FSC - Configure a Form or a Survey Using the Forms and Surveys Configurator

Modified on Mon, 5 Aug at 2:39 AM


Use this application to Create Form/Survey templates by defining the FIELDS you want to appear in them. Then push the Forms/Surveys to be served from your landing pages, websites, or directly at the points of sale.

!!  You can’t Layout or Stylize your Form/Survey with the Forms and Surveys Configurator (FSC). You do this with the Website & Landing Page Builder (WLPB) and the Touchscreen Builder (TB) -if included in your package-.

!! Heads-Up 

Our Table of Contents links might occasionally land you Just Below The Target Section. If this happens, a Simple Scroll Up to the Previous Section will get you right where you need to be.


Get Started

1. Launch the Forms and Surveys Configurator (FSC)

  1. Go to the project’s Workplace
  2. Under Project Configuration, find the Forms & Surveys Configurator (FSC) and Select it

Create a Form or Survey

2. Name, Define, and Save your Form or Survey

  1. Once the Configurator opens, go to the Top Right of the screen and click Add Form/Survey

  2. In the Add New Form/Survey pop-up, enter the Name* of your Form/Survey 

  3. From the Type dropdown, select Web Form or Survey

  4. Click Create

  5. Once the New Form opens in the Main Stage, go to the Top Right of the screen and, click Save

3. Enter the Template Information

  1. General Information- Enter a Title for the form and  

  2. If you have created your Groups, select one from the Dropdown Menu

  3. If you Haven’t Created your groups, follow these steps: 

  4. Fields - Edit or Hide the default fields: Email*, Name, Address, Phone Number, Are you a Realtor?

*Mandatory Field.

!! Do you want to make changes to the Fields?

You can either Reorder the fields, Edit them, Delete them, Create New Ones, or Leave the Default Fields as they are. Follow These Steps:

4. Select, Reorder, and Hide Fields in your Form/Survey Template

  1. To Select a field in the template, just Roll Over it

  2. To Change the Order of a field, grab the field and Drag and Drop it into a new spot

  3. To Hide a field, first Select the field you want to hide, then at the Top of the field, Click the Eye Icon

  4. To Bring Back a field, just Click the Eye Icon again

!! Why are the Hidden Fields Still There?

Hidden Field will appear GRAYED OUT in your Template, but WON’T Appear on your Form.

!! Why Can’t You Hide the Email Field?

The Email Field is Locked because it is Mandatory.

!! Didn’t find the Field you Need?

If you need to Add a Field that is Not Included in the Default Fields

Follow These Steps:

Open the Edit Fields Panel

5. Open the Edit Panel Directly from the Field in the Template

  1. To Edit a field, you must first open the Edit Field Panel of that field

  2. To Open the Edit Field Panel of a field from the Template, go to the Template and Roll-Over or Select the field that you want to Edit 

  3. At the Top of the field Click the Pencil Icon

  4. On the Right-Hand side of your screen, the Edit Field Panel opens

  5. Make the necessary Changes, close the panel, and click Save 

!! Check the Main Stage at the Center of the Screen.

The Changes you are making are immediately Reflected in the Template.

6. Open the Edit Field Panel from the Right Navigation Bar

  1. Look to the Far Right of the Screen and locate the Right Side Navigation Bar 

  2. It is a Narrow Bar that consists of a Series of Icons 

  3. Each Icon Represents a Field in the form

  4. To Edit a Field, select it from the Right Navigation Bar

  5. This field's Edit Panel opens

  6. Make the necessary Changes, close the panel, and click Save 

!! Check the Main Stage at the Center of the Screen.

The Changes you are making are immediately Reflected in the Template.

Edit Default Fields

7. Introduction to the General Settings

There are Two Sections in the Edit Field Panel: General Settings and Field Specific Settings. General Settings define the field's general characteristics. This includes, among other things, Field LabelsPlaceholders, and the option to make the field a Required one.

8. Change the Labels of the Fields in your Template

  1. To change the Label of a field, open the Edit Field Panel of the field you want to adjust, go to the Field Label section and enter a new Label

!! What is a Label?

It is the Name that appears on top of a field.

!! Look to the Center of the Screen.

The Changes you are making are immediately Reflected in the Template.

9. Enter a Placeholder Text

  1. To add a Placeholder Text to a fieldopen the Edit Field Panel of the field, go to the Placeholder section, and enter the text that you want to appear in the field

!! What is a Placeholder Text?

It is a Text that appears Inside the Field and Helps the End User understand what Type of information to enter or what Format to use.

