Prepare your Assets for Upload to Bildhive

Modified on Fri, 8 Mar at 4:01 AM

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Introduction to the Assets Preparation Guidelines

1. Why Use These Guidelines?

This document describes how to prepare assets for upload to Bildhive. By following these guidelines, you will be able to:

  • Optimize the upload speed 

  • Ensure that your assets look their best in the final output (website, touchscreen, etc.). 

  • Keep the Bildhive platform running efficiently

2. Bildhive Applications that Require Media Asset Uploads

  • Content Asset Management (CAM) 

  • Amenity Map Configurator (AMC) 

  • Home Model Configurator (HMC)

  • Site Plan Configurator (SPC) 

  • Master Plan Configurator (MPC) 

  • Condo Unit Configurator (CUC) 

  • Condo Grid Configurator (CGC) 

  • Features Configurator (FC)

  • Contract Configurator (CC)

  • Website & Landing Page Builder (WLPB) 

  • Touchscreen Builder (TB) 

  • Broadcast Email Builder (BEB)

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

3. Type of Assets you typically upload to Bildhive

  • Images 

  • Videos

  • Documents

  • Renderings

  • Floor Plans

  • Animations

!!  TIP: Before using an app, prepare your assets and upload them to the Media Library using the Content Asset Management App (CAM).

  • Following this process will help you become More Efficient 

  • Of course, you can also upload files to the Media Library once you are Inside an App.

  • To Learn more about the Media Library and the Content Asset Management App (CAM) Click Here .

Sizing and Naming Your Assets

4. Bildhive File Size Rules

  1. Images like Jpegs, Pngs, Gifs, Tiffs, Webp  should NOT Exceed 15MB

  2. Documents and Miscellaneous Files should NOT Exceed 25MB

  3. Videos and Animations should NOT Exceed 250MB

 !! To Optimize or Not to Optimize, that is the Question.

  • When you upload jpegs, pngs, gifs, webps, and tiffs, Bildhive automatically Optimizes them without reducing their Quality

  • Bildhive allows you to upload Relatively Large Files, but you should be aware that Larger Files take Longer to Load, even if they look sharper

  • You can optimize your images further by running them through online optimization tools like TinyPNG, TinyJPEGSmallPDF before uploading them to Bildhive 

  • The decision comes down to Balancing Image Quality vs Loading Times

5. Naming your Assets

  1. A good rule of thumb is to Name your Assets so they can be Quickly Identified

  2. Name should tell you What an Asset is and Where it Belongs 

  3. Most Builders have their Own Naming Conventions, follow them when preparing your assets for upload to make your process More Efficient

  4. Be Consistent 

!!  STOP.  Do Not Use Special Characters in your asset Names.

Special Characters are characters that are neither a number nor a letter. Special characters include SymbolsAccent Marks, and Punctuation Marks.

Assets for The Amenity Map Configurator (AMC)

6. Prepare the Favicon

  1. Place your Logo or a simplified version of your logo inside a Square

  2. For optimal resolution, Size the square to 300 pixels x 300 pixels

  3. Save your file as either a PNG or JPEG  

  4. No larger than 200KB

!!  How are Favicons used in the Amenity Map?

The Favicon is a pointer that marks the location of your Development in the Amenity Map. You can use either the Development Logo or a Simplified Version.

7. Prepare the Category Icons

  1. Select an Icon to represent each of the Categories in the Amenity Map

  2. Place each Icon inside a Square

  3. For optimal resolution, Size the square to 300 pixels x 300 pixels

  4. Save your files as either a PNG or JPEG  

  5. No larger than 200KB

  6. Use Proper Naming Conventions

!!  Where do the Category Icons Appear?

The Website and Touchscreen display these Icons in the Amenity Map Legend and they allow you to Navigate through the different Amenity CategoriesSchoolShopping, and Services are some examples of categories.

8. Prepare the Pointer Markers for each Category

  1. Select and Colorize the Markers

  2. Place the Markers inside a Square

  3. For optimal resolution, Size the square to 300 pixels x 300 pixels

  4. Save your files as either a PNG or JPEG  

  5. No larger than 200KB

  6. Use Proper Naming Conventions

!!  Where do the Pointer Markers Appear?

