SPC - Use the Site Plan Configurator to Enter and manage the Information for Each Lot in a Site Plan

Modified on Tue, 23 Jul at 2:16 AM


This application allows you to define, enter and manage all the information about each of the lots in a Site Plan (including Models that fit, lot premiums, lot conditions, architectural controls, etc.). This information will be pulled into all your touchpoints (website, touchscreen, etc.)

The Site Plan Configurator (SPC) is synced with both the Home Model Configurator (HMC) and Inventory & Price Management (IPM) to provide real-time status on lot availability.

!!  You can’t Layout or Stylize your Site Plan with the Site Plan Configurator (SPC). You do this with the Website & Landing Page Builder (WLPB) and the Touchscreen Builder (TB) -if included in your package-. 

!! Heads-Up 

Our Table of Contents links might occasionally land you Just Below The Target Section. If this happens, a Simple Scroll Up to the Previous Section will get you right where you need to be.


Get Started

1. Launch the Site Plan Configurator (SPC)

  1. Go to the project’s Workplace,

  2. Under Product Management, find the Site Plan Configurator (SPC) 

  3. Click on it 

Map Set-up

2. Enter Architectural Rules (not mandatory at this point)

  1. If you already have the Architectural Rules available, select the Details from the Dropdown Menus

  2. If you Do Not Have this information available, scroll down and click Maybe Later to enter this information later

  3. To deactivate architectural rules for a particular model, follow These Steps:

!!   Once you are ready to Enter the Architectural Rules,

Click the Architectural Rules Button at the Top of the Main Screen. If you need to edit them, click this button as well.

!!   Architectural Rules are NOT APPLICABLE to either Group or Corporate Projects.

3. Edit Architectural Rules (not applicable to either Group or Corporate Projects)

  1. To edit Architectural rules, go to the left navigation bar and select Site Plan Lots or Community Amenities to go to the main screen

  2. At the Top of the Main Screen, click Architectural Rules

  3. On the Edit Architectural Rules drawer, make the necessary changes, then click Update

4. Read This Before you Upload the Base Image(s)

!! Why are there two map images?

There are two types of Site Plan images, one is a Standard Resolution Image, which is a lower quality image but crisp enough to use on Smaller Screens like Web or Mobile, and one is a Higher Resolution Image, which is a higher quality image for use on Larger Screens like Touchscreens and Tabletops.

!!  Make sure the two images have the exact Aspect Ratio. 

The Aspect Ratio is the Proportion of width to height. In other words, if you put one map on top of the other, all the lots need to fall in the same place.

5. Upload the Base Image(s) 

  1. On the Web/Mobile section, click Add Image

  2. The Media Library opens

  3. From the Media Library, select your Standard Resolution Image 

  4. Click Select

  5. If you need to Upload a Touchscreen / Site Plan Table image, then click on the  Touchscreen / Table section 

  6. From the Media Library, select your Higher Resolution image and click Select

  7. Once the images are uploaded, click Ok

!! About Uploading to the Media Library: 

If you have not uploaded the Site Plan Images to your Media Library yet, you can upload them now using the Content Asset Management System (CAMS). If you don’t know how to upload to the Content Asset Management System (CAMS), please Follow These Steps. For Optimal Performance, please follow our Asset Preparation Guidelines when preparing your assets.

!! About File Formats and Folders: 

Different Sections of the Bildhive Platform require you to upload files in Specific Formats. When a section requires a jpeg/png Format, only those Folders Containing jpegs/pngs will be Displayed on the left-hand navigation bar. If the section requires pdf format, then only the Folders that Contain pdfs will be Displayed when accessing the Media Library from that Specific Section of the platform.

!! Can I update the Base Image?

During the life cycle of a community, the Site Plans often Change. You can always Update your Base Image as long as the Aspect Ratio* of Both Maps are the Same. To change/update your Site Plan Base Image(s) follow these steps:

6. Update/ Change your Site Plan Base Image(s)

  1. Go to the Tool Box on the left of the Main Stage

  2. At the bottom of the Tool Box, select the Change the Base Image tool 

  3. On the Site Plan Base Image Dialogue Box pop-up, click the Image that you want to Change

  4. The Media Library opens up

  5. From the Media Library, select the Image that you want to use

  6. On the Site Plan Base Image dialogue box, press OK

!!  What is the Aspect Ratio? 

