pdfs will be Displayed when accessing the Media Library from that Specific Section of the platform.

Insert A Blog - Step 1: Create your Blog Posts

98. Introduction:

Blogs have two components: the Blog Section, which displays Highlights of your latest posts and provides links to them, and the Blog Detail Page, which contains the actual Blog Post (each post has its own detail page). 

To add a Blog to your site, you must take these steps: 

  • Select a Blog Section 

  • Enter, Adjust, and Publish the Content of your Blog Post

  • Customize the Layout of a Blog Post by Adjusting the Settings on the Blog's Detail Page

  • Adjust the Look and Feel of the Blog Section

99. Select a Blog Section from the Sections List

  1. To insert a Blog Section in a page, select the Pages Menu from the right Navigation Bar

  2. Select the Page where you want to insert the Blog section 

  3. Go to the bottom of the Sections Editing Panel and click Add Section

  4. In the Add Section Pop-up, scroll down the Navigation Menu till you see Blog

  5. Select it

  6. From the Options presented, Select the option you Prefer

  7. Insert a Cover Image for the Blog section and Adjust the Style of the section 

  8. To add your first blog, go to the Right Navigation Panel and select Blog Posts (paper and pencil icon)

!!  Now you are ready to Enter the Contents of the Blog Post 

100. Create, Adjust, and Publish a Blog Post

  1. To Enter the contents of a Blog Post, go to the Right Hand Navigation Bar and click the Pencil and Paper icon to open your Blog Posts List 

  2. Click Add Blog

  3. The Add New Blog drawer will Open

  4. Add a Title for your Blog Post, a Summary and the Content

  5. From the Status Dropdown, select Draft or Published and a Date

  6. For SEO purposes, enter the Site Title and the Site Description 

  7. Once all the information is in, at the Top Left, click Done and, from the dropdown, select Save, Save and Close, or Discard Changes 

!! You can't find your blog post in the Blog Section?  

For a Blog Post to be Listed in the Blog Section, it needs to be Published first. 

!! Where do the Site Title and Site Description Appear?

These will be shown as the Title and Description when you do a Google Search. They do not need to be the same as the Blog Post Title or Summary.

101. Stylize the Layout and Look of the Detail Page of a Blog Post

  1. To stylize how your Blog Post looks, go to the Right Navigation Bar and select Pages (page icon)

  2. From the Pages Menu, select Blog Details

  3. This opens the Blog Details Sections list

  4. Select the Blog Post you want to stylize

  5. Adjust the General Settings, including how many blogs to show, Text SettingsBlog Settings, and CTA Settings

  6. To Adjust a Blog Post, go to the Right Navigation Bar, select Blog Posts, then click on the Post you wish to edit and make the edits    

!!  About the Layout of the Blog Detail Page

The Layout of the Blog Detail Page is defined by Default, but you can Adjust the Settings and/or add New Sections (or widgets). Alternatively, you can go to the Sections List, click Add Section, from the Sections Menu, select Blog Details, and Choose a Different Layout.

Insert A Blog - Step 2: Stylize The Appearance of the Blog Section

102. Stylize the Appearance of the Blog Section on the page

  1. To Stylize the appearance of your Blog Section, select the Page where your Blog section is Located

  2. Then, from the Right Hand Navigation Bar select Page Sections (list icon)

  3. When the Sections List opens, Scroll down and select Blog to open the Blog Section Editing Panel

  4. Adjust the General, Header, Blog, and CTA Settings 

Add a Broker Portal on a Microsite

103. Introduction:

When you create a Microsite using Bildhive, the Broker Portal Page is automatically added. This page is locked and will not be visible if you do not add the Broker Portal to the Menu Items.

Broker Portals have two components. The Login Section and the Broker Portal Page

To activate the default Broker Portal to your microsite, you must take these steps: 

!!   Is the Login section on the same page as your other Broker Portal sections?

Don't worry. Although the login appears at the top of the Broker Portal Page on the Website Builder, once the site is published, it will appear on a separate page.

