BEB - Use the Broadcast Email Builder to Create, Schedule, and Deploy Responsive Emails

Modified on Fri, 15 Mar at 3:25 AM


With the Broadcast Email Builder App, you can create, schedule, and deploy branded, responsive emails without writing a single line of code. But, if you are into it, you can also use custom code.

Benefits of using the Email & Broadcast Builder:

  • It provides recipients with a more targeted and personalized experience because it automates and segments communications according to their preferences

  • It verifies every email address to protect the sender's reputation ( Email Deliverability) and the receiver’s safety 

  • It is directly connected to the Leads Records in CRM

  • It generates Reports & provides Analytics

!! Starting in 2024, Google is requiring Bulk Senders to 

  • Authenticate their emails 

  • Enable easy unsubscription

  • Ensure to send wanted emails.

        Read-up on Google’s Gmail protections for a safer, less spammy inbox

!! Heads-Up 

Our Table of Contents links might occasionally land you Just Below The Target Section. If this happens, a Simple Scroll Up to the Previous Section will get you right where you need to be.


Get Started

1. Launch the Broadcast Email Builder (BEB) App

  1. Go to the project’s Workplace

  2. Under Marketing & Communications Management, find the Broadcast Email Builder App 

  3. Select it

  4. You are redirected to the Enter your Sending Records screen, where you need to enter your Domain for this instance 

  5. You can skip this step and enter it at a later time, but BEFORE Step 3

!!  Would you like to refresh your knowledge of  Email Domains?

Read the Email Domains and Subdomains Section.

Domain and Email Settings

Introduction to Domain and Email Settings:

To Set the Domain and Email Settings for the Project, go to the left navigation bar and select Settings. From here you can set the:

Define the Sending Records - Sending Domains and Subdomains

2. About Email Domains and Subdomains

  • Email Domains 

    • An Email Domain is the Web Address that comes after the @ symbol in an email address

    • A domain name Identifies your Business and helps customers find it on the internet

  • Selecting a Name for Your Domain

    • Effective Domain Names are ShortBranded, and Memorable

    • Example of a Domain:

  • Where to get a Domain Name

    • You can Buy your Domain from a Domain Registrar

    • For example, GoDaddy

  • About Subdomains

    • Subdomain is a portion that you add Before your Domain 

    • Using an Email-Related Name for your subdomain is good practice

    • Example of a subdomain:

    • Using an Email Subdomain helps Increase the Deliverability of your email marketing, makes it easier to Verify that you are a trustworthy email sender, and allows you to Track how many people Opened your email, Clicked links, and Forwarded it.

3. Add the Sending Domain and Subdomain Name

  1. To add the sending domain name, go to the Left Navigation Bar, select Settings and select Sending Domain 

  2. On the Domain Name field, enter your Domain Name  preceded by the Subdomain you’ve selected for your Emails 

  3. An example would be

  4. At the bottom, Click Add Domain

  5. Or you can Skip this step and complete it once you’ve Purchased your Domain

  6. To get back to this section, go to Settings, and from the Submenu select Sending Domain

  7. The Domain Tab is Open by Default

!!  Why do I need to add a Subdomain to the Domain? 

Click This Link to learn about Email Domains and Subdomains.

!! TIP. For projects linked to a Group or Corporate Project.

If you create an Email  Campaign for a Child Project linked to either a Corporate or Group Project, you can use the Same Domain as the Parent project, or you can Enter your Own.

Enter the Sending DNS Records - SPF, DKIM, and CName Records

4. About the DNS Records: SPF, DKIM (TXT) Records, and CName Records

  • About DNS 

    • DNS stands for Domain Name System

    • This is a system that Organizes and Identifies Domains

  • The Importance of Using DNS Records

    • Using DNS Records elevates your Security and Improves Deliverability

    • Helps Avoid Hackers trying to impersonate you

    • Helps Avoid SPAM

    • Proves that the Emails you are sending Come from a Reputable Source and have Not been Modified in the Delivery Process

    • And that you have been Authorized to send these emails

  • TXT Records: What they are and why they are important

    • The Sender Policy Framework (SPF) Checks if Emails Received from your domain are really Coming from Your DomainWhen you create an SPF record, you put in place a list of IPs/sending hosts that are authorized to send mail on behalf of your domain