!! Check the Template in the Center of the Screen.

The Grayed-out Placeholder Text automatically appears in the field on the template.

10. Mark a Field as Required or Mandatory

  1. To make a field Mandatory, go to the Required box, located below the Field Label section, and Select it

!! Check your Template.

A red Asterisk appears next to the Label of the required field.

11. Introduction to Field-Specific Settings

Some settings are Field-Specific (meaning that they only apply to particular fields).

Field-Specific Settings allow you to manage Optional Fields, like Default ValuesName Options like Prefix, and Address Options, like Country and ZIP/ Postal Code.

12. Set Field-Specific Default Values

  1. To set a Default Value, select the Field you want to edit

  2. At the Top of the field, Click the Pencil Icon to open the Edit Field Drawer

  3. In the Edit Field Drawer, scroll down to the section labeled Field Specific

  4. Under the Field Specific Section, enter a value on the Default Value Field or select one from the Default Value Dropdown Menu.

!! What is a Default Value?

Default Value is the Sample Value that appears Inside the Text Field to guide the user.  Some Fields Don’t Accept Default Values.

13. Set Field-Specific Optional Subfields

  1. Select the Field 

  2. At the Top of the field, Click the Pencil Icon to open the Edit Field Drawer

  3. In the Edit Field Drawer, scroll down to the section labeled Field Specific

  4. Under the Field Specific Section, select the Subfields that you want to add to the field

!! Heads-Up 

 Some Fields don’t offer Optional Subfields.

Add and Edit Custom Fields

14. Discover the Options for Custom Field 

  • Header Fields 

Use these to divide the form/survey into sections.

  • Text Input Fields

Use these fields when you require the end user to Write a Message.  

  • Number Input Fields

You should use these fields if you need your user to enter a number. You can define Minimum and Maximum values. You can also specify the number of Digits required and define a Default Value.  

  • Dropdown Lists 

These fields are useful when the end user needs to select One Option from a List. If one of the options is more common or more convenient than the others, use it as the Default Value 

  • Radio Button Lists

Use Radio Buttons when you want to emphasize the Number of Options, even though the end user can only select One.

  • Checkbox Lists

Use these to allow the end user to select Multiple Options.

  • Date/Time Components

The field provides a Calendar Pop-Up for selecting a Date. If a time needs to be selected as well, go to the Field Specific Section of the Edit Field Panel and select Enable Time 

  • File Attachment Fields

Add this field when users need to Upload Files. You can define if the end user should upload Images (jpeg or png formats) or Documents (pdf or docx formats)

  • Tag Fields

All forms and surveys are automatically tagged with a General Tag. This tag indicates that a lead came from this specific form or survey. Whenever a project has Children linked to it, the General Tag will feed both the Parent (i.e. a community) and the Children (i.e each builder participating in the community)

Besides a General Tag, you can include a Custom Tag Field in your form/survey to get a deeper understanding of your leads’ Interests/ Needs. (For example, ‘Which type of home they are interested in’)

Tagging Best Practices

  • Select Children Field (for Corporate and Parent or Group Projects)

You can configure this field to allow recipients of the form to select which child projects they are interested in. This feeds both the parent (corporate or group) project as well as the child project that was selected. You can choose to make this a Required field and to include it in the Email Notification. To have a child project appear in the list, find the project in the Editing Panel under Child Project(s) and click Active. To have the project selected as default, click Default. You can select more than one default project. When the recipient selects a project, the form will appear as the Lead Source in the CRM.

You can Hide the List from the recipients. Just find the Select Children field in the Main Stage, roll over it, and click the Eye Icon This will Hide the field from the recipients so that they can’t deselect it, but the form will Feed the Children that are selected as Default.

15. Add Custom Fields to your Form/Survey Template

  1. To Add custom fields to your template, Scroll Down the main stage to the Last field of your template

  2.  Below it, Click the Plus Icon

  3.  In the Fields Pop-up, Select the Type of field that you want to add to your template

  4. Click Create

  5. Once created, go to the Edit Field Panel to Define the Details

Open the Custom Fields Edit Panel

16. Open the Edit Field Panel Directly from the Custom Field in the Template

  1. To Edit a field, you must first open the Edit Field Panel of that field

  2. To Open the Edit Field Panel of a field from the Template, go to the Template and Roll-Over or Select the field that you want to Edit 

  3. At the Top of the field Click the Pencil Icon

  4. On the Right-Hand side of your screen, the Edit Field Panel opens

  5. Make the necessary Changes, close the panel, and click Save 

!! Check the Main Stage at the Center of the Screen.

