IPM - Manage your Product Inventory and Pricing with the Inventory and Price Management App - Low Rise Projects

Modified on Fri, 8 Mar at 5:55 AM


The Inventory and Price Management App is a powerful tool for managing inventory and prices in real-time and across all touchpoints (web, mobile, and sales center devices). With this app you can:

  • Provide inventory availability and status in websites, and sales center devices

  • Segment inventory according to real-time status (Available, Sold, Hold, Conditional, Inventory, Not Released, etc.)

  • Change availability status and control how and when to release your product into the market

  • Control and modify the price of Units, Models, Lots, Premiums, etc.

!!  STOP: Don’t Use the Inventory and Price Management App Until

You’ve configured the Home Models with the Home Model Configurator and the Site Plan with the Site Plan Configurator.

!! Heads-Up 

Our Table of Contents links might occasionally land you Just Below The Target Section. If this happens, a Simple Scroll Up to the Previous Section will get you right where you need to be.


Get Started

1. Launch the Inventory and Price Management (IPM) App

  1. Go to the project’s Workplace,

  2. Under Customer & Transaction Management, find the Inventory & Price Management App and Select it

  3. You will be redirected to the Overview Screen

Inventory Management

Lot Inventory at a Glance

2. The Lot Inventory Management Screen

Intro: There are two Segments on this screen: the Navigation Bar to the left and the Overview Screen.  

The Left Navigation Bar allows you to navigate to

  • Inventory Management

  • Price Management 

  • Price History 

  • Settings

The Main Stage has 3 sections: 

  • Overview

  • Lot Labels and Filters

  • Lot List

3. Lot Inventory Overview 

Info: This section is located at the Top of the screen and provides an Overview of the Lots in your Low-Rise community. It is arranged by Status and is Updated in Real Time. At a glance, you see the following:

  • Total Lots

  • Lots Available

  • Lots Sold 

  • Lots on Hold

  • Sold Conditional

  • Standing Inventory

  • Not Released

This information is populated with the information you entered with both the Home Model and Site Plan configurators.

Filter Lot Cards

Info: About the Lot Cards,

The main elements of the Inventory Management screen are the Lot Cards. These display the different Lots and their details. By default, All Lot Cards are displayed and sorted numerically. Use Filters to display only Certain Lots.

4. Filter the Lot Cards by Status

  1. Locate the Colored Rectangles at the top of the Lot Cards 

  2. Checkmark One or More of the Status Rectangles

  3. Only the Lots that Align with your Criteria will be Displayed

!! Are Lots in Draft Mode Listed in the Inventory Price Manager?

Yes. Even if a Lot is saved in Draft Mode in the Home Model Configurator, it appears as Available in the Inventory Price Manager, but it is Not Visible in your Touchpoints (website, touchscreen, etc.) until it is Published.

5. Filter the Lots by Lot Premium Price, Lot Frontage, Lot Type, Lot Condition/ Premium, Street Name, and Lot Tags

  1. Locate the Filters Button to the Right of the Colored Rectangles and Select it

  2. The Filters Drawer will Open

  3. Define your Filter Criteria

  4. Click Apply

!!  If you would like to define a Premium Price Range, click the Left of the Slider to set the Lower price range and the Right to set the Higher price range.

The Lot List

6. Lot List - Card View 

Info: About the Lot List

The Lot List displays the different Lots and their details sorted numerically. By default, lots are displayed in the Card View. Each card provides the following information:

  • Lot Number

  • Lot Tags

  • Status

  • Frontage

  • Model Type

  • Publish Status (The Publish Status of a lot can be changed using the Site Plan Configurator )

  • Lot Condition/Premium

  • Address

  • Block #

  • Exterior Color Package

  • Lot Grading

  • Available Elevations or Sold elevation if the lot has been sold

Edits Done From the Lot List

Info: Making Adjustments from the Lot Cards

Some Edits can be done from a Lot Card, like Adding or Removing TagsChanging the StatusInitiating a Transaction and Updating the Information of a Lot.

