AMC - Configure an Amenity Map Using the Amenity Map Configurator

Modified on Wed, 15 May at 3:03 AM


In this application, you define all the information that will appear on your Amenity Map to showcase the highlights in the area around your High Rise or Low Rise development. 

You can use the Amenity Map Configurator to

  • Select your Amenity Base Map

  • Define the location of your Development 

  • Define the location of Sales Centres, Model Suites and Model Homes (if and when needed)

  • You can choose the Categories of Amenities (Points of Interest) that will appear on your Website and Touchscreen’s Amenity Map. (Examples of categories are Entertainment, Food, and Services) 

  • Edit the Points of Interest or Amenities that appear under each category. (Examples of points of interest are Cinemas, Supermarkets, and Banks) 

  • Define the look and feel of the Pointers in your map. (The pointers are the graphic elements that are used to mark the different locations on the map)

!!  About the Styling of the Amenity Map:

Except for the Base Map and the Amenity Icons, the Layout and Styling of the Amenity Map is NOT done with the Amenity Map Configurator (AMC), but rather with the Website and Landing Page Builder (WLPB) or Touchscreen Builder (TB). These applications will pull the information you configured in the Amenity Map Configurator and display it in your layout.

!! Heads-Up 

Our Table of Contents links might occasionally land you Just Below The Target Section. If this happens, a Simple Scroll Up to the Previous Section will get you right where you need to be.


Get Started

1. Launch the Amenity Map Configurator (AMC)

  1. Go to the project’s Workplace

  2. Under Project Configuration, find the Amenity Map Configurator (AMC) 

  3. Click Amenity Map Configurator 

Set Up your Amenity Map

 Info: About the Set Up  

In this step, you Define the Name and Location of your Development. This step is performed The First Time you open the Amenity Map Configurator in a New Project.

!! About Zooming In/Out and Scrolling

The map can be Zoomed In and Out by Scrolling Inside it. You can Move the Map Around by Clicking and Dragging. To Scroll Up and Down the Screen, click OUTSIDE the MAP FIRST before scrolling, otherwise, you will zoom into the map instead.

2. Define the Development Name 

  1. Fill in the Name field with your development’s name

3. Enter the Development Address

  1. Fill in the Address field with your development’s address

  2. Marker appears indicating the Location of your community 

  3. Check that the marker is in the Right Spot

  4. If it Isn’tDrag the Marker to the correct spot

4. Customize your Community Marker 

Info: About Customizing your Community Marker 

You can Customize your Marker BEFORE you Save your configuration. You can also Edit your Development Marker at a later time. 

  1. If you have Not Saved your Configuration yet, Scroll Down to the Choose your Marker Image for your Community section and Click the Marker

  2. From the Markers Pop-up, select a Different Marker

  3. To Upload a Custom Icon, scroll down to the Choose your Marker Image for your Community section and on the top right of the Marker, click the Pencil Icon

  4. Your Media Library pops up

  5. On the Left Navigation Menu of the Media Library, locate the Folder where you uploaded your icons and Click on it * 

  6. From the Images in your Folder, Select the Icon of your choice

  7. Make sure the Checkbox of the image is checked

  8. Click Select

!! About Uploading to the Media Library: 

If you have not uploaded the images to your Media Library yet, you can upload them now using the Content Asset Management System (CAMS). If you don’t know how to upload to the Content Asset Management System (CAMS), please Follow These Steps. For Optimal Performance, please follow our Asset Preparation Guidelines when preparing your assets.

!! About File Formats and Folders: 

Different Sections in the Bildhive Platform require you to upload files in Specific Formats. When a section requires a jpeg/png Format, only those Folders Containing jpegs/pngs will be Displayed on the left-hand navigation bar. If the section requires pdf format, then only the Folders that Contain pdfs will be Displayed when accessing the Media Library from that Specific Section of the platform.

5. Select the Look and Feel of your Base Map

  1. Scroll down to the Map Theme Color section and select the Base Map of your preference

  2. Review your development details and click Next

6. Create Categories and Select Types of Amenities 

Info: About Categories and Amenities 

Schools, Food & Drink, and Services, are examples of Categories. Each category can contain several Types of Amenities. For example, the School category can contain different types of schools, such as Primary Schools, Secondary Schools, Colleges and Universities. Each type of Amenities can contain several Amenities or Points of Interest

  1. To create your first Category, go to the Top Right of the Screen and click Add New Category

  2. The Add New Category Drawer will open from your right-hand side

  3. Fill in the Category Title field with the name you want to give your category*

  4. Fill in the Category Description ** 

  5. Select a Marker Icon to represent this category ***

  6. To select a Preset Icon, click the Pointer Icon 

  7. From the pop-up, Select one of the preset options 

  8. Alternatively, you can select an Icon of Your Choice by clicking on the pencil and selecting a, previously uploaded, icon from your Media Library

  9. From the Types ListSelect all the Types of Amenities that you want to be included under this category **** 

  10. Click Create

  11. Continue adding all the Categories that you need *****

!!  Please take into account the following:

 * It is Mandatory to give your category a name. Commute, Places of Worship, and Services are examples of category names.