The Changes you are making are immediately Reflected in the Template.

17. Open the Custom Fields Edit Field Panel from the Right Navigation Bar

  1. Look to the Far Right of the Screen and locate the Right Side Navigation Bar 

  2. It is a Narrow Bar that consists of a Series of Icons 

  3. Each Icon Represents a Field in the form

  4. To Edit a Field, select it from the Right Navigation Bar

  5. This field's Edit Panel opens

  6. Make the necessary Changes, close the panel, and click Save 

!! Check the Main Stage at the Center of the Screen.

The Changes you are making are immediately Reflected in the Template.

Edit Custom Fields

18. Introduction to the General Settings for Custom Fields 

There are Two Sections in the Edit Field PanelGeneral Settings and Field Specific Settings. General Settings define the field's general characteristics. This includes, among other things, Field Type Dropdown, Field LabelsPlaceholders, the option to make the field a Required one, and the option to include a field in the Email Notification.

19. Change the Custom Field Type from the Field Type Dropdown

  1. If you selected the Wrong Type of Field, use this dropdown to select the type of field you need

!! Check the Main Stage at the Center of the Screen.

The Field in the Template will immediately Change to the new one.

20. Change the Labels of the Custom Fields

  1. To change the Label of a field, open the Edit Field Panel of the field you want to adjust, go to the Field Label section and enter a new Label

!! What is a Label?

It is the Name that appears on top of a field.

!! Look to the Center of the Screen.

The Changes you are making are immediately Reflected in the Template.

21. Enter a Placeholder Text for Custom Fields

  1. To add a Placeholder Text to a fieldopen its Edit Field Panel, go to the Placeholder section, and enter the text that you want to appear in the field

!! What is a Placeholder Text?

It is a Text that appears Inside the Field and Helps the End User understand what Type of information to enter or what Format to use.

!! Check the Template in the Center of the Screen.

Once you enter it, the Grayed-out Placeholder Text automatically appears in the field on the template.

22. Mark a Custom Field as Required or Mandatory

  1. To make a field Mandatory, go to the Required box, located below the Field Label section, and Select it

!! Check your Template.

A red Asterisk appears next to the Label of the required field.

23. Include the Data from this Field in the Email Notification

  1. To Include the answers to Custom Fields in the Submission Notification Email, scroll down to the Include Email Notification field, located below the Required field, and Select it

!! What is the Submission Notification Email?

When a user fills out a form or survey, the Admin Team receives an Email containing the Answers the user Provided in the Default Fields

Select Include in Email Notification if you want the Answers to Custom Fields included as well.

24. Introduction to the Specific Settings for Custom Fields

  1. Some settings are Field-Specific (meaning that they only apply to particular fields)

  2. Field-Specific Settings allow you to manage Optional Fields, like Default Values; Name Options, like PrefixAddress Options, like Country and ZIP/ Postal Code

25. Set Field-Specific Default Values for Custom Fields

  1. To set a Default Value, select the Field 

  2. At the Top of the field, Click the Pencil Icon to open the Edit Field Drawer

  3. In the Edit Field Drawer, scroll down to the section labeled Field Specific

  4. Under the Field Specific Section, enter a value on the Default Value Field or select one from the Default Value Dropdown Menu.

!! What is a Default Value?

Default Value is the Sample Value that appears Inside the Text Field to guide the user.  Some Fields Don’t Accept Default Values.

26. Duplicate Custom Fields

  1. To Duplicate a Custom Field, find the field you want to duplicate

  2. Rollover it and, to the Right, click on the Duplicate icon

!! You can ONLY Duplicate Custom Fields, not Default Fields.

The Customer Relationship Set-Up Section

(Tagging, Autoresponder, Thank You Message, and Consent Forms)

27. Introduction to the Customer Relationship Set-Up Section

In this section, you enable and define Functionalities that will impact your Customer Relations Management, including:

  • Applying Tags to registrants to be able to Track them 

  • Adding an Autoresponder Email to be triggered when a Form/ Survey is Submitted

  • Selecting the Admin people who will be Notified when a form/survey is submitted

  • Selecting the Email Address that you want the Autoresponder Email to come from

  • Labeling the Submit Button

  • Configuring the Thank You Message that appears when the form/survey is submitted