7. Remove a Tag from a Lot

  1. To Remove a Tag from a Lot, Find the Lot Card

  2. At the Top of the Lot Card, find the Tag(s) Field

  3. Locate the Tag that you want to Delete and Click the X next to the name

  4. The Tags will be Updated

!!  Heads–Up  

These Updates are reflected Across the Platform. Lots that are SOLD are Locked and their information Can’t be Updated

8. Add a Tag to a Lot

  1. To Add a Tag to a Lot, Find the Lot Card

  2. At the Top of the Lot Card, find the Tag(s) Field

  3. Click the Tag Field to Display the Tags Dropdown Menu

  4. Locate the Tag that you want to Add and Select it

  5. The Tags will be Updated

!!  Heads–Up 

  • These Updates are reflected Across the Platform

  • Sold Lots can’t have any tags added to them 

  • If the Tag that you need is not in the Dropdown Menu, you will need to Add it to the Tag ListFollow these steps

9. Bulk Actions: Add a Tag to a Group of Lots

  1. To Add a Tag to a group of Lots, go to the Lot List

  2. Locate the  Cards of the Lots you want to Tag

  3. To the Left of the Lot Number there is a Square, Click on it to select the card

  4. The Bulk Actions Button will Display to the Right of the Colored Rectangles

  5. Click the Bulk Actions Button and select Apply Bulk Tags

  6. From the Dropdown Menu in the Bulk Apply pop-up, select the Tag(s) you want to Add

  7. To Close the dropdown, Click out of the dropdown but Inside the pop-up

  8. Then Click Update

!!  Heads–Up

  • Tags can only be added in bulk to Available Lots and are reflected Across the Platform.

  • If the Tag that you need is not in the Dropdown Menu, you will need to Add it to the Tag ListFollow these steps

10. Edit the Names of Tags in the Tags List

  1. To Edit a Tag, go to the Left Navigation Bar and Select Settings

  2. The Tags List will Display

  3. Locate the Tag you want to Edit

  4. Click on the Pencil Icon to the Right of the name

  5. Enter a New Name 

  6. Click Update

!!  Heads–Up

These Updates are reflected Across the Platform.

Info: How to Get Back to the Lot List,

To go back to the Lot List, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select Inventory Management. 

11. Remove Tags from the Tags List

  1. To Remove a Tag, go to the Left Navigation Bar and Select Settings

  2. The Tags List will Display

  3. Locate the Tag you want to Remove 

  4. Click on the Trash Icon to the Right of the name 

  5. Confirm Delete

!!  STOP Before you Remove a Tag 

When you remove a tag from the Tag List, it is removed from all the Lots containing it. These Updates are reflected Across the Platform.

Info: How to Get Back to the Lot List,

To go back to the Lot List, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select Inventory Management.

12. Add New Tags to the Tag List

  1. To Add a New Tag to the list, go to the Left Navigation Bar and Select Settings

  2. The Tags List will Display

  3. Locate the Add Tag button at the Bottom of the list

  4. Enter a New Name 

  5. Click Update

  6. The New Tag will now be Included in the Tags Dropdown 

!! Heads-Up  

These Updates are reflected Across the Platform.

Info: How to Get Back to the Lot List

To go back to the Lot List, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select Inventory Management. 

13. !! STOP.  Before you Update the Status of a Lot, Read This:

  • If you use the Transaction Management App to process your transactions, you should NOT Change a Lot's status to Sold or Conditional, as the Sold/Conditional Lot will No Longer Appear in the Transaction Manager, meaning the transaction cannot be completed.

  • As long as you are Not Using the Transaction Management App as part of your process, you can Use All Status Options to manage your inventory. 

  • Lots that are SOLDCONDITIONAL, or on HOLD are Locked and their status Can’t be Updated.

  • Lot Updates are reflected Across the Platform, so, for example, if you update a Lot from Available to Not Released, the Lot will be Automatically HIDDEN from the Home Models List on the Website and Touchscreen.