 ** Even though it is Optional, we recommend that you Include a Description of the category. This could help in publishing your amenities in different ways. This will help other collaborators to know what this category is about.

*** The Marker Icons represent all the Amenities belonging to this Category in your amenity map both on your Website and Touchscreen.

****Google will Automatically Populate your Amenity map with the amenities within the vicinity of your development that align with your selection.

***** The Categories will be listed in Alphabetical Order.

7. How to place a Marker if You do not Know the Address

  1. If you Do Not Know the Exact Address of the Development, or the Address Does Not Exist Yet, do one of the following: 

  2. On the left navigation bar, select Highlight Markers this will open the Highlight Markers Drawer 

  3. On the drawer that opens, Roll-over the Name of your development

  4. The Three-dot Action Menu appears to the right of the name, Click on it

  5. Scroll Down to the Development Marker Icon and, Below it, locate the Search Places from Google field 

  6. Enter the main Two-Street Intersection of the Development

  7. Alternatively, enter the Name of a Known Place Near the Development , for example, Tim Hortons near Yonge and Eglington to drop a pointer

  8. Once the pointer is dropped, Drag it to the approximate Location of the Development

8. Create Highlight Markers (Sales Center, Model Suites and Model Homes) 


Info: About Highlight Markers

These are used to mark Key Locations in a development. Like Sales Centres, Model Suites and Model Homes (amongst other key locations). Highlight Markers are always Pinned to the Top of the Categories list on the left Navigation Bar. Follow these steps to add Highlight Markers:

  1. At the top of the amenities map, Roll-over Add New Marker 

  2. In the Dropdown Menu, click Highlight Marker

  3. In the Add Highlight Marker drawer that opens, enter the Address or Location of the new Highlight Marker or adjust the pointer on the map

  4. Give a Name to your new Highlight Marker

  5. Click Create

!! Find your Highlight Marker List

To see a list of your Highlight Markers, go to the Left Navigation Bar, and click Highlight Markers. This will open the Highlight Markers Drawer. Your new marker(s) will be Listed, below the Development. 

9. Add A New Category

  1. To add a New Category, go to the Top Right of the screen and click Add New Category 

  2. In the Add New Category Drawer, fill in the Information 

  3. Click Create

10. Review and Edit the Amenities Included in a Category

!! About the List of Amenities:

Google automatically Populates your Map with a List of Amenities that align with the selections that were defined when Creating each Category. It is important to Review and Edit the List of Amenities that appear under each Category.


  1. To view the List of Amenities included in each Category, go to the Left Navigation Bar and click on the Category that you want to review

  2. The Category List will open and you will see the List of Amenities that Google found for this Category, based on the criteria you defined when creating it

  3. Delete the Amenities that you do not want to appear in your Map

Edit / Adjust your Amenities Map

11. Edit the Base Map

Info: About the Top Bar

The Top Bar is located at the Top of the screen. On the right-hand side of the Top Bar, you will find Three Buttons: Edit Map, Add New Markers and Add New Categories.

  1. To edit your Base Map, go to the Top Bar and click Edit Map 

  2. On the  Edit Map Drawer, adjust the Name, Address, Markers and/or Base Map

  3. Click Save

  4. To Recenter the map, go to the Left Navigation Bar and Click Highlight Markers 

  5. The map should Recenter

12. Edit the Development Marker

  1. On the Left Navigation Bar, select Highlight Markers this will open the Highlight Markers Drawer 

  2. In the Highlight marker ListFind your Development and Roll-over it 

  3. The Three-dot Action Menu appears to the right of the name, Click on it

  4. On the Edit Marker pop-up, click Edit Marker

  5. The Edit Marker Drawer opens 

  6. To change the Marker Icon, find the Development Marker, click the Pencil and select a new Icon from your Media Library *

  7. To adjust the Location of the Development Marker, locate it on the map and Drag it to the new location

  8. Click Save

  9. To Recenter the map, go the left Navigation Bar and click Highlight Markers


!!  If your Development’s new location is far from the original location,

You MUST DELETE  the amenities from the original location and add new ones to the current location.