    • The DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIMRecord helps track whether emails have been Modified Between Sending and Receiving. Once DKIM records are in place and verified, an encrypted signature is added to your email Header upon sending. Every email carries a unique DKIM signature. Implementing email Authentication reduces the risk of email fraud targeting your brand and Allows your Emails to Reach your Subscribers

  • The CName Record: What is it and why is it important

    • The Canonical Name (CNameRecord directs your email subdomain to your Domain, which is hosting the content

5. Enter your CName Record

  1. If you haven’t been Redirected to the DNS Records pagego to Settings, and from the Submenu select Sending Domain

  2. At the Top, select the DNS Records Tab

  3. In this section, you see the SPFDKIM, and CNAME Records and, to the right of them, their Values

  4. Open a New Browser Tab or Window and Sign In to your DNS hosting Provider

  5. !! Let’s Follow GoDaddy’S Example

  6. From your Domain Portfolio, select the Domain to which you are adding the Records

  7. Navigate to the DNS Page

  8. Click Add New Record and, from the Type Dropdown select CName 

  9. Go back to BildhiveCopy the Name that appears in the CName field, and Paste it into the Name* field in the DNS Hosting Page

  10. Sometimes, you need to Delete the Domain section of the Name because it is automatically added by the host

  11. Go back to Bildhive, Copy the Value that appears in the Value field to the right of the CName field, and Paste it into the Value* field of the Hosting Page

  12. You do NOT need to add any values to the TLT field

  13. Click Save

Mandatory fields.

!!  Other DNS hosting providers' flow might look a little bit different. 

Contact them Directly for any questions.

!!  TIP. To copy a name or value, you do NOT need to Select them.

Click the Copy Icon next to each field.

6. Enter your SPF and DKIM TXT Records

  1. To Add the SPF and DKIM Records, if you haven’t done so, open a New Browser Tab or Window and Sign In to your DNS Hosting Provider

  2. !! Let’s Follow GoDaddy’s Example

  3. From your Domain Portfolio, select the Domain to which you are adding the Records

  4. Navigate to the DNS Page

  5. Click Add New Record and, from the Type Dropdown Select TXT 

  6. Go to Bildhive and Copy the SPF Name* and Paste it into the Name* field in the DNS Hosting Page

  7. Repeat the process with the Value* 

  8. Then, do the same with the DKIM Name* and Value*

  9. Sometimes, you need to Delete the Domain section of the Name because it is automatically added by the host

  10. You do NOT need to add any values to the TLT field

  11. Click Save

Mandatory fields.

!!  It might look a little different for other DNS hosting providers. 

If you have any questions, please contact them directly.

!!  TIP. You do NOT need to Select a name or value to copy them.

Click the Copy Icon next to each field to save it to your clipboard.

Verify your Sending Domain and DNS Records

7. Verify your Domain Name and Records

  1. Once you have Entered your DNS Records, go back to Bildhive

  2. If the Domain Tab is not Open, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select Settings 

  3. From the Submenu, select Sending Domain, and click Verify

  4. It might Take some Time, but once they are Verified, a Green Verified Button appears to the right of of the Domain and DNS Records fields

!!  Be Patient. It might take up to 24 hours for the Domain to be verified.

!!  You can’t complete this step at this point? 

No problem, as long as you complete it BEFORE Step 3. 

Define and Verify The Sender’s Name and Email Address

8. Define the Sender’s Name and Address for this Broadcast

  1. On the Name field, enter the Sender’s Name *

  2. On the Email field, enter the Sender’s Email *

  3. Click Done 

  4. This sends a ‘no reply’ Verification Email to the sender’s email address

  5. At the Top of the screen, a Notification appears informing you that the Verification email has been Sent

  6. You can open the Verification email and Verify before continuing, or you can start designing your template 

  7. To Verify your email,  follow These Steps 

  8. It is mandatory to Verify BEFORE you deploy the broadcast

Mandatory fields.

Info: About Sender’s Name and Sender’s Email Address:

The Sender's Name identifies the Entity Sending the email (for example, a company, a community, etc.). The Email Address identifies the Address Where the Email is Coming From (for example, the company’s email address or the community's email address). 