Pointer Marker marks each amenity on the map.

  1. Click below, to Access the Amenity Map Configurator Instructions Manual Create an Amenity Map Using the Amenity Map Configurator (AMC)

Assets for The Home Model Configurator (HMC)

10. Collect the Model, Elevation, and Floorplan Package Information

  1. Ideally, the Builder will Provide the Information in an Excel Spreadsheet

  2. You can then enter this information Manually or you can use the Data Management functionality to Import it into Bildhive

11. Prepare the Home Model Data File for Import into Bildhive

  1. Builders have their unique approaches to Organizing data files in Excel. To ensure a Smooth Import using the Manage Data feature of the HMC, it is ADVISABLE, although NOT MANDATORY, to Structure your Excel files using the following Headers. If any of the fields do not apply, you can either DELETE them from the file or LEAVE THEM EMPTY.

  • Model Marketing Name 

  • Model Code

  • Model Frontage (digits only) 

  • Model Type (Singles, Semis, Conventional Towns, Stacked Towns, etc)

  • Standing Inventory Model? (Yes, No, 1, 0, True, False or empty)

  • Elevation Type

  • Floor Plan Name

  • Floor Plan Bathrooms

  • Floor Plan Bedrooms

  • Floor Plan Den / Library

  • Floor Plan Garages

  • Floor Plan Powder Rooms

  • Floor Plan Price (digits only)

  • Floor Plan Square Footage

  • Floor Plan Stories

  • Additional Square Feet

  • Basement Name

  • Any Custom Fields you've defined

  1. Make sure to NOT USE SPECIAL CHARACTERS, like dashes, quotation marks, etc, when filling in your data 

  2. If a field in the Excel file does not apply to the home model in question, leave it Empty 

  3. Once it is ready,  Save the Excel File as a .CSV 

!!  Here is a template you can use for your Excel file:

Data Template for Home Model Configurator (HMC)


If you need to enter a YES into a field in the Home Model Configurator, 

Fill in the Corresponding Cell in the Excel file with either Y, Yes, 1, or True

Note that an Empty Cell or any Other Value will be treated as NO.

If you require a Button to be turned ON in the Home Model Configurator, 

Fill in the Corresponding Cell in the Excel file with either Y, Yes, 1, or True

Note that an Empty Cell or any Other Value will keep the button in the OFF position.

If you require a Check Box field to be Checked in the Home Model Configurator, 

Fill in the Corresponding Cell in the Excel file with either Y, Yes, 1, or True

Note that an Empty Cell or any Other Value will keep the box Unchecked.

12. Save your Excel file as a CSV

  1. Bildhive Requires .CSV files for Data Import

  2. To save your file as a CSV, open the Excel file

  3. If you are using a Mac, go to the Top Bar and click File, then select Download, and from the Submenu, select Comma Separated File (.csv)

  4. If you are using Microsoft, switch to the File tab, then select Save As and from the dropdown select CSV Comma Delimited file

  5. Unless you specify otherwise, your file is Saved in your Downloads Folder

  6. Grab the file and Upload it to your Media Library

!! What are CSV files and why do we need them?

CSV is a comma-separated values file. These files are used to export and organize a high volume of data. It is a spreadsheet that contains a.csv extension.

  1. We suggest sizing Landscape Images to 1920 pixels at 72 dpi

  2. We suggest sizing Portrait Images to 1080 pixels at 72 dpi

  3. Preferably, Save your files as JPEG or alternatively as PNG 

  4. Optimally between 25MB, but they can go up to 15MB

  5. Use Proper Naming Conventions

!!  What is the Featured Image?

The Featured Image is used as the Thumbnail for each Model. Some builders prefer to highlight certain elevations over others, so it is advisable to let the Builder Decide which rendering should be used as each model's Featured Image.