!! About Uploading to the Media Library: 

If you have not uploaded the images to your Media Library yet, you can upload them now using the Content Asset Management System (CAMS). If you don’t know how to upload to the Content Asset Management System (CAMS), please Follow These Steps. For Optimal Performance, please follow our Asset Preparation Guidelines when preparing your assets.

!! About File Formats and Folders: 

Different Sections in the Bildhive Platform require you to upload files in Specific Formats. When a section requires a jpeg/png Format, only those Folders Containing jpegs/pngs will be Displayed on the left-hand navigation bar. If the section requires pdf format, then only the Folders that Contain pdfs will be Displayed when accessing the Media Library from that Specific Section of the platform.

13. Edit Other Highlight Markers

  1. On the left Navigation Bar, click Highlight Markers 

  2. In the Highlight Marker List, Roll-over the Name of the marker you want to edit

  3. Click on the Three-dot Action Menu

  4. On the pop-up, select Edit Marker 

  5. Adjust the Information

  6. Click Save

14. Edit a Category

Info: About the Categories List 

Categories are listed in Alphabetical Order on the Left Navigation Bar, below the Highlight Markers. To Edit a Category, follow these steps:

  1. In the Navigation BarRoll-over the Category that you want to edit

  2. To the Right of the Category, click on the Three-dot Action Menu

  3. In the pop-up, select Edit Category

  4. In the Category Drawer, Adjust the Information 

  5. Click Save

15. Edit an Amenity Type

!! First, Find the Amenity Type List: 

To find the Amenity Type List, you Must Open the Category Drawer:

  1. In the Navigation BarRoll-over the Category that you want to edit

  2. To the Right of the CategoryClick on the Three-dot Action Menu

  3. In the pop-up, select Edit Category

  4. In the Category Drawer, scroll down to the Types Sourced From Google List

  5. Select or Deselect the Amenity Types as needed 

  6. Click Save

16. Edit an Amenity from the Amenity Drawer

  1. On the Left Navigation Bar, click the Category under which the Amenity is listed

  2. In the Amenities List that opens, locate the Amenity you want to Edit and Roll-over it 

  3. To the right of the Amenity, click the Three-dot Action Menu

  4. From the Pop-up, select Edit Marker to open the Amenity Edit Drawer

  5. In the Amenity Drawer, adjust the Information *

  6. Click Save

!! About Amenity Ratings: 

* When an amenity has a RatingGoogle Automatically Adds It to the information in the Edit Drawer. Your amenity map Will Not Display the Ratings even though you can see them in the edit drawer.

17. Edit an Amenity Directly from the Map


  1. To edit an Amenity directly from the Map, locate the Amenity Pointer on the map and click on it

  2. On the Amenity Pop-up, click the Pencil Icon this will open the Amenity Edit Drawer

  3. Edit the Amenity info and click Save

18. Delete or Change a Google Assigned Image**

  1. To Delete the Google assigned image or Upload a different image, Locate the Amenity Marker on the Map and Select it

  2. On the Amenity Pop-up, Click the Pencil Icon 

  3. In the Amenity DrawerRoll Over the Image and select Delete 

  4. Confirm Delete 

  5. Alternatively, if you are Changing the image, click the pencil icon 

  6. The Amenity Drawer opens-up

  7. In the Amenity DrawerScroll down to the Image Section, Roll-over it and Click the Image to Open your Media Library

  8. In the Media Library, Select the Folder that Contains your Image

  9. Select the new Image *** 

  10. Click Select to close the Media Library

  11. In the Amenity Drawer, Click Save

!! About Amenity Images: 

** If there is an Image that Google has assigned to this amenity, it will Automatically Pop-up when you select that amenity in your map.

!! About Uploading to the Media Library: 

*** If you have not uploaded the images to your Media Library yet, you can upload them now using the Content Asset Management System (CAMS). If you don’t know how to upload to the Content Asset Management System (CAMS), please Follow These Steps. For Optimal Performance, please follow our Asset Preparation Guidelines when preparing your assets.

!! About File Formats and Folders: 

Different Sections in the Bildhive Platform require you to upload files in Specific Formats. When a section requires a jpeg/png Format, only those Folders Containing jpegs/pngs will be Displayed on the left-hand navigation bar. If the section requires pdf format, then only the Folders that Contain pdfs will be Displayed when accessing the Media Library from that Specific Section of the platform.