  • To update the status of a Lot follow these steps. 

14. Update the Status of a Lot

  1. To Update the Status of a Lot from the Lot Card, find the Three-dot Action Menu located next to the Status of the Lot

  2. Click on it

  3. From the Dropdown, select Update Status

  4. In the Status Pop-up, click on the Status Field to display the Status Dropdown 

  5. Select a New Status

  6. Click Update

Info: Once a Lot’s Status is Updated to Sold or Conditional

you must select the Elevation*,  Floor Plan Package* and Sales Owner* from the dropdowns and Enter the Final Price*Sales Owner *and Purchasers*.


 * Mandatory fields. 

15. Unlock a Lot

!!  Why is it Locked?

Lots that are SOLDHOLD and CONDITIONAL are Locked and their status Can’t be Updated.

16. Initiate or Make a Transaction

Info: Transactions Cannot be made Directly from the Inventory and Price Management App, but by clicking on Make a Transaction, you will be Connected to the Transaction Management App.

  1. To Make a Transaction from a Lot Card, find the Three-dot Action Menu located next to the Status of the Lot

  2. Click on it

  3. From the Dropdown, select Make a Transaction

  4. The Transaction Management App will open

  5. You can also Initiate a Transaction from the Home Model Pop-up

Info: Click here to learn how to finalize agreements using the Transaction Management App. 

!! Heads-Up  

These Updates are reflected Across the Platform.

17. Display Available Homes Information 

  1. To view the Home Model Information, locate the Card of the Lot you are interested in

  2. Go to the Bottom of the Card and Click on the Name(s) of the Available Home(s)

  3. The Home Model Pop-up shows the Elevation, Floorplan Packages, and Information about the Home

  4. You can also Initiate a Transaction from the Home Model Pop-up

Info: Click here to learn how to finalize agreements using the Transaction Management App. 

!! Heads-Up  

Lots that are SOLDCONDITIONAL, or on HOLD are Locked and the Home Model Information WON’T be Displayed.

18. Refresh The Information before you Provide it 

Info: The Refresh Button is located at the Bottom of a Lot Card to the Right of the Available Home(s) . 


To make sure it is still available, particularly during Busy Days, like Grand Openings when there are Several Agents looking after clients at the Same Time.

  1. To Refresh the Information, locate the Card for the lot you are interested in

  2. At the Bottom of the Card, Click on the Refresh Button

Price Management - Lots

Lot Price Tab

19. Lot Price List 

Info: About the Lots Price List 

In the Lot Price Tab of the Price Management Screen, you can Manage the Lot Premiums. The Lot Price List shows only the Available Lots with Premiums, where you can find the following information:

  • Lot #

  • Frontage

  • Model Type

  • Condition(s) / Premium(s) *

  • Block #

  • Gradings

  • Available Home(s)

  • Lot Premium

 * Square with a Number indicates that More Than One Condition/Premium Applies to the Lot. Click on the number to View Them all.

20. Lot not in the Lot Price List

!!  I Can’t See a Lot in the List 

A Lot Must Be Published  and have Premiums to appear in the Lot Price List. To add a Premium or Publish a Lot, you must use the Site Plan Configurator.

21. Adjust a Lot Condition/Premium

!!  Heads–Up 

These Updates are reflected Across the Platform.

  1. To Adjust a Lot Premium, find the Lot in the List and Click on the Square to the left of the Lot # to select it

  2. At the Top Right of the Screen, the Adjust Price button displays, Click on it

  3. In the Adjust Lot # Price pop-up, the Lot Conditions/ Premiums are listed

  4. Select the one you want to Adjust 

  5.  In the Price/ Percentage field, enter the new Price or Percentage

  6. Click Update

22. Bulk Adjust Lot Conditions/Premiums

!!  Heads–Up

These Updates are reflected Across the Platform.