9. Adjust the Sender’s Name and/or Email Address for this Broadcast

  1. To Change the Sender’s Name and/or the Sender’s Email Address, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select Settings

  2. From the Submenu, select Sender Email Address

  3. To the right of the Name and Email fields, click Change

  4. Adjust the Name and/or the Email

  5. Click Verify 

  6. This sends a ‘no reply’ Verification Email to the sender’s email address

  7. At the Top of the screen, a Notification appears informing you that the Verification email has been Sent

  8. You MUST open the Verification email and Verify before continuing, follow These Steps.

10. Verify the Email Address*

  1. Go to your Inbox and locate the No-Reply Verification Email

  2. Open the Email, scroll down, and click Verify Email

  3. You will be redirected back to the Broadcast Email Builder or the Bildhive Login Screen, if not logged in

  4. On the Left Navigation Bar, select Settings

  5. From the Submenu, select Sender Email Address

  6. The Sender's Name and Email Address should be Green, indicating they have been Verified

This is Mandatory, to deploy a broadcast.

Did you not receive a Verification Email?

No Problem, you can resend it. Follow These StepsIf that doesn’t work, contact us at

11. Resend the Verification Email, Change the Name / Email Address of the Sender, or Add a New Email Address

  1. To take any of these actions, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select Settings

  2. From the Submenu, select Sender Email Address 

  3. To Resend the verification email, click Resend

  4. To input a Different Name or Email address, click Change, enter the name or emailthen Verify, and go through the verification process* 

  5. To Add a Different email address, click Add New Email and enter the name and email address, then Verify, and go through the verification process*

This is a Mandatory step before deploying broadcasts.

Settings - Unsubscribe Reasons 

12. Configure a List of Unsubscribe Reasons

  1. To add a List of Reasons so that your leads can choose why they Unsubscribed from your email broadcasts, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select Settings

  2. From the Settings Submenu, select Unsubscribe Reasons

  3. At the bottom of the Unsubscribe Reasons Field, click Add Unsubscribe Reason

  4. In the Pop-up, enter a Reason*, then click Add

  5. If you do not add any Unsubscribe Reasons, then, the user will not see this list

This is a Mandatory field

13. Export a List of Unsubscribe Reasons to an Existing Project

  1. To export a List of Unsubscribe Reasons, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select Settings

  2. From the Settings Submenu, select Unsubscribe Reasons

  3. At the bottom of the Unsubscribe Reasons Field, click Export Unsubscribe Reasons

  4. In the Pop-up, select an existing Project*, then click Export

  5. The list of Unsubscribe Reasons is added to the Settings of the selected project as long as you have permissions for this project


Introduction to Broadcast Creation

The Main Screen of the Broadcast Email App. is divided into two Segments: the Navigation Bar to the left and the Main Stage.  

The Left Navigation Bar allows you to navigate to:

  • Broadcast Drafts (where you design your broadcasts)

  • Scheduled Broadcasts (where you can view your scheduled broadcasts)

  • Processing Broadcasts (Broadcasts that are in the process of being sent) 

  • Sent Broadcasts

  • Saved Templates  

  • Settings

A broadcast is created in 4 steps:

  • Step 1 - Define Broadcast Information

  • Step 2 - Design the Content

  • Step 3 - Define the Recipients

  • Step 4 - Deliver

Step 1 - Define the Broadcast Information

14. Define the Broadcast’s Name, Subject Line, and the Preheader Text 

  1. Go to the Top of the Screen and click Create Broadcast

  2. This will redirect you to Step 1- Define Broadcast Info

  3. In the Name this Broadcast field, enter a Name

  4. In the Subject Line field, enter a Subject Line

  5. In the Preheader Text field, enter a Preheader Text

  6. Select a sender’s Email address from the Who is it From? dropdown Menu

  7. Click Next

  8. This will redirect you to the Template Library

Info: About Preheaders 

Preheaders are short summaries of your emails. They appear after the subject line, when viewing an email in the Inbox

!!  Where did the ‘Who is it From’ value come from?

It is the Sender's Name you entered in the Choose the Sender’s Name and Address for all your Email Broadcasts step. To enter a different name, follow These Steps 

Mandatory fields.