104. Configure the Broker Portal Login Page

  1. To open the Broker Portal Login section, go to the Right Navigation Bar and select the Pages Menu, then select the Broker Portal Page

  2. On the Sections List, select the Login Section 

  3. In the Login Editing Panel, Adjust the Login Settings, including adding a Password and Unique Identifier

  4. Now you are ready to Start Adding Sections to your Broker Portal Page

!! The login ensures secure access, restricting entry to those with the correct password. 

!!  Do you want to give your users access to multiple portals? 

Simply COPY / PASTE the password into all the login widgets (or sections) of the portals. This allows the users to Log In Once and Access ALL Portals.

If, on the other hand, you want Each Portal to be accessible to Different Groups, you must create a Unique Identifier for Each one.

105. Add Sections to Your Broker Portal Page

  1. To start adding Sections open the Section’s List, scroll to the bottom of the Sections List in the Broker Portal Page and click Add Section

  2. In the Add Section Pop-up, scroll down the Navigation Menu till you see the First Section you want to Add, maybe a Banner Image

  3. From the Options presented, Select the option you Prefer

  4. When the banner section comes in, its Settings Drawer is Open

  5. In its Settings Editing Panel, make the necessary adjustments

  6. To add your Next Section, go back to the Sections List and at the bottomselect Add Section

  7. In the Add Section Pop-up, scroll down the Navigation Menu till you see the Next Section you want to Add

106. Configure the Broker Portal Login Page

  1. Once the Login section comes in, the editing Panel is open

  2. Adjust the Login Settings, including adding a Password and Unique Identifier

!! The login ensures secure access, restricting entry to those with the correct password. 

107. Insert a Section for Downloadable Assets

  1. To add a section where the user can Download Assets

  2. Click Add Section

  3. In the Add Section Pop-up, scroll down the Navigation Menu till you see Content

  4. Select it and scroll down the options rolling over them to see the names

  5. Once you find Content 49, Select it 

  6. In its Settings Editing Panel, start by adding Categories, for example, Marketing Assets or Floorplans

  7. And then add Items to each category, for example, add Logo Package to the Marketing Assets Category and different floor plan packages to the Floorplan category

  8. Define the link information per item 

  9. Once you define all your Categories and Items, then adjust the Look and Feel of the Portal by adjusting the GeneralTabItem and CTA Settings

  10. Then, continue Adding Sections as you need them

  11. Save your work

Add One or More Broker Portals to a Static Site or Add Extra ones to a Microsite

108. Introduction:

To integrate Broker Portals into a Static Site or add extra ones to a Microsite, follow these two steps: 

  • Create the Broker Portal Page 

  • And Insert and Configure the Login Section 

!! The login ensures secure access, restricting entry to those with the correct password. 

109. Add a Broker Portal Page

  1. Start by going to the right navigation bar and selecting Pages

  2. At the bottom of the list click Add Page

  3. Enter a Name 

  4. Select a Header to copy from

110. Add the Login Section

  1. Click on the Page you just created, and, below the Header click Add Section

  2. From the Section’s List, select Login

  3. Once the Login section comes in, the editing Panel is open

  4. Adjust the Login Settings, including adding a Password and Unique Identifier

  5. Once you add a Password, the Page appears locked on the Pages Menu

!! The login ensures secure access, restricting entry to only those with the correct password. 

!! What is the Unique Identifier used for?

The Unique Identifier can be used if you have multiple login sections so that the users only need to enter their password once. Copy/ Paste the Password into each of the Unique Identifier fields.

If you are working on a Corporate Website with several developments, you can create a Broker Portal page for each one of them and use different Unique Identifiers for each one of the Portals.

You can do the same with Group Projects that house more than one builder.