  • Enabling the Consent Form functionality

28. Locate the Customer Relationship Set-Up Section

  1. Open a Template

  2. Find the Center Stage, directly to the Right of the Template is the Customer Relationship Set-Up Section

29. Assign Tags to Track Registrants and Manage them as Leads in the CRM

  1. To Assign a Tag, and identify where the Lead Originated, find the Customer Relationship section to the Right of the Main Stage 

  2. At the Top of the Section, locate the Apply Tags to Registrants field 

  3. Click inside the field to open the Dropdown and Select a Tag

  4. The Lead will have this Tag Attached to their Information and will be listed in the Tag column of the Lead List in your CRM App

  5. If you don’t apply a tag, it will be listed as None 

!! Would you like to add a Tag Option, Edit it or Delete a Tag?

Use the Customer Relationship Management App.  Follow These Steps.

!! TIP. Follow these Tagging Best Practices.

30. Enable an Autoresponder to be Triggered when the Form/ Survey is Completed

  1. To configure an Autoresponder to be sent once the Form/Survey is Submitted, find the Customer Relationship section to the Right of the Main Stage and locate the Autoresponder Section

  2. In the Autoresponder Subject Line field, enter a Subject Line for the Autoresponder

  3. From the Select an Autoresponder Template dropdown, select a Template

  4. From the Select a Sender Email Address dropdown, select a Sender Email Address

  5. If you do not Select a Sender, the email will be Sent from Bildhive’s Default Email (info@bildhive.com)

!!  You don’t see any Templates in the Dropdown?

The Select an Autoresponder Template dropdown remains empty until you create a Template. To do this, use the Broadcast Email Builder (BEB)Continue preparing your Form/Survey and then, once you create a Template, return to this section and select it.

!! Autoresponders are not Mandatory. 

The Thank You Message will appear whether or not there is an Autoresponder.

31. Define the Admin People who will be Notified Via Email when Forms/Surveys are Submitted

  1. To select the Team Members, find the Customer Relationship section to the Right of the Main Stage 

  2. Scroll down to the Submission Notification Section

  3. Click inside the Field to display the dropdown, and Select all the Team Members who need to be Notified 

  4. The Notification informs the Team whether the Lead is a New Lead, which Form or Survey it belongs to (if a tag was enabled), and which Project it belongs to.

!! It is important to consider this if you have a Group or Corporate Project.

In a Group or Corporate project, the Submission Notification Dropdown list also Includes team members from the Individual Builders in the Group Project or Individual Communities in the Corporate Project, so they can be notified when forms/surveys are submitted. 

32. Add a Label to the Submit Button

  1. To add a Label to the Submit Button, find the Customer Relationship section to the Right of the Main Stage

  2. Scroll down to the Submit Button section and enter the Text that you want to appear in your Submit Button

33. Enter a Thank You Message

  1. To enter a Thank You Message, find the Customer Relationship section to the Right of the Main Stage

  2. Scroll down to the Thank You Message field and enter a Headline for your Message

  3. Then, in the Text Field, enter the Message 

!!  When does the Thank you Message Appear?

The Thank You Message appears once the Form or Survey has been Submitted, regardless of whether an autoresponder has been set up.

  1. To Enable the Consent Form, find the Customer Relationship section to the Right of the Main Stage

  2. Scroll down to the Consent Section and Slide the Enabled? button to the right

  3. If you want, you can adjust the Text for the Consent Form

  4. To Hide the Consent Form, slide the button to the Left

  1. To Enable the SMS Consent Form, find the Customer Relationship section to the Right of the Main Stage

  2. Scroll down to the SMS Consent Section and Slide the Enabled? button to the right

  3. To Hide the Consent Form, slide the button to the Left

!! By submitting the SMS Consent form and signing up for texts,

 the prospective buyer Consents to Receive Marketing Text Messages from your company at the number provided. Msg & data rates may apply.

Save and Preview a Template

36. Save your Template

  1. At the Top Right of the screen, click Save

  2. The Form or Survey you just created is then listed in the All Form/Survey Templates list

37. Preview your Form/Survey Template

  1. To Review your form, once you Save it, go to the Top Right, and Click Preview

  2. You can Toggle between Previewing and Editing 

!! Is Data Collected when I Preview a Form?

The Form you see in the Preview is Not a Real Form and No Data is Collected.