14. Prepare Floor Plan Images ( Black Lines)

  1. Images should be sized at Landscape Images should be sized at 1920px wide at 300dpi

  2. Portrait Images should be sized at 1080 px high at 300dpi They should be no larger than 5MB (optimally up to 2MB)

  3. Use Proper Naming Conventions

  1. Prepare Gallery Images and renderings as Jpegs 

  2. Optimally between 25MB, but they can go up to 15MB

  3. For Model Home Videos, copy the URL and Paste it into the Model Home Video Field in the Media Section

  4. Videos should be no larger than 250MB

  5. For the 360 Virtual Tours, open your tour in Consultation Mode, click on the Share or Embed button and copy the Embed Code (Embed/iFrame) then open Bildhive in the Media Section of the Home Model Configurator and paste the code into the 360 Virtual Tour field

  6. Virtual Tours should be no larger than 250MB

  7. Use Proper Naming Conventions

16. Collect the Model, Elevation, and Floorplan Package Information

  1. Ideally, the Builder will Provide the Information as an Excel Spreadsheet

  2. If you did not import the data, you will have to enter this data by hand

17. Prepare the Downloadable Floor Plan Brochures

  1. Save the Floor Plans as PDFs

  2. No larger than 25MB

  3. Use Proper Naming Conventions

  1. Click below, to Access the Home Model Configurator Instructions Manual Upload the Information of Each Home Model in a Community, Using the Home Model Configurator (HMC)

Assets for the Site Plan Configurator (SPC)

19. Gather the Community’s Architectural Rules

  1. How many of the Same Home Model Elevations can be sited per a Block of 10?
  2. What is the Maximum Percentage of Occurrence of the Same Home Model Elevation in a streetscape?
  3. How many Times can the Same Home Model Elevation reoccur Side by Side?
  4. How many Lots need to be Between Identical Elevations?
  5. Can the Identical Elevations be Across from Each Other?
  6. Identify the Number of Lot Spaces required Between Identical architectural Color Packages
  7. Can Identical Architectural Color Packages be Across from Each Other?

20. Prepare the Base Map Images

  1. Remove any LogosLegends and any Status Information on Lots (i.e. SOLD, HOLD, AVAILABLE etc.) before saving your image for upload to Bildhive

  2. Make sure the North Symbol is Visible

  3. You will NOT be able to Manipulate the Maps once you’ve uploaded them to Bildhive, the image you upload will be exactly how it will appear on digital devices

  4. Save a Standard Resolution Image for Web and Mobile devices

  5. Save a High Resolution Image for Larger Formats including Touchscreens and Electronic Siteplan Tables

  6. Save Image as Jpegs (preferable) or PNG’s ( acceptable) 

  7. Size image at 3840 px x 2160 px /72 dpi for Horizontal Screens 

  8. Use 2160 px x 3840 px/72 dpi for Vertical Screens

  9. Make sure the Information on each Lot is Legible when zoomed in

  10. If the Image Appears Pixelated, use discretion to upsize the dimensions. (i.e. 1920px x2= x 1080px x2 in other words, 3840 x 2160 pixels

  11. Standard quality images should be no larger than 15MB (optimally between 2 - 5MB)

  12. High Resolution images should be no larger than 15MB

  13. Use Proper Naming Conventions

!!  Image Quality vs Loading Time. It’s Your Decision 

  • Bildhive allows you to upload Relatively Large Files, but you should be aware that Larger Files take Longer to Load, even if they look sharper

  • The decision comes down to Balancing Image Quality vs Loading Times

!!  Can I change the Base Image?

Yes. Both the Standard Quality and the High Res base images can be Changed as long as the New Image has the Same Aspect Ratio (proportion of width to height) as the old one. This ensures that the Lot Polygon Shapes created Remain on the Correct Spot.

21. Request the Siting Analysis for Lot-specific Information

  1. Builder should provide the Siting Analysis and it usually includes

  2. Which Home Models Fit each Lot

  3. Grading Information including Garage Side, Risers at Front, Risers at Garage, Risers at Rear 

  4. Lot Conditions/Premiums including Walk-out Deck, Look-out Basement, Walk-out Basement, Upgrades, etc.

22. Prepare the Lot Data File for Upload to Bildhive

  1. Builders have their unique approaches to organizing data files. To ensure a Smooth Import using the Manage Data feature of the SPC, it is ADVISABLE, although NOT MANDATORY, to Structure your Excel files using the following Headers. If any of the fields do not apply, you can either DELETE them from the file or LEAVE THEM EMPTY.