111. Insert a Section for Downloadable Assets

  1. To add a section where the user can Download Assets

  2. Click Add Section

  3. In the Add Section Pop-up, scroll down the Navigation Menu till you see Content

  4. Select it and scroll down the options rolling over them to see the names

  5. Once you find Content 49, Select it 

  6. In its Settings Editing Panel, start by adding Categories, for example, Marketing Assets or Floorplans

  7. And then add Items to each category, for example, add Logo Package to the Marketing Assets Category and different floor plan packages to the Floorplan category

  8. Define the link information per item 

  9. Once you define all your Categories and Items, then adjust the Look and Feel of the Portal by adjusting the GeneralTabItem and CTA Settings

  10. Then, continue Adding Sections as you need them

  11. Save your work

112. Add the Rest of the Sections to your Portal Page

  1. To open the Section’s List, scroll to the bottom of the Sections List in the Broker Portal Page and click Add Section

  2. In the Add Section Pop-up, scroll down the Navigation Menu till you see the First Section you want to Add

  3. Adjust its Settings and continue adding sections

Insert a Padding Section


The Padding Section lets you add space between sections on a page.

113. Insert a Padding Section

  1. To insert a Padding Section, go to the Right Navigation Bar and select the Page where you want to Add Space

  2. Scroll to the Bottom of the Section’s List and click Add Section

  3. In the Add Section Pop-up, scroll down the Navigation Menu till you see Padding 

  4. Select it

  5. Then, from the Main Stage, click the Padding Option

  6. When the new section comes in, its Settings Drawer is Open

  7. You can Add an Image and Adjust Settings like Background Color, adjust Vertical Padding to make the space Taller or Shorter, add Vertical Margins, etc.

114. Move the Padding Section Where you Need it

  1. At the top of the Padding Section’s Editing Panel, click the Back Arrow to go to the Sections List

  2. Scroll Down until you locate the Padding Section

  3. To the Right of the Section, find the Three Horizontal Lines

  4. Click the lines, Drag the Padding Section up, and Drop it at the right spot

Insert an IFrame Section


An iFrame or Inline Frame, is a section where you can embed the Resimo Real Estate 3D Apartment sales application, videos or 3-D walkthroughs of homes

115. Insert an IFrame Section

  1. To insert an IFrame Section, go to the Right Navigation Bar and select the Page where you want to insert it

  2. Scroll to the Bottom of the Section’s List and click Add Section

  3. In the Add Section Pop-up, scroll down the Navigation Menu till you see IFrame 

  4. Select it

  5. Then, from the Main Stage, click the IFrame Option

  6. When the new section comes in, its Settings Drawer is Open

  7. Add an Image and Adjust settings

  8. In the URL section, enter the URL of your 3D Application, ask your Provider for it

  9. For more Information, contact support@bildhive.com

Insert a Features and Brick Package Section

116. Insert a Features Section or Brick Package Section

  1. To insert a Section to Showcase Features or Brick Packages, go to the Right Navigation Bar and select the Page where you want to insert the section

  2. Scroll to the Bottom of the Section’s List and click Add Section

  3. In the Add Section Pop-up, scroll down the Navigation Menu till you see Features 

  4. Select it

  5. From the Options presented, Select one

  6. When the new section comes in, its Settings Drawer is Open

  7. From the Choose Instance to Pull Features Data dropdown, select an Instance

!!  Did you Get a ‘No Features Found’ Notification?

 In order to Populate your website with this information, you need to enter it first using the Features Configurator.

Insert a PDF Flip Book Section

117. Insert a Section for a Flip Book

  1. To insert a section where you can showcase an Electronic Book that can be Flipped throughgo to the Navigation Bar and select the Page where you want to Insert the section

  2. Scroll to the Bottom of the Section’s List and click Add Section

  3. In the Add Section Pop-up, scroll down the Navigation Menu till you see PDF 

  4. Select it and click on the Option Presented to Generate the Online Viewer

  5. Select one

  6. When the new section comes in, its Settings Drawer is Open

  7. Find the Image Field, and add a Cover image for the Book

  8. Find the PDF field and add the PDF of the Book

Insert A New Page, Edit, Duplicate, or Delete An Existing Page

Info: To insert a New Page, you must do it from the Pages List. To Open the Pages List, go to the Right Hand Navigation Bar and select Pages (page icon). 

