CAM - Use the Content Asset Management to Upload your Assets to Bildhive

Modified on Fri, 8 Mar at 5:34 AM


The Content Asset Management (CAM) allows you to store and manage the digital assets (images, videos, animations, documents, renderings, floorplans, animations, virtual tours, price lists, brick packages, features & finishes lists, etc.) that are used within the Bildhive platform. When you upload an asset, it is stored in the project’s Media Library. With the Content Asset Management app, you can:

  • Upload files to the Media Library 

  • Store and Organize files within their project

  • Retrieve files

  • Download files

  • Share files between team members

  • Access assets Across all the Bildhive apps within the same project 

  • Publish digital files (images, videos, documents, renderings, floorplans, animations, virtual tours, price lists, etc) to your different Touchnpoints. 

!!  About Asset Preparation : 

  • Your Process will be more efficient If you Prepare your assets and Upload them to the project's Media Library Before Using an App 

  • It is always possible to upload files to the Media Library Once Inside an App 

  • For Optimal Performance, please follow our Asset Preparation Guidelines when preparing your assets

!! Heads-Up 

Our Table of Contents links might occasionally land you Just Below The Target Section. If this happens, a Simple Scroll Up to the Previous Section will get you right where you need to be.


Get Started

1. Launch the Content Asset Management App  (CAM)

  1. Select a Project

  2. Go to the project’s Workplace,

  3. Under Project Configuration, find the Content Asset Management (CAM) App and Select it

!! Remember, each Project has its Own Assets. 

Therefore, when you access the Content Asset Management App you can ONLY view the Assets Uploaded to that Specific Project (and NOT all the assets you've uploaded to Bildhive).

Upload a File or Files 

2. Step 1 -  Open the ‘Upload’ Dialogue Box

  1. To open the Upload Dialogue Box, go to the Top Right of the page, and click Upload

3. Step 2 -  Define the Folder in Which to Store the Uploaded Files

  1. At the Top Left, locate the Browse File(s) and Browse Folder buttons, and below them, find the Choose Folder section 

  2. The Name that appears inside the Field is the name of the Folder where your files will be Uploaded

  3. The Main Folder is selected by Default

  4. To choose a Different Folder, Click inside the Field to open the Folder Dropdown 

  5. If you haven’t created others, the dropdown contains only the Main Folder 

  6. To Create a New foldergo to the bottom of the list and click New Folder 

  7. In the Enter Folder Name field, type the Name you want to give the 

4. Step 3 - Select the Files to Upload

  1. Drag & Drop a file or multiple files into the Drag & Drop Frame 

  2. Or Click Browse Files to select Files directly from your computer 

  3. The files you selected are listed in the Right-Hand Column 

  4. If you mistakenly chose the Wrong File, click the Delete icon to the Right of it and select a new one

  5. Once your selected files are correct, click Upload

  6. The files are Uploaded to the Folder you created and the Folder is Listed in the Folders List on the Left Navigation Bar 

!! You can always select your files first, BUT,   

Don’t Forget to Select the Folder where you want your Files Saved, otherwise, they will be saved in the Main Folder.

!! WARNING. You can’t upload files with the same name, even if they are in different folders.

If you attempt to upload a file that already exists within a project, a warning will appear. You may choose to either Force Upload and Replace the existing file or Cancel the upload and rename the file on your desktop.

Manage your Files

5. Preview, Move, Rename, Share, Download, and Delete Files

  1. To Manage a filego to the Left Navigation Bar and Select the Folder that contains the file 

  2. The files contained in the folder are listed on the Main Stage 

  3. Locate your File 

  4. At the End of the row, under the Action column, find the Three-Dot Action Menu, and Click it 

  5. To Preview your file, select Preview 

  6. To Move a File to a different folder select Move To and choose a Folder from the dropdown menu

  7. To Change the Name of a file, select Rename and type a new name 

  8. To Share the Link with Others, select Get a Shareable Link, copy the URL of the file, and Paste it on an email or text message

  9. To Download the file, select Download 

  10. To Delete the file, select Delete and Confirm 

!!  You Can’t See Your Three-dot Action Menu?

You might need to Scroll Right.