19. Add an Image to the Amenity Via the Amenities List

  1. On the Left Navigation Bar, click on the Category that contains the Amenity

  2. On the Amenity List that opens, locate the Amenity and Roll-over it  

  3. From the Three-dot Action Menu, select Edit Marker

  4. In the Edit Amenity Drawer that opens, scroll down to the Image Section and click Add Image 

  5. In the Media Library, Select the Folder that Contains your Image

  6. Select the new Image *** 

  7. Click Select to close the Media Library

  8. In the Amenity Drawer, Click Save 

!! About Uploading to the Media Library: 

*** If you have not uploaded the images to your Media Library yet, you can upload them now using the Content Asset Management System (CAMS). If you don’t know how to upload to the Content Asset Management System (CAMS), please Follow These Steps. For Optimal Performance, please follow our Asset Preparation Guidelines when preparing your assets.

!! About File Formats and Folders: 

Different Sections in the Bildhive Platform require you to upload files in Specific Formats. When a section requires a jpeg/png Format, only those Folders Containing jpegs/pngs will be Displayed on the left-hand navigation bar. If the section requires pdf format, then only the Folders that Contain pdfs will be Displayed when accessing the Media Library from that Specific Section of the platform.

20. Add an Image to an Amenity Via the Amenity Marker on the Map

  1. On the Map, Locate the Amenity Marker and Click on it

  2. On the Amenity Pop-up, Click the Pencil Icon 

  3. In the Edit Amenity Drawer that opens, scroll down to the Image Section and click Add Image 

  4. In the Media Library, Select the Folder that Contains your Image

  5. Select the new Image *** 

  6. Click Select to close the Media Library

  7. In the Amenity Drawer, Click Save 

!! About Uploading to the Media Library: 

*** If you have not uploaded the images to your Media Library yet, you can upload them now using the Content Asset Management System (CAMS). If you don’t know how to upload to the Content Asset Management System (CAMS), please Follow These Steps. For Optimal Performance, please follow our Asset Preparation Guidelines when preparing your assets.

!! About File Formats and Folders: 

Different Sections in the Bildhive Platform require you to upload files in Specific Formats. When a section requires a jpeg/png Format, only those Folders Containing jpegs/pngs will be Displayed on the left-hand navigation bar. If the section requires pdf format, then only the Folders that Contain pdfs will be Displayed when accessing the Media Library from that Specific Section of the platform.

21. Delete a Highlight Marker

!! About Deleting the Development Marker:

 It is NOT possible to delete the Development Marker. To delete Any Other Highlight Marker, follow these steps:

  1. On the Left Navigation Bar, click Highlight Markers 

  2. In the Highlight Markers ListSelect the Marker you want to Delete 

  3. At the Right of the marker, click on the Three-dot Action Menu

  4. In the Pop-up, select Delete Marker 

  5. Confirm Delete

22. Delete Multiple Highlight Markers at Once (Bulk Delete)

Info: About Bulk Delete  

With Bildhive you can Bulk Delete or delete multiple items at the same time. To Bulk Delete Highlight Markers, follow these steps:

  1. From the Left Navigation Bar, select Highlight Markers 

  2. Select the Markers that you want to delete (not the Development Marker)

  3. The Bulk Delete Button appears at the top of the list, Click on it

  4. Confirm Delete

!! About Deleting Markers:

 It is NOT possible to delete the Development Marker.

23. Delete a Category

  1. To delete a Category, go to the Left Navigation BarLocate the Category you want to Delete and Roll-over it

  2. At the Right of the Category, click on the Three-dot Action Menu

  3. From the Pop-up, select Delete Category 

  4. Confirm Delete 

!! About Bulk Deleting Categories or Deleting Several Categories at Once:

 It is NOT possible to Bulk Delete Categories.

24. Delete an Amenity 

  1. On the Left Navigation Bar, click on the Category that contains the Amenity Marker that you want to Delete

  2. In the Category ListRoll-over the Amenity that you want to delete 

  3. At the Right of the Amenity, click on the Three-dot Action Menu 

  4. From the Pop-up, select Delete Marker 

  5. Confirm Delete 

25. Bulk Delete or Delete Multiple Amenity Markers at Once

Info: About Bulk Delete  

With Bildhive you can Bulk Delete or delete several Amenities at the same time. To Bulk Delete Amenity Markers, follow these steps:

  1. On the Left Navigation Bar, click on the Category that contains the Amenity Markers that you want to delete

  2. In the Amenities List, select the Markers that you want to delete

  3. The Bulk Delete Button appears at the Top of the ListClick on it

  4. To select All the Markers in the category, go to the top of the list and select the Name of the Category

  5. All the amenities in the list will be Selected

  6. Right Below the Category Name, the Bulk Delete Button appears

  7. Click Bulk Delete

  8. Confirm Delete

!! Scroll Up

You might need to scroll up to the top of the Amenities List to view the Category Name and/or the Bulk Delete Button

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