!!  Each page should have a UNIQUE name.

118. Insert a New Page

  1. From the Right Hand Navigation Bar, select the Page Icon to open the Pages Menu

  2. At the bottom of the Pages Menu, click Add Page 

  3. In the Pop-up, enter a Page Name *

  4. From the Dropdown, select a Page to copy the Header and Footer from *

  5. Click Ok

Mandatory fields.

!!  By Default, all Microsites include these pages: 

  • Homepage 

  • Blog Details Page   **

  • Model Details Page  **

  • Broker Portal   **

**These pages are LOCKED and CAN’T BE DELETED. However, If you DO NOT ADD     INFORMATION to these pages, they will NOT BE VISIBLE in the published website. 

!!  By Default, all LANDING PAGES include these pages: 

  • Homepage 

  • Thank You Page 

!!  By Default, all STATIC PAGES include these pages: 

  • Homepage 

119. Edit a Page

  1. To Edit a page, click the Pages from the Right Hand Navigation Bar

  2. Roll over the page you want to Edit 

  3. Click the Three-dot Action Menu located to the right

  4. From the Dropdown select Edit Page

  5. From the Editing Panel, select the Section you need to edit

  6. Make the edits and Save

120. Set a Page as the Home Page

  1. To Set a Page as the Home Page, open the Page Menu from the Right Hand Navigation Bar 

  2. Roll over the Page you want to set as Home Page

  3. Click the Three-dot Action Menu located to the right 

  4. From the Dropdown select Set as Home

  5. Click Okay

121. Duplicate a Page

  1. To Duplicate Page, open the Page Menu from the Right Hand Navigation Bar 

  2. Roll-over the Page you want to Duplicate

  3. Click the Three-dot Action Menu located to the right

  4. From the Dropdown select Duplicate

!!  Your site will be Saved before Duplicating a Page. The new page will be added at the Bottom of the List

122. Delete a Page

!!  The Blog Details and Model Details pages are LOCKED and CAN’T BE DELETED. However, If you DO NOT ADD INFORMATION to these pages, they will NOT BE VISIBLE in the published website. 

  1. To Delete Page, open the Page Menu from the Right Hand Navigation Bar 

  2. Roll-over the Page you want to Delete

  3. Click the Three-dot Action Menu located to the right

  4. From the Dropdown select Delete

  5. Confirm Delete

123. Edit the Page TItle and other General Settings of a Page

Info: The General Settings of a Page include the Title, the Slug and the option to
show / hide the 
Header and or Footer.

  1. To Edit the Settings of a Page, open the Page Menu from the Right Hand Navigation Bar 

  2. Roll-over the Page you want to Edit

  3. Click the Three-dot Action Menu located to the right

  4. From the Dropdown select Settings

  5. The General settings Tab is open by Default 

  6. Adjust the Name of the Page (the slug will be automatically generated)

  7. Show or Hide Header and Footer

!! Heads up: Don’t mix up the process of defining Page Settings (described above) with Project Settings (described here: Set and Adjust the Navigation, SEO, Analytics and Other Project Settings)

124. Edit the SEO Settings of a Page

Info: The SEO Settings of a Page include The Page Description and the option to Disable the SEO Index

  1. To Edit the Settings of a Page, open the Page Menu from the Right Hand Navigation Bar 

  2. Roll-over the Page you want to Edit

  3. Click the Three-dot Action Menu located to the right

  4. From the Dropdown select Settings

  5. At the Top of the Pop-up, select the SEO Tab 

  6. Add a page Description

  7. To Disable the SEO Index, slide the button to the Right

!! A green checkmark next to the Page title indicates the name is Unique 

and no other page shares that Title.

!! Heads up: Don’t mix up the process of defining Page SEO Settings (described above) with Project SEO Settings (described here: Set and Adjust the Navigation, SEO, Analytics and Other Project Settings).