The Aspect Ratio is the Proportion of width to height. In other words, if you put one map on top of the other, all the lots need to fall in the same place. 

!!  If you have not uploaded your Site Plan Base Images to your Media Library yet, you can upload them now using the Content Asset Management (CAM). If you don’t know how to upload to the Content Asset Management (CAM), please  Follow These Steps. Make sure to follow the Bildhive Asset Preparation Guidelines when preparing your assets.

!!  Different Sections in the Bildhive Platform require you to upload files in Specific Formats. When a section requires a jpeg/png Format, only those Folders Containing jpegs/pngs will be Displayed on the left-hand navigation bar. If the section requires pdf format, then only the Folders that Contain pdfs will be Displayed when accessing the Media Library from that Specific Section of the platform.

Automatically Configure the Lots and Their Information Using Data Import

When you Configure the lots using Data Import, you need to Import the Data First, and then Draw the Polygons and Map them to their corresponding Lot. you can also configure your lots Manually.

7. Set up Custom Fields

Although Bildhive provides you with a comprehensive list of Default Fields, we cannot anticipate all your needs, so we have provided you with the option to add Custom Fields. If necessary, add Custom Fields BEFORE importing your Data.

  1. To add a Custom Field, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select Settings

  2. In the Submenu, under Customization, click Custom Fields

  3. Go to the Bottom of the page and click Add Custom Field

  4. In the New Custom Field pop-up, Add a Name*, a Field Type*, and, if required, a Default Value

  5. Click Add Field

  6. Repeat this process for all fields you need to add

*Mandatory Fields

!! Open the file below for a List of Default Fields in the Site Plan Configurator.
The file Headers represent the Default Fields. 

Data Template for Site Plan Configurator (SPC)

8. Organize your Excel File

  1. Builders have their unique approaches to Organizing data files in Excel. Even though it is not Mandatory, it is recommended that you reorganize your files following Bildhive’s SPC File Structure to ensure a Smooth Data Import

!! Why is it recommended to follow Bildhive’s File Structure?

Importing data into Bildhive requires Mapping the Headings in your document To Fields in the Site Plan Configurator. By following Bildhive's File Structure, this mapping becomes Straightforward.

9. Save your File as a CSV

  1. Bildhive Requires CSV format for Data Import

  2. Once your Excel file is Ready, do the following to save it as a CSV

  3. If you are using a Mac, go to the Top Bar and click File, then select Download, and from the Submenu, select Comma Separated File (.csv)

  4. If you are using Microsoft, switch to the File tab, then select Save As, and from the dropdown select CSV Comma Delimited file

  5. Unless you specify otherwise, your file is Saved in your Downloads Folder

!! What are CSV files and why do we need them?

CSV is a comma-separated values file. These files are used to export and organize a high volume of data. It is a spreadsheet that contains a.csv extension.

10. Import your CSV File

  1. On the Left Navigation Bar, click Settings 

  2. In the Submenu, on the Data Management section, select Manage Data 

  3. Make sure the Import from CSV tab is Selected

  4. Click Browse to open your Asset Library

  5. If you’ve already Uploaded your CSV file, select it and then click Select

  6. Otherwise, Upload it now

!!  Check if your upload was successful.

Once the upload is done, open Settings, select Manage Data, at the Top, select the History Tab, Find the Date Column, click the Down Arrow to show the Latest at the top, and check the Status.

!!  What does the Maximum Number of Upload Records Mean?

When you upload a CSV file to Bildhive, it is essential to note that it should contain less than 15,000 rows -excluding the column headers. If your CSV file has more than 15,000 rows, divide it into smaller files and upload them separately. 