Intro:  Step 2involves two actions. First select a template and then stylize it. 

15. Select a Blank Template, a Predefined Template, or a Saved Template

  1. Click Add Blank to Create Your Own Template and save it in your Saved Templates for future use 

  2. Select a Predefined Template to use as a starting point

  3. Or, to pick one of your Saved Templates, Click on the Your Saved Templates tab 

  4. Once you Select a Template

  5. You are redirected to the Draft Screen

  6. Once the Draft Screen opens, you should Save your Draft 

  7. Go to the Top of the Screen and click Save Draft

  8. After this, your work will Autosave


Introduction to the Draft Screen: 

In the Draft Screen, you style and add content to your template. The Draft Screen consists of three segments. These are, from left to right:

  • The Main Stage - where you View the design

  • The Sections Editing Panel - where you Stylize and Edit the design

  • The Template Navigation Bar - where you can select to navigate between the Sections Editing Panel and the Email Settings panel

The Sections Editing Panel is open by default. The template's components and sections are listed here in order of appearance.

The list is divided into 3 Segments:

  • The Header segment

  • The Body segment (main part of the email)

  • The Footer segment

16. Read This Before Uploading Images or Adjusting Images in your Broadcast Template

!! About Uploading to the Media Library: 

If you have not uploaded your email assets to your Media Library yet, you can upload them now using the Content Asset Management System (CAMS). Please Follow These Steps, if you don’t know how to upload to the Content Asset Management (CAM). Make sure to follow the Bildhive Asset Preparation Guidelines when preparing your assets.

!! About File Formats and Folders: 

Different Sections in the Bildhive Platform require you to upload files in Specific Formats. When a section requires a Specific Format, only the existing files in that Specific Format will be Listed in the Media Library.

17. Select and Stylize a Section of the Email Template

  1. To Stylize a section of the template, Select it in one of two ways

  2. From the Sections Editing Panel, select the Section’s Name 

  3. Or, on the Main Stage, click Directly on the Section

  4. The Sections Editing Panel opens, Listing the Settings for Each Element in the section

  5. The Name of the Section Appears at the Top of the Element List

  6. From the List of Settings, select the one you want to Adjust

  7. Make the Adjustments

  8. Continue with the Other Settings in the List 

  9. Once you finish adjusting a Section, click on the Back Arrow next to the section’s name to go back to the Sections Editing Panel

  10. Select another Section and repeat the steps

!!  In each Section, there are different Elements with different settings. Go to the Table of Contents and click the Setting that interests you to learn more about them. You can also read on and review them all.


18. Background Image

  1. To add a Background image, click on the background Image Field

  2. This will open up your Media Library

  3. From the Media Library, Select an Image

  4. Click Select

  5. The Image will appear in your Template

19. Background Color(s)

  1. To adjust the Background Color, click on the Color Circle 

  2. In the color Pop-up, move the Slider to change the color Range

  3. Select a color or Enter the Hex or RGB code

  4. Click Out of the color Pop-up


20. Content Alignment

  1. From the Dropdown, select Left Alignment, or Right Alignment

21. Text Alignment

  1. From the Dropdown, select Left Alignment, Center or Right Alignment

22. Padding

  1. Define Top, Bottom, Left, and Right Padding

!!   Each Section has its own General Settings. 

The General Settings let you adjust the Background ImageColors, and Content Alignment, among other things.


!!   Each Image on the Template has its own Settings. 

The options vary by section, but generally, you can replace an image, add Alt Text, enter an Image Link, adjust the Background Color, and Padding of the section containing the image.  