Chapter 3 – Set and Adjust the Navigation, SEO, Analytics and other Project Settings

Define / Adjust The Project Settings

Intro: The Project Settings are the general Site Settings, which include:

  • SEO Settings

  • Navigation Menu

  • Logo Settings & Site Title *

  • Colors *

  • Typography *

  • Legal Settings

  • Analytics / Trackers

 These Settings are defined when you Configure the site for the First Time, but any subsequent Changes must be made from the Project Settings.

125. Access the Project Settings Menu

  1. Go to the Right Hand Navigation Bar

  2. Select Settings (gear icon) to display the Project Settings Menu

  3. From the Project Settings Menu, select the Setting you want to Adjust/ Define

126. Project SEO Settings

  1. To Set-up your SEO Settings ,go to the Right Navigation Bar and select Settings (gear icon)

  2. From the Project Settings Menu, select the SEO Settings

  3. Review the Site Title

Info: This is the Title that will appear in Search Engine Results 
or on the 

  1. Upload a Social Share Image

Info: Social Networks display your Social Sharing Image along with your SEO Title and Description. If you don’t add a social sharing image, we’ll use your Social Sharing Logo or Site Logo instead.

  1. Manage Redirects

Info: This is an Advanced Setting to Prevent SEO Duplicate Errors with Redirects ( 301 and canonical links ).

 Set Up the Navigation Menu

Info:  In order for your Site to have a navigation menu you MUST do two things:

127. Do This To Replace Your Header Section If It Doesn't Have a Navigation Menu

  1. From the Right Navigation Menu, select Page Sections (list icon)

  2. From the Sections Menu, select Header

  3. At the Bottom of the Header Settings List, select Replace

  4. In the Replace Header Pop-up, select a Widget that has a Navigation Menu

!!  Your Navigation Menu will NOT be Visible until you Configure it.

128. Do This to Make the Header Follow the User When Scrolling

  1. To make a Header Static, so that it scrolls with the user, click on the Header to Open the Header Editing Panel

  2. Open the General Settings, find the Slider called Fixed Header and slide it to the Right

129. Configure Your Navigation Menu

  1. To Set Up your Navigation Menu, go to the Right Navigation Bar and select Settings (gear icon)

  2. From the Settings List, select Navigation Menu

  3. In the Navigation Menus Editing Panel, click Add Menu Item

  4. In the Add Menu Pop-up, enter Menu Name

  5. Slide the Link or Button Slider to define if you want to have the menu item as a link or as a Button

  6. From the Menu Type Dropdown, select if you want the Menu Item to Link to a Page Within the website or to an External Page

  7. From the Choose a Page dropdown, Select a Page or Enter the URL of the External Page that you want the item to link to

  8. Repeat the process with All the Menu Items

  9. Once you have all your items, you can Edit, Delete, or Drag and Drop them into the Order you want

  10. To Drag an item, grab it from the three lines on the right

!!   Your Navigation Menu should now be Visible.

130. Stylize Your Navigation Menu

  1. To Stylize your Navigation Menu, go to the Right Navigation Bar and Select Pages (page icon)

  2. From the Page Menuselect Home Page 

  3. From the Sections List, select Header

  4. On the Header Editing Panel, adjust the Settings

  5. To Adjust the Colors of the Menu, open the CTA Settings 

Logo Settings

131. Replace Site Logo and /or Site Title

  1. To Replace the Site Logos or Change the Title of the Site, go to the Right Navigation Bar and select Settings (gear icon)
  2. From the Settings List, select Logos Settings
  3. Make the necessary Adjustments


132. Adjust Site Colors

  1. To Adjust or Change the Colors used in the Site, go to the Right Navigation Bar and select Settings (gear icon)

  2. From the Settings List, select Color 

  3. Make the necessary Adjustments


133. Adjust Site Typography

  1. To Adjust or Change the Typography used in the Site, go to the Right Navigation Bar and select Settings (gear icon)

  2. From the Settings List, select Typography 

  3. Make the necessary Adjustments

Advanced (Scripts CSS)