  • Lot # (numbers only)

  • Block #  (numbers only)

  • Tentative/ Firm Close Date (YYYY-MM-DD)

  • Tags  (the tags you enter will be available in the Tags dropdown list)

  • Street Number  (numbers only)

  • Street Name

  • Postal Code

  • City

  • Province

  • Short Legal Description (used for plan number)

  • Secondary Street Number

  • Secondary Street name

  • Secondary Zip/Postal Code

  • Standing Inventory Lot?

  • Any Custom Fields you've defined

  1. Make sure to NOT USE SPECIAL CHARACTERS, like dashes, quotation marks, etc, when filling in your data

  2. If a field in the Excel file does not apply to the lot in question, leave it empty 

  3. Once it is ready,  Save the Excel File as a .CSV 

!!  Here is a template you can use for your Excel file:

Data Template for Site Plan Configurator (SPC)


If you need to enter a YES into a field in the Site Plan Configurator, 

Fill in the Corresponding Cell in the Excel file with either Y, Yes, 1, or True

Note that an Empty Cell or any Other Value will be treated as NO.

If you require a Button to be turned ON in the Site Plan Configurator, 

Fill in the Corresponding Cell in the Excel file with either Y, Yes, 1, or True

Note that an Empty Cell or any Other Value will keep the button in the OFF position.

If you require a Check Box field to be Checked in the Site Plan Configurator, 

Fill in the Corresponding Cell in the Excel file with either Y, Yes, 1, or True

Note that an Empty Cell or any Other Value will keep the box Unchecked.

23. Save your Excel file as a CSV

  1. Bildhive Requires .CSV files for Data Import

  2. To save your file as a CSV, open the Excel file

  3. If you are using a Mac, go to the Top Bar and click File, then select Download, and from the Submenu, select Comma Separated File (.csv)

  4. If you are using Microsoft, switch to the File tab, then select Save As and from the dropdown select CSV Comma Delimited file

  5. Unless you specify otherwise, your file is Saved in your Downloads Folder

  6. Grab the file and Upload it to your Media Library

!! What are CSV files and why do we need them?

CSV is a comma-separated values file. These files are used to export and organize a high volume of data. It is a spreadsheet that contains a.csv extension.

  1. Click below, to Access the Site Plan Configurator Instructions Manual

Site Plan Configurator (SPC)

Assets for the Master Plan Configurator (MPC)

25. Prepare the Master Plan Base Map Images

  1. Remove any LogosLegends and any Status Information on Lots (i.e. SOLD, HOLD, AVAILABLE etc.) before saving your image for upload to Bildhive

  2. Make sure the North Symbol is Visible

  3. You will NOT be able to Manipulate the Maps once you’ve uploaded them to Bildhive, the image you upload will be exactly how it will appear on digital devices

  4. Save a Standard Resolution Image for Web and Mobile devices

  5. Save a High Resolution Image for Larger Formats including Touchscreens and Electronic Siteplan Tables

  6. Save Image as Jpegs (preferable) or PNG’s ( acceptable) 

  7. Size image at 3840 px x 2160 px /72 dpi for Horizontal Screens 

  8. Use 2160 px x 3840 px/72 dpi for Vertical Screens

  9. Make sure the Information on each Lot is Legible when zoomed in

  10. If the Image Appears Pixelated, use discretion to upsize the dimensions. (i.e. 1920px x2= x 1080px x2 in other words, 3840 x 2160 pixels

  11. Standard quality images should be no larger than 15MB (optimally between 2 - 5MB)

  12. High Resolution images should be no larger than 15MB

  13. Use Proper Naming Conventions

!!  Image Quality vs Loading Time. It’s Your Decision 

  • Bildhive allows you to upload Relatively Large Files, but you should be aware that Larger Files take Longer to Load, even if they look sharper

  • The decision comes down to Balancing Image Quality vs Loading Times

!!  Can I change the Base Image?

Yes. Both the Standard Quality and the High Res base images can be Changed as long as the New Image has the Same Aspect Ratio (proportion of width to height) as the old one. This ensures that the Lot Polygon Shapes created Remain on the Correct Spot.