Make Sure you Read this Before Uploading Folders

6. Simple Folders and Nested Folders / Parent, Child, and Subfolders

Intro: When uploading a folder, the Content Asset Management App creates one of three types of folders based on the assets contained therein:

  • Simple Folders are folders that contain only files

  • Parent Folders are folders that nest other folders or a combination of folders and files

  • Child Folders are folders contained inside a Parent Folder

  • The Child Folder can nest other Subfolders, and so on

7. Simple Folders - Create, Identify, and View Them

  1. When you Upload a Folder that contains Only Files (no folders), the system creates a Simple Folder 

  2. The Newly Uploaded Folder is listed on the Left Navigation Bar

  3. You can Identify Simple Folders because they DON’T have an Expand Arrow to their Left

  4. When you Select a Simple Folder on the Left Navigation Bar, its Contents are listed in the Main Stage

  5. To Upload a Simple Folder, Follow These Steps

8. Parent Folders - Create, Identify, and View Them

  1. There are two ways of creating Parent folders:

    • When you Upload a Folder housing one or more Folders (or a combination of files and folders)

    • When you Upload a Folder into an existing Simple Folder

  2. You can Identify Parent Folders by the Expand Arrow that appears on their Left

  3. Folders that reside Inside a Parent Folder are called Child Folders

  4. Parent Folders are listed on the Left Navigation Bar

  5. To display a list of the Child Folder(s) nested inside a Parent Folder, Click the Expand Arrow to its Left 

  6. If a Child Folder has an Expand Arrow, there are Subfolders nested inside

  7. To view a list of the files and folders housed in a Parent FolderSelect it on the Left Navigation Bar, the contents are, then, listed in the Main Stage 

  8. Click the following Link to learn how to Upload a Folder Containing one or more Folders 

  9. Click the following Link, to learn how to Upload a Folder into an Existing Folder

9. Child Folders - Create, Identify, and View Them 

  1. Folders that Reside Inside a Parent Folder are called Child Folders 

  2. Child Folders contain Files, Folders, or a Combination of Both

  3. To view a Child Folder, go to the Left Navigation Bar and Select the Parent Folder that Contains it, the folder is listed on the Main Stage 

  4. Or, Click the Expand Arrow to the Left of the Parent Folder to display a Submenu of the Child Folders

  5. To View the Assets inside a Child Folder, Locate It on the Main Stage and Double-click it or go to the Left Navigation Bar and Select it from the Parent Folder Submenu 

  6. An Expand Arrow to the Left of a Child Folder, indicates there are Other Folders Inside

  7. Click the Arrow to display a list of the Folders contained or Select the Child Folder to display its contents on the Main Stage

  8. Click the following Link for instructions on Uploading a Folder into an Existing Folder

  9. Click the following Link for instructions on Uploading a Folder into a Child or Subfolder 

10. Upload a Folder

  1. To upload a Folder, go to the Top Right of the page, and click Upload to open the Upload Dialogue Box 

  2. Drag & Drop Folder into the Drag & Drop Frame 

  3. Or click Browse Folder to select a Folder directly from your computer 

  4. The Files contained inside the Folder are listed in the Right-Hand Column 

  5. Click the Delete icon to the Right of any file you do not want to upload

  6. Click Upload 

  7. The system creates a New Folder with the name of the folder on your Computer

!! Heads-Up. Some Special Characters might not be Accepted as part of the name. If you get a Notification, please delete the Special Characters.

!!  Do you want to upload a Folder that contains one or more Folders?

Follow these same steps. Your New Folder will be identified as a Parent Folder. Expand it to view the Child Folders inside.

11. Upload or Nest a Folder into a Simple Folder

  1. Go to the Top Right of the page, and click Upload to open the Upload Dialogue Box 

  2. Drag & Drop Folder into the Drag & Drop Frame 

  3. Or click Browse Folder to select a Folder directly from your computer 

  4. The Files contained inside the Folder are listed in the Right-Hand Column 

  5. Click the Delete icon to the Right of any file you do not want to upload

  6. To select a folder, locate the Choose Folder field to display the List of Folders

  7. Find the Folder of your choice 

  8. Make Sure to Click the Expand Arrow to its Left, and select New Folder 

  9. Below the Choose Folder section, you will see the Parent Folder, grayed out, in the Enter Folder Name section, next to it, type the Name of the Child Folder that will house your files

  10. Click Upload

  11. On the Left Navigation Bar, you will notice that what was a Simple Folder is now a Parent Folder 

  12. Click the Expand Arrow to Display the Child Folder

!!  Oh-Oh. Is there no Expand Arrow next to the Simple Folder? 

In this case, the system uploaded the files without creating the Child Folder. The fix is easy. Simply select the Folder where the files were uploaded, then go to the Main Stage and Select all the files you want to place into a folder. At the top of the screen, click Bulk Actions to display the dropdown, and then select Move To to open the Move File dialogue box. Click inside the Choose Folder field and find the Parent FolderCLICK THE EXPAND ARROW, AND SELECT NEW FOLDER. You should see the name of the Parent Folder grayed out. To the Right of it, enter a Name for the Folder you want to nest inside the Parent Folder. Click Move.