134. For Users who want to enter their own custom script

  1. Advanced scripts are used in conjunction with the Custom HTML widget

!! For more information, contact support@bildhive.com

Legal Settings

135. Enter or Adjust the Privacy Policy

  1. To Enter the Policy, go to the Right Navigation Bar and select Settings (gear icon)

  2. From the Settings List, select Legal Settings 

  3. Click Edit Content

  4. Enter the Terms & Conditions

  5. Stylize the Text or add a Link

  6. Click OK

!!  You don’t see the Privacy Policy?

Follow these steps to activate it and make it visible.

136. Enter or Adjust the Terms & Conditions

  1. To Enter the Terms & Conditions, go to the Right Navigation Bar and select Settings (gear icon)

  2. From the Settings List, select Legal Settings 

  3. Click Edit Content

  4. Enter the Terms & Conditions

  5. Stylize the Text or add a Link

  6. Click OK

!!  You don’t see the Terms and Conditions?

Follow these steps to activate them and make them visible. 

137. Activate the Terms and Conditions and/ or Privacy Policy

  1. To make the Terms and Conditions visiblego to the Right Navigation Bar and select Pages (gear icon)

  2. From the Pages Menu, select Home Page 

  3. On the Home Page Sections List, select Footer

  4. Open General Settings, scroll downlocate the Show Privacy Policy slider, and slide it to the Right

  5. To activate the Terms and Conditions, locate the Show Terms and Conditions slider, and slide it to the Right

  6. Privacy Policy and Terms should appear as Links on the Footer of the page, and the text will appear as a Pop-Up when the links are clicked

Analytics and Trackers

138. Enable Google Analytics

  1. To Enable Google Analytics, go to the Right Navigation Bar and select Settings (gear icon)

  2. From the Settings List, select Analytics/Trackers 

  3. Slide the Google Analytics Enable slider to the Right

  4. Enter the GTag/ GTM code(s)

  5. If Multiple, separate the codes by a Comma

!!  Good News. You do not need to do any coding to enable Google Analytics.

By inserting the ID code(s), Bildhive automatically inserts a script that analyzes/tracks website activity, enabling analytics/tracking with No Coding Required. 

!!  Go to your Google Tag Manager to get the Codes.

139. Enable Facebook Pixel

  1. To Enable Facebook Pixel, go to the Right Navigation Bar and select Settings (gear icon)

  2. From the Settings List, select Analytics/Trackers 

  3. Slide the Facebook Pixel Enable slider to the Right

  4. Enter the Pixel ID 

!!  Good News. You do not need to do any coding to measure the Effectiveness of your Advertising.

By inserting the Pixel ID, Bildhive automatically embeds a script to measure the effectiveness of your advertising through insights into visitor actions on your website. No Coding Required.

!!  Want to know how to get your Pixel ID?

  • Log in to Facebook and go to your Ads Manager account.

  • Open the Navigation Bar and select Events Manager.

  • Copy your Pixel ID from underneath your Site Name and paste it in Bildhive.

Chapter 4 - Edit and Navigate The Sites You’ve Created

View and Edit your Microsites, Landing Pages, Static Projects, and Published Projects

140. Introduction to the Main Navigation Bar:

In addition to your Settings, the Main Navigation Bar allows you to navigate to the following Lists:

  • All Projects

  • Microsites

  • Landing Pages

  • Static Projects

  • Published

!! If you are on the Edit Screen, just click the X to the right of the Top Bar.

141. Preview, Rename, Edit, Duplicate Export to Project, Delete a Site

  1. To take any of these Actions, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select an Option

  2. Locate the Project you are interested in and on the Bottom Right of the project Card, find the Three-Dot Action Menu

  3. Click on the Menu and Select the Action you want to take

!! Under Published, you can see the live sites. 

Green URL indicates the site is Connected as opposed to Not Connected.

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