  1. Centrally Manage the Lots in a Group Community Project with the Master Plan Configurator (MPC)

Assets for the Condo Unit Configurator (CUC)

27. Collect the Basic Unit information, Add-on, Premiums, Oficial and Occupancy Information 

  1. Ideally, the builder will provide the information in an Excel Spreadsheet

  2. You can then enter this information Manually or you can use the Data Management functionality to Import it into Bildhive

28. Prepare your Condo Unit Data File for Upload to Bildhive

  1. Builders have their unique approaches to organizing data files. To ensure a Smooth Import using the Manage Data feature of the CUC, it is ADVISABLE, although NOT MANDATORY, to Structure your Excel files using the following Headers. If any of the fields do not apply, you can either DELETE them from the file or LEAVE THEM EMPTY.

  • Floor 

  • Condo Type (condo unit or condo town)

  • Unit Code 

  • Unit Number 

  • Marketing Name 

  • Suffix 

  • Street Number 

  • Street Name 

  • Postal Code 

  • City 

  • Province 

  • Unit Price (digits only)

  • Interior Square Ft (digits only)

  • Exterior Square Ft (digits only)

  • Exposure ( North, South, East, West; North East, South East, North West, South West; North East South, East South West, South West North, West North East) 

  • Ceiling Height

  • Bedrooms 

  • Bathrooms (Alphanumeric, can add 0.5 for powder rooms)

  • Den

  • Garage (for Condo Towns?)

  • Max # of Parking Spots (for Condo Units)

  • Max # of Lockers

  • Max # of Bike Racks

  • Estimated Maintenance (digits only)

  • Estimated Property Tax (digits only)

  • Any Custom Fields you've defined inside the CRM

  1. Make sure not to NOT USE SPECIAL CHARACTERS, like dashes, quotation marks, etc, when filling in your data 

  2. If a field in the Excel file does not apply to the unit in question, leave it Empty 

  3. Once it is ready,  Save the Excel File as a .CSV 

!!  Here is a template you can use for your Excel file:

Data Template for Condo Unit Configurator (CUC)

29. Save your Excel file as a CSV

  1. Bildhive Requires .CSV files for Data Import

  2. To save your file as a CSV, open the Excel file

  3. If you are using a Mac, go to the Top Bar and click File, then select Download, and from the Submenu, select Comma Separated File (.csv)

  4. If you are using Microsoft, switch to the File tab, then select Save As and from the dropdown select CSV Comma Delimited file

  5. Unless you specify otherwise, your file is Saved in your Downloads Folder

  6. Grab the file and Upload it to your Media Library

!! What are CSV files and why do we need them?

CSV is a comma-separated values file. These files are used to export and organize a high volume of data. It is a spreadsheet that contains a.csv extension.

30. Prepare the Floor Plan Images (Black Lines)

  1. Landscape Images should be sized at 1920px wide at 300dpi

  2. Portrait Images should be sized at 1080 px high at 300dpi

  3. Optimally between 2 5MB, but they can go up to 15MB

  4. Select which one will be used as Thumbnail to represent the Unit

  5. Use Proper Naming Conventions

!!  Image Quality vs Loading Time. It’s Your Decision 

  • Bildhive allows you to upload Relatively Large Files, but you should be aware that Larger Files take Longer to Load, even if they look sharper

  • The decision comes down to Balancing Image Quality vs Loading Times

  1. Prepare Gallery Images and renderings as Jpegs 

  2. Optimally between 25MB, but they can go up to 15MB

  3. For Virtual Tour Videos, copy the URL and Paste it into the Virtual Tour Video Field in the Media Section

  4. Videos should be no larger than 250MB

  5. For the 360 Virtual Tours, open your tour in Consultation Mode, click on the Share or Embed button and copy the Embed Code (Embed/iFrame) then open Bildhive in the Media Section of the Home Model Configurator and paste the code into the 360 Virtual Tour field

Virtual Tours should be no larger than 250MB)

  1. Use Proper Naming Conventions

32. Prepare the Downloadable Floor Plan Brochures

  1. Save the Floor Plans as PDFs

  2. No larger than 25MB

  3. Use Proper Naming Conventions

!!  Image Quality vs Loading Time. It’s Your Decision 

  • Bildhive allows you to upload Relatively Large Files, but you should be aware that Larger Files take Longer to Load, even if they look sharper