11. Map the Headings

  1. Once you Select your file, the Import from CSV window opens

  2. On the Left Side, you will see a list of Headings 

  3. Each Heading represents a Column in the CSV file

  4. On the Right Side, there is a series of Dropdowns with a list of the Fields in the Site Plan Configurator

  5. Begin by Mapping the Initial Heading—simply click on the dropdown menu directly opposite it

  6. From there, Choose the Field that Aligns with the heading

  7. This action will automatically Populate the corresponding Field in the Home Model Configurator with the Data from the column in your CSV file

  8. Continue Mapping the rest of the Headings with their corresponding Fields 

  9. Fields are in Alphabetical Order

  10. Select Ignore if you don’t want a field to Populate

  11. Select Preview to check how the fields are going to be mapped

  12. Select Import to populate the fields with the data

  13. Once the Data is Imported, the list of Lots populates the Left Navigation Bar

  14. Click on a Lot to view it’s information

  15. Once you import the Data, you need to Draw the Lot Polygons and Map them to their Lot Information

!! Not all the information can be uploaded with the Data Import. 

You will need to enter some information manually, like the home models that can be built on each lot, etc.

12. The Site Plan Configurator Tool Box

Info: Before cutting the lots, learn about the Tools in your Tool Box:

  • Use the Spyglass with a Plus tool to Zoom Into an area 

  • Use the Spyglass with a Minus tool to Zoom Out 

  • Use the Arrow tool to select, 

  • Use the Hand tool to Pan the Map around 

  • Use the Empty Square tool (Lot Polygon) to Cut Lots 

  • Use the Square with Star tool (Amenity Polygon) to cut Amenity Lots 

  • Use the Pen tool to Delete an Anchor Point 

  • Click 1:1 To Reset the Canvas Zoom and  Re-Center the map 

  • Click on the Image Icon to Update/Change your Base Image(s)

13. Draw the Lot Polygons

  1. To Draw a Lot Polygon, find the Toolbox to the left of the map and select the Lot Polygon

  2. Click on Each of the Corners of a lot to add Points

  3. Click on the Start Point to Close the Polygon and open the Lot Drawer or click Enter to close the shape and open the Lot Drawer

!!   Do you need to Adjust the Polygon?

Do one of the following:

  • To Delete Points in a polygon, select the Delete Anchor Point Pen (pen with a minus) and click on the point you want to delete. 

  • To Add Points to a Closed Polygon, Click on the Spot where you want to add a point. 

  • To Adjust the Shape of a PolygonClick on a point and Drag it.

14. Map Each Lot Polygon to Its Lot Information

  1. Once the Lot Drawer Opens, scroll to the top of the drawer find the Map Lot Polygon to Existing Lot dropdown, and select the corresponding Lot Number 

  2. This links the Information to the Polygon

Manually Configure the Lots

When you configure the lots Manually, you need to Draw the Polygon First and then enter the Lot Information. Alternatively, you can import Data to configure the lots Automatically

15. The Site Plan Configurator Tool Box

Info: Before cutting the lots, learn about the Tools in your Tool Box:

  • Use the Spyglass with a Plus tool to Zoom Into an area 

  • Use the Spyglass with a Minus tool to Zoom Out 

  • Use the Arrow tool to select, 

  • Use the Hand tool to Pan the Map around 

  • Use the Empty Square tool (Lot Polygon) to Cut Lots 

  • Use the Square with Star tool (Amenity Polygon) to cut Amenity Lots 

  • Use the Pen tool to Delete an Anchor Point 

  • Click 1:1 To Reset the Canvas Zoom and  Re-Center the map 

  • Click on the Image Icon to Update/Change your Base Image(s)

16. Draw the Lot Polygons

  1. To Draw a Lot Polygon, find the Toolbox to the left of the map and select the Lot Polygon

  2. Click on Each of the Corners of a lot to add Points

  3. Click on the Start Point to Close the Polygon and open the Lot Drawer or click Enter to close the shape and open the Lot Drawer

!!   Do you need to Adjust the Polygon?

Do one of the following:

  • To Delete Points in a polygon, select the Delete Anchor Point Pen (pen with a minus) and click on the point you want to delete. 

  • To Add Points to a Closed Polygon, Click on the Spot where you want to add a point. 

  • To Adjust the Shape of a PolygonClick on a point and Drag it.