!! Heads-Up. Some Special Characters might not be Accepted as part of the name. If you get a Notification, please delete the Special Characters

12. Upload or Nest a Folder into a Child Folder or a Subfolder

  1. Go to the Top Right of the page, and click Upload to open the Upload Pop-up 

  2. Drag & Drop Folder into the Drag & Drop Frame 

  3. Or click Browse Folder to select a Folder directly from your computer 

  4. The Files contained inside the Folder are listed in the Right-Hand Column 

  5. Click the Delete icon to the Right of any file you do not want to upload

  6. To select a folder, locate the Choose Folder field to display the List of Folders and Find the Parent Folder of your choice 

  7. Make Sure to Click the Expand Arrow to its Left, and select a Child Folder  

  8. Below the Choose Folder section, you will see the Parent Folder/Child Folder, grayed out, and, next to it, in Black the name of the Subfolder that will reside Inside the Child Folder

  9. Click Upload

  10. To view your Subfolder, go to the Left Navigation Bar, click the Expand Arrow of the Parent Folder then the Expand Arrow of the Child Folder

  11. To view a List of the Contents of the Subfolder, select it, contents are Listed in the Main Stage

!! Heads-Up. Some Special Characters might not be Accepted as part of the name. If you get a Notification, please delete the Special Characters.

13. Upload Multiple Folders at Once

  1. To upload More Than One Folder at the same time, you MUST use the Drag & Drop method

  2. Go to the Top Right of the page, and click Upload to open the Upload Dialogue Box

  3. Create a New Folder or Select an Existing One 

  4. From your Computer, select Multiple Folders and Drag & Drop them into the Drag & Drop Frame 

  5. The Files contained inside the Folder are listed in the Right-Hand Column 

  6. Click the Delete icon to the Right of any file you do not want to upload

  7. Below the Choose Folder section, you will see either the Name of the Folder if you are creating one or the Name of the Receiving Folder, grayed out

  8. Next to it, is the Name of the Folder being Uploaded, indicating that it will be placed inside the Existing Folder

  9. Click Upload

  10. On the Left Navigation Bar, an Arrow to the Right of the Existing Folder indicates that there is a Folder Contained Inside

  11. Click the Arrow to Display the Contained Folder

!!  Do you want to upload multiple folders, some of which contain other folders?

No worries, follow the same steps. New Folders that contain Folders will be identified as Parent Folders.

!! Heads-Up. Some Special Characters might not be Accepted as part of the name. If you get a Notification, please delete the Special Characters.

Upload Error Notifications and Warnings

14. “File Type is Not Supported”

This notification comes in together with the notification below

15. “File(s) will not be uploaded on upload action. Please review your file list”

When using the Bildhive Platform, it's important to upload files in the required format for each Section. If a file is uploaded in a Different or Unrecognized Format, you'll receive a Notification saying that the File Type is Not Supported or that File(s) Will Not be Uploaded on Upload Action. And you will be asked to Review your File List

You may also receive these Notifications when Uploading Folders. In case the majority of your individual files or files in a folder are in the correct format except for a few, you can simply Scroll Through the List of files to be uploaded and Remove any that Don't Meet the Format Requirements. After that, you can upload the remaining files.

16. View, Rename, and Delete Folders from the Left Navigation Bar

  1. Go to the Left Navigation Bar and Find the Folder to Rename or Delete

  2. To Rename or Delete a FolderHover over the folder, and Click the Three-Dot Action Menu that appears on the right 

  3. Select Rename and enter a New Name and Confirm

  4. Or select Delete and Confirm

  5. To Rename or Delete Child Folders and Subfolders, click the Expand Arrow to the Left of the folder containing them, then click the Three Dot Action Menu to the right of the folder you want to Delete or Rename 

!!  Are you having trouble Deleting a Folder?

     This Troubleshooting List may help:

  • You Cannot Rename or Delete the Main Folder, which always sits at the Top of the List.

  • Reload the page if a deleted folder is Still Visible in the folder list

  • Reload the page if an Empty folder still appears 

17. Preview, Rename, Download, and Delete Folders From the Three-Dot Action Menu

  1. To Manage a foldergo to the Left Navigation Bar and Select the Folder, Child Folder, or Subfolder containing the Folder of your interest

  2. On the Main StageLocate your Folder 

  3. At the End of the row, under the Action column, find the Three-Dot Action Menu, and Click it 

  4. To Preview your folder, select Preview 

  5. To Change the Name of a Folder, select Rename and type a new name 

  6. To Download the file, select Download 

  7. To Delete the file, select Delete and Confirm

!!  Are you having trouble Deleting a Folder?