  • The decision comes down to Balancing Image Quality vs Loading Times

  1. Click below, to Access the Condo Unit Configurator Instructions Manual

Upload Condo Unit Assets & Information using the Condo Unit Configurator

Assets for the Condo Grid Configurator (CGC)

34. Prepare the Floorplates

  1. Preferably, save the Floorplate Images as PNG or alternatively as JPEG

  2. Optimally, between 2- 5MB, but they can go up to 15MB

  3. Landscape Images should be sized at 1920px wide at 72 dpi

  4. Portrait Images should be sized at 1080 px high at 72dpi

!!  Image Quality vs Loading Time. It’s Your Decision 

  • Bildhive allows you to upload Relatively Large Files, but you should be aware that Larger Files take Longer to Load, even if they look sharper

  • The decision comes down to Balancing Image Quality vs Loading Times

35. Prepare the Condo images for the Condo Amenities section (if applicable)

  1. Prepare Images and Renderings as Jpegs 

  2. Optimally between 25MB, but they can go up to 15MB

  3. Videos should be no larger than 250MB

  4. For the 360 Virtual Tours, open your tour in Consultation Mode, click on the Share or Embed button and copy the Embed Code (Embed/iFrame) then open Bildhive in the Media Section of the Home Model Configurator and paste the code into the 360 Virtual Tour field

  5. Virtual Tours should be no larger than 250MB

  6. Use Proper Naming Conventions

  1. Click below, to Access the Condo Grid Configurator Instructions Manual

Condo Grid Configurator (CGC)

Assets for the Contract Configurator (CC)

37. Gather the Documents for the Contract and Save as PDF

  1. Gather ALL the Documents that you want Combined into your Contract Template, including Purchase Agreement, Tarion, Floor Plans, etc.

  2. Make sure your documents are Unencrypted

  3. Make sure your they do not have Dynamic Fields

  4. Save your Contract Documents as PDF

  5. Optimally, they should be between 2- 5MB, but they can go up to 15MB

  6. Once you upload your documents to the Contract Configurator, you can review or adjust the order of your pages, as well as delete pages that are not required, however You Cannot Add More Pages To An Existing Template

!If you can't get Documents that aren't Encrypted or Interactive, try this.

  • To Remove Encryption, Open the PDF in AcrobatSelect Tools > Protect > Encrypt > Remove Security

  • To remove Dynamic Fields, Open the PDF in Acrobat. Select Forms > Edit then Delete

  • There are also some Free Online Tools that remove the fields, such as AvePDF

  1. Click below, to Access the Contract Configurator Instructions Manual 

Contract Configurator

Assets for the Features Configurator (FC)

39. Prepare Thumbnail Images and Highlight Images for each Exterior Color Package

  1. Save Images as Jpegs 

  2. Optimally between 25MB, but they can go up to 15MB

  3. Use Proper Naming Conventions

!!  What is the Difference between a Thumbnail Image and a Highlight Image?

The Thumbnail images are used in the Navigation to identify each Exterior Color Package. Clicking a thumbnail, redirects you to the Exterior Package's Detail Page with its Highlight Image and information about the color package.

40. Prepare Thumbnail Images or Icons for Each Feature and Finish

  1. Save Images as Jpegs 

  2. Optimally between 25MB, but they can go up to 15MB

  3. Use Proper Naming Conventions

!! About Thumbnail Images 

Despite being Mandatory to upload a Thumbnail Image, it may or May Not Appear on the main Features & Finishes screen. This Depends on the Design Widget you choose when designing the Website and TouchscreenSome designs use ONLY TEXT to identify the different features and finishes. Others use Icons or Images. The decision is up to your team.

41. Prepare Highlight Images for the Detail Page of a Feature or Finish

  1. Save Images as Jpegs 

  2. Optimally between 25MB, but they can go up to 15MB

  3. Use Proper Naming Conventions

!!  What is the Difference between a Thumbnail Image and a Highlight Image?