17. Enter the Number of the Lot you just Configured

  1. Once the Add New Lot Drawer opens, Enter the Lot Number

in the Lot Number Field under the Lot Details Section  

  1. Click Create

  2. Repeat the Steps for Each of your Lots

 * Mandatory fields

!!   A Tip from Experienced Users.

Experienced Bildhivers often find it convenient to add only the Lot Number and Save the Lot, then complete the details later. No matter your workflow preference, Make Sure to Click CREATE Before you Close the Lot Drawer, otherwise, you will Lose your Information.  

18. Complete the Lot Details and Choose the Home Models that Fit the Lot

  1. Enter the Block # if applicable

  2. Enter the Tentative/Firm Close Date

  3. When ready to display a lot in your Touchpoints, change the Publishing status from Draft to Published

  4. Enter Tags 

  5. Enter Primary Address: Street Number, Name, Postal Code, City, Province, and Short Legal Description

  6. Enter Secondary Address, for live-work units, for example

  7. From the Dropdown Menu, choose all Home Models that Fit This Lot

  8. Enter Model Type and Lot Frontage

!!   You Don’t See the Home Model you are Looking for?

The dropdown menu lists ONLY the Home Models that have already been Configured with the Home Model Configurator (HMC).

Info: About Interactive Maps: 

You will have the Option to make your map Interactive on your website, touchscreen and other touchpoints. This means that, when you click on a lot, it will display the Home Models that fit on it.

19. Deactivate Architectural Rules

  1. To deactivate the Architectural Rules, Slide the Deactivate the ArchitecturaRules button to the Right

!!  If you have two identical townhome models situated besides each other, you should Deactivate the Architectural Rules in those models.

!! Read This BEFORE you mark a model as Standing Inventory

When your home transitions to standing inventory, start by generating a fresh entry in Bildhive for the particular Model. Take, for instance, the Danika Home Model designed for lots 2, 3, and 4. If a buyer initially selects Lot 4 for their Danika Model but later changes their mind, resulting in the home becoming standing inventory, distinguish it by duplicating the Model exclusively for Lot 4 and labeling it Danika-SI. Follow the instructions below to designate it as a standing inventory.

20. Mark a Lot as Standing Inventory and Add an Image to the Lot

  1. To mark a Lot as Standing Inventory, Slide the Standing Inventory button to the Right

  2. To add an Image to the Standing Inventory, go to the Left Navigation Bar, select Site Plan Lots

  3. Find and roll over the Lot for which you need to add an image

  4. Open the Three-Dot Action Menu and select Edit Lot

  5. Scroll down to the Gallery Images section and select Add Image this opens your Media Library

  6. Select the previously uploaded image

  7. Click Update

!!  Standing Inventory Lot can only have One Home Model and Elevation assigned to it.

Info: About the Lot Relations Section

In this section, you must enter which lot sits in front of the lot you are configuring, which lot sits to the left and which lot sits to the right. It is important to enter the Lot Relations in order to Comply with the Architectural Rules. 

21. Enter Lot Relations

  1. To enter Lot Relations, scroll down to the Lot Relations Section

  2.  From the Dropdown menus, select the Lot FrontLot Left and Lot Right and Indicate whether the Lot is Attached

!! Watch Out for Attached Homes, Like Semis and Townhouses

Attached homes Need to Have the Same Exterior Package, so it's crucial to indicate whether this is the case.

!! Where to find the Information for the Lot Gradings Section?

The Siting Analysis lists the Grading along with other information for this section, such as

  • Garage Side–the location of the garage with respect to the house.

  • Risers at Garage–the number of stairs from the garage to the house. This can be a range.

  • Risers at Front–the number of stairs at the front of the house. This can be a range.

  • Risers at Rear–the number of stairs at the rear of the house. This can be a range.

  • Easement–This refers to a particular legal situation when a piece of the property belongs to someone else (the city, for example), but the owner of the house is allowed to use it.

22. Add Grading Information

  1. Garage Side (select from the drop-down menu or add a new option if not listed)

  2. Risers at Garage

  3. Risers at Front

  4. Risers at Rear

  5. Checkmark if the lot contains an Easement

Info: You can add a Custom Lot Grading. 