23. Open the Image Settings Section

  1. To Open the Image Settings Section, select the Section of the template that Contains an Image

  2. From the Settings Editing Panel, select Image Settings 

24. Replace an Image

  1. To Replace an image, open the Image Settings Section 

  2. Click the image

  3. The Media Library opens up

  4. Select a replacement Image 

  5. Click Select

25. Add Alt Text

  1. To enter an Alt Text, go to the Alt Text Field and add a Short Description of the Content of an Image

  1. To Enter the URL of where the image is housed, Select the Image to Open the Media Library

  2. In the Media Library, locate and Select the Image 

  3. On the Right side a Thumbnail of the Image Appears, roll over it and Select The Link Icon

  4. In the File Link Pop-up, click the Link Icon on the Left to copy the Link

  5. Close the pop-up and Media Library and paste the Link in the image link field

27. Adjust Image Background Color

  1. To adjust the Background Color, click on the Color Circle 

  2. In the color Pop-up, move the Slider to change the color Range

  3. Select a color or Enter the Hex or RGB code

  4. Click Out of the color Pop-up

28. Adjust Image Paddings

  1. Define Top, Bottom, Left, and Right Padding


Info: Adding ALT text to your images is considered Best Practice for Accessibility and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) purposes.

Adjust The Text Settings (Header Or Body)

29. Open the Text Settings Section

  1. Select the Section of the template that Contains the Text you want to adjust

  2. From the Settings Editing Panel, select Text Settings

  3. From the Dropdown, select the Type of Text (Header or Body)

30. Enter Text

  1. Enter the Text 

31. Stylize the Text 

  1. Highlight the Text and select a Style: bold, italic, underline, 

  2. Define Spacing between lines

  3. Add a Link, if required

32. Adjust Text Color

  1. To adjust the Text Color, click the Color Circle 

  2. In the color Pop-up, move the Slider to change the color Range

  3. Select a color or Enter the Hex or RGB code

  4. Click Out of the color Pop-up

33. Define Font Size

  1. From the Dropdown select the Size


34. Open the Button Settings

  1. Select the Section of the template that Contains the Button you want to adjust

  2. From the Settings Editing Panel, select Button Settings

35. Button Background

  1. Slide the slider to Select a Transparent Background for the Button

36. Button Text Weight (Bold, Not Bold)

  1. Slide the slider to Make the text Bold

37. Button Padding

  1. Define Top, Bottom, Left, and Right Padding

38. Button Height

  1. Select Small, Medium, or Large from the dropdown menu

39. Button Font Size

  1. From the Dropdown Menu, select the Size

40. Button Text Color

  1. To adjust the Text Color, click the Color Circle 

  2. On the color Pop-up, move the Slider to change the color Range

  3. Select a color or Enter the Hex or RGB code

  4. Click the Editing Panel to Close the color Pop-up

41. Button Background Color

  1. To adjust the Background Color, click the Color Circle 

  2. On the color Pop-up, move the Slider to change the color Range

  3. Select a color or Enter the Hex or RGB code

  4. Click Out of the color Pop-up

42. Button Border Thickness and Radius

  1. Slide the slider to Define the Thickness and Radius

43. Button Border Color

  1. Select a color for the Border of the button

44. Button Label

  1. Enter the Text you want to appear in the Button

  1. Enter the URL the button is linking to

Insert the Current Year Variable

  1. This is recommended for Autoresponder Emails, but it is an option that can be activated in all footers

  2. To Activate it, go to the Sections Panel and select the Footer section

  3. From the Footer Editing Panel, select Footer Bottom

  4. Under the Footer Text Section, select the Section of the text that says Current Year

  5. Below the section, click Insert Current Year Variable

  6. The Current Year Appears in the footer


47. Move a Section to Rearrange your Layout

  1. To Reorder the Sections of the Layout, go to the Sections Editing Panel and 

locate the Section that you want to move 

  1. On the Right side of the component’s name, find the Three Lines and Click and Drag 

  2. Drop the section in the place you want it to Appear 

48. Replace a Section with a Different one

  1. You can Replace a Section with a variety of Default Options 

  2. Go to the Sections Editing panel and click the Section you want to Replace

  3. Once the Section’s Drawer opens, scroll all the way down and click Replace

  4. On the Replace Section Pop-Up, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select the Type of section you want to add 

  5. From the Options presented in the Main Stage, Click the one you need

  6. The new section will Replace the old one

  7. When a new section comes in, its Settings Drawer opens by default

  8. This allows you to Make the necessary Edits to the newly placed section  

49. Add a Section to the Template

  1. In the Sections Editing panel, scroll to the end of the Middle Section and click Add Section

  2. On the Add Section Pop-up, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select the Type of section you want to add 

  3. From the Options presented in the Main Stage, Click the one you need

  4. The new section is Placed at the Bottom right before the Footer

  5. When a new section comes in, its Settings Drawer is open by default

  6. Make the necessary Edits to the newly placed section

  7. Click the Three Bars to the right of the section to Move it to a Different Spot

!!  Do you want to add a Section to the Header or Footer?