     This Troubleshooting List may help:

  • You Cannot Rename or Delete the Main Folder, which always sits at the Top of the List.

  • Reload the page if a deleted folder is Still Visible in the folder list

  • Reload the page if an Empty folder still appears 

18. Move Folders - It is NOT Possible to Move Folders, BUT Here’s a Cheat

  1. Open the Folder you want to Move

  2. Select all the Files 

  3. Go to the Top of the screen and click Bulk Actions to display the dropdown

  4. Select Move To to open the Move File dialogue box

  5. Click inside the Choose Folder field and find the destination Folder of your choice 

  6. If it is a Child or Subfolder, Click the Expand Arrow, next to the Parent Folder that contains it, and Select the folder

  7. In this case, you should see the grayed-out name of the Parent Folder and, next to it,  the Name of the Destination Folder in Black

  8. Click Move

19. Share Folders - It is NOT Possible to Share Folders, BUT Here’s a Workaround

  1. Go to the Left Navigation Bar and Select the Folder that you want to share 

  2. The files contained in the folder are listed on the Main Stage 

  3. Locate the File you want to share

  4. At the End of the row, under the Action column, find the Three-Dot Action Menu, and Click it 

  5. Select Get a Shareable Link, copy the URL of the file, and Paste it on an email or text message

  6. Repeat with the rest of the Files in the folder

20. Bulk Actions - Delete or Move a Group of Files

  1. Open the Folder that contains the group of files you want to Delete or Move to a Different Folder

  2. On the Main Stage, find the Square to the Left of the files and Select them 

  3. The Bulk Actions Button pops up at the Top Right of your screen, Click it

  4. From the Dropdown menu, Select Delete or Move To 

  5. To select All the files in a folder, go to the Top of the list and Click the Square next to the word Name 

21. Bulk Actions - Delete a Group of Folders

  1. Open the Folder that contains the group of folders you want to Delete 

  2. On the Main Stage, find the Square to the Left of the folders and Select the ones you want to get rid of

  3. The Bulk Actions Button pops up at the Top Right of your screen, Click it

  4. From the Dropdown menu, Select Delete

  5. To select All the files contained in a folder, go to the Top of the list and Click the Square next to the word Name 

!!  It is not possible to move folders in Bulk.

Search Functionality

22. Search for Files

  1. At the Top of the page, find the Search Bar 

  2. Input the Name of the file

  3. It will search all Project folders, independent of which folder you are in

  4. Click on the Found File to Open it

Upload an Asset Directly From An App


The following Apps require you to Upload Assets to the Media Library:

  • Amenity  Map Configurator (AMC)

  • Home Model Configurator (HMC)

  • Site Plan Configurator (SPC)

  • Master Plan Configurator (MPC)

  • Condo Unit Configurator (CUC)

  • Condo Grid Configurator (CGC)

  • Contract Configurator (CC)

  • Features Configurator (FC)

  • Broadcast Email Builder (BEB)

  • Website & Landing Page Builder (WLPG)

  • Touchscreen Builder (TB)

  • Customer Relationship Manager (CRM)

  • Transaction Manager (TM)

When using those Apps, you will come across sections that Prompt you to Add Files or Media. An example of those prompts are +Add PDF or +Set Featured Image

Clicking those Sections will open up your Media Library. It is possible to Upload assets to your Media Library Directly from the App.

!! About File Formats and Folders: 

Different Sections in the Bildhive Platform require you to upload files in Specific Formats. When a section requires a jpeg/png Format, only those Folders Containing jpegs/pngs will be Displayed on the left-hand navigation bar. If the section requires pdf format, then only the Folders that Contain pdfs will be Displayed when accessing the Media Library from that Specific Section of the platform.

23. Access the Media Library from an App

  1. To access your Media LibraryClick the Section that prompts you to upload an Image, File, or Video 

  2. Your Media Library Pops up

24. Upload  File(s) or Folder(s)  Directly from an App

  1. Once the Media Library Opens, go to the top right-hand corner of the Media Library and click Upload 

  2. Drag & Drop a file, multiple files, folder, or multiple folders into the Drag & Drop Frame 

  3. Or Click the Browse button to select a file (or multiple files,) or folder(s) from your computer

  4. If you already have created a Folder where you want to store your files, select the folder from the Choose Folder Dropdown below the Drag & Drop frame

  5. Or click New Folder to Create a New One   

  6. In the Enter Folder Name field, type the Name of your New folder 

  7. Click Done

!!  STOP.  If you haven’t done so, read How to Upload a Folder or Folders.

!! Want to see your Files?

Launch the Content Asset Management app. The Left Navigation Bar displays a List of your Folders. Select a Folder to view its contents. Expand Folders to see their nested Folders.

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