Follow these steps if the lot has other Lot Conditions not Listed:

23. Configure Custom Lot Gradings

  1. Click on the Add Lot Gradings Button 

  2. Enter a Name* in the field 

  3. Click Add Grading

  4. Checkmark the new Field

 * Mandatory fields

!!  When a Custom Lot Grading Field is added, it will appear as an option in All the lots in the project. Simply Check Mark the field in any lot that it applies to. To Edit/Delete a Custom GradingFollow These Steps:

Info: About Lot Conditions 

There are certain Conditions and Characteristics of a lot that warrant a Premium Cost, for example, backing out to a Conservation Area or having a Walk-out-deck. Bildhive provides a Default List of Lot Conditions/ Premiums to select from. 

24. Set Default Lot Conditions/Premiums

  1. To Select a Lot Condition/ Premium, Scroll down to the Lot Conditions/ Premiums Section of the Lot Drawer

  2. From the Default List provided, Select the option that applies to the Lot

  3. If a Default Price was assigned to the Lot Condition/ Premium, it will appear in the price field

  4. To Overwrite a price, Click on the Price Field and Enter the new price

!! If you Overwrite the Price from Here, 

It will ONLY apply to this Specific Lot 

25. Assign the Default Price to a Lot Condition/Premium

  1. To Assign a Default Price for a Lot Condition/ Premium  go to the Navigation Menu to the Left of the screen, and click Settings

  2. From the Submenu that opens upclick Lot Conditions/ Premiums

  3. In the Lot Conditions/ Premiums List, find the Entry for which you want to set the Default Price

  4. To the Right of the entry, click the Pencil

  5. In the Edit Lot Condition/ Premium Pop-up, add the Price that you want to appear as Default 

  6. At the Bottom of the pop-up, click Update Premium

26. Add Custom Lot Conditions/Premiums

  1. To add custom Lot Conditions/ Premiums, scroll down

  2. Below the Lot Conditions/ Premiums list, click Add Lot Conditions/Premiums

  3. In the New Lot Condition/ Premium pop-up, provide a Name*

  4. If this lot requires a specific price for the Condition, you can overwrite the Default Price by Entering a new price in the field

  5. Click Add Condition/Premium 

  6. Close the Add New Lot Condition/ Premium Pop-up

  7. Scroll to the end of the Lot Conditions/ Premiums section

  8. Find the new Custom Field and Select it 

Mandatory fields

!!  When a Custom Lot Conditions/Premiums Field is added, it will appear as an option in All the lots in the project. Simply Checkmark the field in any lot that it applies to. To Edit/Delete a Custom Field, go to Step 14.

27. View and Edit your Lots

Info: About the Lot List, 

As you create them, your lots are listed inside the Lots List. To View your Lot List, and Edit a Lot, Follow these steps: 

  1. On the Navigation Bar to the Left side of your screen, click Site Plan Lots

  2. This will Open the Site Plan Lots Drawer where the lots you have configured are listed in Ascending Numerical Order

  3. To Edit a Lot, Roll over the Lot 

  4. Click the 3-Dot Action Menu

  5. Select Edit Lot 

  6. In the Edit Lot Drawer, make the necessary changes

  7. To Save the Edits on your Lot, click Update

Delete Lots

28. Delete a Lot From Inside the Edit Lot Drawer

  1. To Delete a Lot when inside the Edit Lot Drawer, go to the bottom left of the drawer and click Delete Lot 

29. Delete a Lot From the Lot List

  1. Go to the left-hand Navigation Menu, and click Site Plan Lots to open the Site Plan Lot Drawer

  2. In the Site Plan Lot DrawerRoll Over the Lot that you want to Delete 

  3. Click the 3-Dot Action Menu 

  4. Select Delete Lot

  5. In the Delete Pop-up, click Delete

30. Bulk Delete Lots

  1. Go to the left-hand Navigation Menu, and click on Site Plan Lots to open the Site Plan Lot Drawer

  2. In the Site Plan Lot DrawerClick the Square to the left of the lots that you want to Delete

  3. Once your lots are check-marked, go to the top of the list and click Bulk Delete

  4. Click Bulk Delete

  5. To Delete All The Lots in the list, click the Square next to Site Plan Lots at the top of the Lot List

Add Community Amenities 

Info: In the Site Plan, you can identify Community Amenities (such as parks, schools, tennis courts, etc.) and Upload Images or Videos that will Display when the amenity is Clicked in the website, touchscreen, etc.