  1. To Adjust the Price of Premiums/ Conditions, of a group of lots, select All those that need Adjusting

  2. At the Top Right of the Screen, the Adjust Price button displays, Click on it

  3. In the Adjust The Price pop-up, Select – or + to Increase or Decrease the Price or Percentage 

  4. Then, select the Price Icon or Percentage Icon to indicate whether to Adjust by Price or Percentage

  5. In the field, enter the Number of Dollars or Percentage Value

  6. Click Update

  7. The Lot Premium Price of the selected Lots will be Updated

Filter Lots

23. Filter the Lots in the List by Lot Premium Price, Lot Frontage, Lot Type, Status, Lot Condition/ Premium, and Street Name.

  1. Locate the Filters Button at the Top Right of the screen and Select it

  2. The Filters Drawer will Open

  3. Define your Filter Criteria

  4. Click Apply

!!   If you would like to define a Premium Price Range, click the Left of the Slider to set the Lowest parameter and the Right to set the Highest parameter.

Price Management - Elevations 

Elevation Price Tab

24. The Elevation Price List 

Info: In the Elevation Price Tab, you can Manage the Price of an Elevation. Only the Elevations on Available Lots are Listed in the Elevation Price List, where you can see the following information:

Info: About the Elevations Price List 

In the Elevations Price Tab of the Price Management Screen, you can Manage the Elevation Prices. You can find the following information:

  • Elevation Name

  • Model Type

  • Frontage

  • Bedrooms

  • Bathrooms

  • Garages

  • Area

  • Floorplan Package

  • Price

25. Adjust an Elevation Price

!!   These Updates are reflected Across the Platform.

  1. To Adjust the Price of an Elevation, find the Elevation in the List and Click on the Square to the left of the Name to select it

  2. At the Top Right of the Screen, the Adjust Price button displays, Click on it

  3. In the Adjust The [Name] Elevation pop-up, the Floorplan Packages are listed

  4. Select the one you want to Adjust 

  5. Select – or + to Increase or Reduce the Price/ Percentage then select Price or Percentage

  6. In the Price/ Percentage field, enter the new Price or Percentage

  7. Click Update

  8. The Total Price will be updated to reflect the Changes

26. Bulk Adjust Elevation Price

!!  Heads–Up

These Updates are reflected Across the Platform.

  1. To Adjust the Price, of a group of Elevations, select All those that need Adjusting

  2. At the Top Right of the Screen, the Adjust Price button displays, Click on it

  3. In the Adjust The Price pop-up, Select – or + to Increase or Decrease the Price or Percentage 

  4. Then, select the Price Icon or Percentage Icon to indicate whether to Adjust by Price or Percentage

  5. In the field, enter the Number of Dollars or Percentage Value

  6. Click Update

  7. The Price of the selected Elevations will be Updated

Filter Elevations

27. Filter the Elevations in the List by Lot Premium Price, Lot Frontage, Lot Type, Status, Lot Condition/ Premium, and Street Name

  1. Locate the Filters Button at the Top Right of the screen and Select it

  2. The Filters Drawer will Open

  3. Define your Filter Criteria

  4. Click Apply

!!   If you would like to define a Premium Price Range, click the Left of the Slider to set the Lowest parameter and the Right to set the Highest parameter.

Price History

Lot Premiums

28. Lot Premium History

Info: The Price History- displays an overview of the Changes done to the Lot Premiums Price. The information includes

  • Date

  • Item

  • Sales Rep

  • Previous Price 

  • Adjustment (in price and Percentage)

  • New Price

  1. To View the History of the Lot Premiums, go to the Left Navigation Bar and Select Price History 

  2. The Lot Premium Tab opens by default


29. Elevation Price History

Info: The Price History- displays an overview of the Changes done to the Elevation Price. The information includes

  • Date

  • Item

  • Sales Rep

  • Previous Price 

  • Adjustment

  • New Price

  1. To View the History of the Elevation Price, go to the Left Navigation Bar and Select Price History 

  2. At the Top of the Screen select the Elevation Price Tab

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