The Templates List

38. Introduction to the Forms and Surveys Template List

  1. This is a list of the Forms and Surveys Templates that have been saved

  2. You can see the following Information about each template:

  • Name of the Form/Survey

  • Group that this form belongs to

  • Number of Entries (number of forms that have been submitted) 

  • Last Entry Added

  • Date Created 

  • Actions Menu for this template where you can select to Preview, Edit, Duplicate a Form/Survey, View a Report, Download a CSV file, Export to Project, and Delete a Template

!! About Grouping your forms:

To keep your forms organized, you can assign a group to each form indicating what development, form, etc. it came from. You can filter your forms by groups. To define the groups follow these steps: Add a Group. To assign a group to a form, follow these steps:

39. Open your Templates List

  1. To access a list of all your Forms and Surveys, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select All Form/Survey Templates

  2. You can also select to view a list of Forms, Surveys, Walk-Ins, or Worksheet Templates

 40Preview, Edit, Duplicate, View Report, Download CSV, Export to Project, and Delete a Template from the Forms and Surveys List

  1. To Access any of the actions in the Actions Menu, find the template you want to edit 

  2. To the Right of the Row, under the Actions columnfind the Three-Dot Action Menu and select an Action

!! How does Export to Project do?

Clicking Export to Project copies this template to your chosen project.

General Settings - Google reCAPTCHA

Introduction to Google ReCAPTCHA: 

Google reCAPTCHA is an effective spam-resistant security measure for Bildhive websites that filters out bots but lets REAL PEOPLE submit forms.

When reCAPTCHA is applied to a form, users MUST confirm that they are not BOTS, in order to submit it.

!!  Fun Fact. The CAPTCHA in reCAPTCHA stands for 

Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart.

41. Generate your reCaptcha Site Key and Secret Key

  1. Sign in to your Google Account then Go to https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin

  2. In the Label field, enter a Label for your Project

  3. In the reCAPTCHA type sectionselect Challenge(v2) then, from the Submenu, select Invisible reCAPTCHA badge

  4. In the Domain Section, Click and enter your website’s Domain

  5. In the Google Platform section, if you have not used Google Cloud before, enter a Name for your Project

  6. If you have, Select a Project from the Dropdown

  7. Scroll down and click Submit 

  8. Google will Generate your Secure and Secret Keys and You will be Redirected to the Adding reCAPTCHA to Your Site page where you can see both your Site Key and Secret Key

  9. DO NOT CLOSE THE PAGE until you Copy and Paste BOTH KEYS into the Settings of your Bildhive Form

42. Paste your reCaptcha Site and Secret Keys into the Settings of your Bildhive Form

  1. Open the Form and Survey Configurator andon the Left Navigation Bar, click Settings

  2. Under General Settings, select reCAPTCHA

  3. Go to the Adding reCAPTCHA to Your Site on Google, copy the Site Key and paste it into the Site Key Field of your Form and Survey Settings

  4. Do the same with the Secret Key and click Save

!!  Good News! These keys work for the All of the Forms and Surveys that use this Domain.

43. Where to find the Site Key and Secure Keys on the reCAPTCHA website

  1. If you need to Locate your reCAPTCHA Keys again, visit https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin

  2. At the Top Left of the screen, Confirm you are in the right Project or click the Expand Arrow to Select another one

  3. Then, at the Right of the screen, click the Settings Icon

  4. Scroll Down the settings page, and Locate the reCAPTCHA Keys heading 

  5. Find the Expand Arrow next to the heading and Click it, to Display the Site and Secret Keys 

44. Check if the reCAPTCHA is Working

  1. To Confirm if the reCaptcha is workingopen the Website Configurator and select the Site where the Form or Survey Resides

  2. Click Preview and Navigate the Form or Surrvey

  3. The reCaptcha “Are you a Bot” field should be Visible at the bottom of the form

General Settings - Groups

45. Create a New Group

  1. Open the Form and Survey Configurator andon the Left Navigation Bar, click Settings

  2. Under General Settings, select Groups

  3. At the Bottom of the Groups fieldclick Add Group

  4. In the Add New Group Pop-Up enter a Name

  5. Click Create

  6. The new group appears on the Group Dropdown of the Template’s General Information Section

46. Edit a Group’s Name or Delete a Group

  1. Open the Form and Survey Configurator andon the Left Navigation Bar, click Settings

  2. Under General Settings, select Groups

  3. From the Group’s list, locate the group you want to Edit or Delete

  4. To Edit the Group’s Name, click the Edit Pencil Icon, Adjust the Name and click Update

  5. The new group appears on the Group Dropdown of the Template’s General Information Section 

  6. To Delete a Group, click the Trash Can Icon and confirm Delete

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CAPTCHA verification is required.

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