31. Configure a Lot for a Community Amenity

  1. From the Toolbox, select the Amenity Polygon (square with a star) 

  2. Click on Each of the Corners of a Community Amenity Lot to add Points

  3. Click on the Start Point or click Enter, to Close the Polygon and open the Add New Amenity Drawer

  4. Enter a Label for your Amenity* 

  5. Enter a Description of the Amenity 

  6. You can Upload an Amenity Featured Image by selecting it from your Media Library

  7. You can upload an Amenity Video or Animation by selecting it from your Media Library

  8. Click Create

    * Mandatory fields

!!   Do you need to Adjust the Polygon?

Do one of the following:

  • To Delete Points in a polygon, select the Delete Anchor Point Pen (pen with a minus) and click on the point that you want to delete. 

  • To Add Points to a Closed Polygon, Click on the Spot where you want to add a point. 

  • To Adjust the Shape of a PolygonClick on a point and Drag it.

!! About Uploading to the Media Library: 

If you have not uploaded the Amenity Images to your Media Library yet, you can upload them now using the Content Asset Management System (CAMS). If you don’t know how to upload to the Content Asset Management System (CAMS), please Follow These Steps. For Optimal Performance, please follow our Asset Preparation Guidelines when preparing your assets.

32. View and Edit your Amenities

Info: About the Amenities List, 

As you create them, your Amenities are listed inside the Community Amenities List. To View your Community Amenities List, and Edit an Amenity Lot, Follow these steps: 

  1. On the Navigation Bar to the Left side of your screen, select Community Amenities

  2. This Opens the Community Amenities Drawer where the amenities you have configured are listed 

  3. To Edit an Amenity, locate it on the List and Roll over it 

  4. Click the Three-Dot Action Menu

  5. Select Edit Amenity 

  6. In the Edit Amenities Drawer, make the necessary changes

  7. To Save the Edits, click Update

Delete Community Amenities

33. Delete an Amenity From Inside the Edit Amenity Drawer

  1. To Delete an Amenity when inside the Edit Amenity Drawer, go to the bottom left of the drawer and click Delete Amenity

34. Delete an Amenity From the Amenity List

  1. In the left-hand Navigation Menu, select Community Amenities

  2. In the Community Amenities DrawerRoll over the Amenity you want to delete

  3. Click the 3-Dot Action Menu 

  4. Select Delete Amenity

  5. In the Delete Pop-up, click Delete

35. Bulk Delete Amenities

  1. Go to the left-hand Navigation Menu, and select Community Amenities to open the Community Amenities Drawer

  2. In the Community Amenities DrawerClick the Square to the left of the amenities you want to Delete

  3. Once your amenities are check-marked, go to the top of the list and click Bulk Delete

  4. To Delete All The Amenities in the list, click the Square next to Community Amenities at the top of the Amenities List

  5. Click Bulk Delete

Info: You can Assign a Color  to identify both your Lot Types and your Amenities in the Site Plan Legend on the Website, Touchscreen, etc. These Colors Should Align with the colors in the Base Map. In the Site Plan Configurator, lots will continue to be highlighted in orange. The Colors selected are ONLY used on the Site Plan Legend when the Site Plan is displayed on the website or touchscreen.

36. Assign a Color to Identify the Lot Types and Amenities in the Site Plan Legend 

  1. At the Top of the Main Stage, click Colors

  2. In the Color Settings Drawer, Select a Lot Type and enter a Color Value for that Lot Type

  3. Repeat the process with the Rest of the Lot Types

  4. To define your Amenity Colors, select an Amenity Label and Enter a Color Value for the Amenity

!!  About the Lot Types and Amenity Labels,

The Lot Types are pulled from the Model Type information you Enter on the Home Model Configurator (HMC). The Amenity Labels come from the Names that you Enter when configuring your Amenity.