The Thumbnail images are used in the Navigation to identify each Feature/Finish. Clicking a thumbnail, redirects you to the Feature or Finish Detail Page with its Highlight Image and detailed information. 

!!  Image Quality vs Loading Time. It’s Your Decision 

  • Bildhive allows you to upload Relatively Large Files, but you should be aware that Larger Files take Longer to Load, even if they look sharper

  • The decision comes down to Balancing Image Quality vs Loading Times.

  1. Click below, to Access the Features Configurator Instructions Manual 

Upload Exterior Packages & Interior Features & Finishes Lists with the Features Configurator

Assets for the Customers Relationship Management App (CRM)

When it comes to Client Relationship Management, each Builder has a particular way of organizing the files that contain their data. To ensure a Smooth Import using the Manage Data feature of the CRM, follow the instructions below. If any of the fields DO NOT APPLY, you can either DELETE them from the file or LEAVE THEM EMPTY.

43. Prepare a Lead List to Upload to Bildhive

  1. Use the following headers in your Excel File: 

  • First Name 

  • Last Name 

  • Job Title 

  • Email Address

  • Phone

  • Company

  • Lead Score

  • Source 

  • Tag

  • Address

  • City 

  • Region 

  • Country 

  • Postal Code/Zip Code

  • Lead Status

  • Description

  • And any Custom Field you've defined inside the CRM

  1. Make sure to NOT USE SPECIAL CHARACTERS, like dashes, quotation marks, etc, when filling in your data 

  2. Once it is ready,  Save the Excel File as a .CSV 

!!  Here is a sample file and a template you can use:

    Data Template for Customer Relationship Management (CRM)


If you need to enter a YES into a field in the Customer Relationship Management, 

Fill in the Corresponding Cell in the Excel file with either Y, Yes, 1, or True

Note that an Empty Cell or any Other Value will be treated as NO.

If you require a Button to be turned ON in the Customer Relationship Management, 

Fill in the Corresponding Cell in the Excel file with either Y, Yes, 1, or True

Note that an Empty Cell or any Other Value will keep the button in the OFF position.

If you require a Check Box field to be Checked in the Customer Relationship Management, 

Fill in the Corresponding Cell in the Excel file with the options you entered when you Added the Check Box Custom Field.

44. Save your Excel file as a CSV

  1. To save your file as a CSV, open the Excel file

  2. If you are using a Mac, go to the top Bar and click File, then select Download and, from the Submenu, select Comma Separated File (.csv)

  3. If you are using Microsoft, switch to the File tab, then select Save As and, from the dropdown select CSV Comma Delimited file

  4. Unless you specify otherwise, your file is Saved in your Downloads Folder

  5. Grab the file and Upload it to your Media Library

!! What are CSV files and why do we need them?

CSV is a comma-separated values file. These files are used to export and organize a high volume of data. It is a spreadsheet that contains a.csv extension.

45. Upload Attachments to an Email or Email Template

  1. You can upload Images, Videos, or Documents as attachments to Emails or Email Templates

46. Upload an Attachment to a Task

  1. After you add a task, you can add attachments. (If scroll bar is not visible, shift and scroll down)

47. Prepare a Logo to Attach it to your Email Signature or Confirmation Emails

  1. Save your files as JPEG or as PNG

  2. The Ideal Size for logos is 300 to 400 pixels wide by 70 to 100 pixels high at 72dpi

  3. Bildhive will resize your image to the correct size regardless of the size you submit

48. Prepare Documents to Attach to a Lead’s or an Opportunity’s General Information

  1. Are there any restrictions?

  1. Click below, to Access any the  Customer Relationship Management Instructions Manual

  2. 1 - the Leads Collect and Manage your Leads Using the Customer Relationship Management App Chapter 1 -The Leads

  3. 2 - The Sales Pipeline Move Opportunities through the Sales Pipeline Using the Customer Relationship Management App-Chapter 2

  1. 3 - Manage your Day Organize your Calendar using the Customer Relationship Management App- Chpater 3

!!  What does the Maximum Number of Upload Records Mean?

When you upload a CSV file to Bildhive, it is essential to note that it should contain LESS than 15,000 rows -excluding the column headers. If your CSV file has more than 15,000 rows, divide it into smaller files and upload them separately.

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