Manage Lot Gradings and Lot Conditions/Premiums from the Settings

37. Edit/ Delete Lot Gradings

  1. Go to the Navigation Menu to the Left of the screen, and click Settings

  2. From the Submenu that opens upclick Lot Gradings

  3. In the Lot Gradings List, find the Entry you want to Edit/ Delete 

  4. To the Right of the entry, click the Pencil / Trash Can

  5. Adjust the information and click Update Premium

  6. Or confirm Delete

38. Edit/ Delete Lot Conditions / Premiums

  1. Go to the Navigation Menu to the Left of the screen, and click Settings

  2. From the Submenu that opens upclick Lot Conditions / Premiums

  3. In the Lot Conditions / Premiums List, find the Entry you want to Edit/ Delete 

  4. To the Right of the entry, click the Pencil / Trash Can

  5. Adjust the information and click Update Premium

  6. Or confirm Delete

!! Why Is There No Trash Can Next to the Premium?

Default Conditions / Premiums cannot be Deleted, so there is no trash can. They can only be EditedCustom Conditions / Premiums, however, can be both Deleted and Edited

!! You Can’t See your Custom Premiums?

They may be on the Next Page of the Lot Conditions/ Premiums List. To navigate between pages, Scroll Down the list and Click the Arrows.

39. Add, Edit, Delete Custom Fields

  1. Go to the Navigation Menu to the Left of the screen, and click Settings

  2. From the Submenu that opens upunder Customization, select Custom Fields

  3. At the Bottom of the Custom Fields windowclick Add Custom Field

  4. In the Add Custom Field pop-up, enter a Name*

  5. Click Required if you want the field to be Mandatory

  6. Select a Field Type*

  7. Enter a Default Value if necessary

  8. Click Create

 * Mandatory fields

Settings - Data Management

40. Import Data from a CSV File

  1. If you have Custom Fields in the File you are about to import, please Set Them Up BEFORE importing the Data

  2. To ensure a Smooth Data Import, it is recommended that you Reorganize your Excel File following Bildhive’s SPC File Structure 

  3. Then, Save your Excel File as a CSV

  4. Once you’ve prepared your file, go to the Left Navigation Bar, and click Settings 

  5. In the Submenu, under the Data Management section, select Manage Data 

  6. Make sure the Import from CSV tab is Selected

  7. Click Browse

  8. Select the CSV file from your Asset Library and click Select

  9. Map the Headings of your CSV file to the Fields in the Dropdowns

  10. Select Ignore if you don’t want a field to Populate

  11. Select Preview to check how the fields were mapped

  12. Select Import to populate the fields with the data

!!  What does the Maximum Number of Upload Records Mean?

When you upload a CSV file to Bildhive, it is essential to note that it should contain LESS than 15,000 rows -excluding the column headers. If your CSV file has more than 15,000 rows, divide it into smaller files and upload them separately. 

41. Export Data to a CSV File

  1. On the Left Navigation Bar, below  Lots and Community Amenities, select Settings

  2. In the Submenu, under the Data Management Section, select Manage Data 

  3. Make sure the Export Data tab is Selected

  4. Select the Name of the Data you want to Export then, from the Actions Column, click the Download CSV Icon

42. View Data History

  1. On the Left Navigation Bar, below  Lots and Community Amenities, select Settings

  2. In the Submenu, under the Data Management Section, select Manage Data 

  3. Make sure the History tab is Selected

Settings - Broker Access

43. Make Your Lot Inventory Available to Brokers

  1. To allow Brokers to have Access to your Lot Inventory, go to the Left Navigation Bar

  2. Under Broker Acces, click Preferences

  3. In the Broker Access Preferences sectionslide the Enable Broker Access slider to the Right

  4. Once you do this, the Exclude Specific Lots field appears

  5. Select the Lots you do not want the brokers to Access

!!   Can't see the list of lots to exclude?

You MUST CONFIGURE your lots before selecting the ones you want to exclude.

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