You can’t. You can ONLY add new sections to the Body of the Template.

50. Insert an MJML Section and Add Custom Code

  1. In the Sections Editing panel, scroll to the end of the Middle Section and click Add Section

  2. On the Add Section Pop-up, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select Custom 

  3. On the Main Stage, Click the Custom MJML Code section

  4. When the section comes in, its Settings Drawer is open 

  5. Enter the Code

  6. Click the Back Arrow at the top of the panel to Close it and go back to your Sections Editing Panel

  7. To Move the MJML section to a Different Spot, locate the section in the Sections List Click the Three Bars to the right of the Section, and Drag it to the right spot

!! MJML is a markup language that you can use to enter your own code.

51. Save a Section

  1. To Save a section with its Settings, find the section you want to save and Click it

  2. Scroll Down to the Bottom of the Editing Panel and Click the Disk Icon

  3. In the Save Section pop-up, provide a Name* for the section and click the Checkmark Button

  4. Click the Editing Panel to Close the Save Pop-up

  5. To Find your saved Section, either Scroll Down the Sections Editing Panel until you find the Add Section Button and Click it or, if you are inside a particular Section’s Settings, scroll down to the bottom and click Replace

  6. On the Left Navigation bar of the Replace/Add Section Pop-up, select Saved Sections

  7. Your saved sections are Listed in the Main Stage 

Mandatory field.

!!  After a section is saved, it can be used in any broadcast within the same project.

52. Duplicate a Section

  1. To Duplicate a section, Select the section you want to Copy

  2.  Scroll down to the bottom of the Editing Panel and click Duplicate 

  3. The New Section is placed Below the section that was duplicated

53. Remove a Section

  1. To Remove a section, Select the section that you want to Remove

  2. Scroll Down to the Bottom of the Editing Panel and click Remove

  3. In the Delete Pop-up, Confirm Delete 

Switch the Display Format from Desktop to Mobile 

54. View your Design in Mobile Format

  1. To switch the Display from Desktop to Mobile format, go to the Top Bar and

  2. click the Cell Phone Icon

  3. To switch back, click the Desktop Icon

  4. You can continue editing in the Mobile Format

!!  Ensure your Templates are Responsive and render properly Across DevicesSend yourself a Test and View it on your Mobile device.

Test Your Broadcast

55. Send a Test to a Person or a Test Group

  1. Once you are satisfied with the design, you can send a Test email to a person or a group of persons

  2. Go to the Top Bar and click Send A Test 

  3. Provide the Email Address of the person or group of people you wish to send the Test email to

  4. Click the Envelope Icon to send the test 

  5. Pop-up message indicates that the test was successfully sent

Info: The people will receive an email with the word [Test] in the subject line.

Once you've tested your email, you are ready to send it to your mailing list.

!! TIP. You should also Open your Test Emails on your Mobile Device to check the responsiveness.

56. Download a PDF of your Broadcast

  1. Go to the Top Bar and click the Download PDF Icon

  2. If the Broadcast downloads in More Than One Page, go to Your Print Settings and adjust them until the broadcast Fits In One Page

57. Export the Template as HTML

  1. The client may ask you to send them the HTML of the template so they can Deploy the broadcast from their Platform.

  2. To Download the HTML of the template to your Downloads Folder, go to the top and, to the left of the download option, click Export as HTML.          

STEP 3 - Define Your Broadcast Recipients 

58. Select Which Contacts will Receive the Email

  1. On the Draft Screen, go to the Top Bar and click the Continue button

  2. This Redirects you to the Who Are You Sending This Broadcast To screen

  3. Slide the Send to All Contacts slider to the Right if you would like this email to be sent to all the Contacts in your list

  4. If you are not sending the email to all the Contacts in your list, select to send to RealtorsNon-Realtors, or to All those Contacts that fall within the Parameters specified in the Include or Exclude Tags 

  5. You can also Define your Recipients using Tags to either Include or Exclude Recipients

  6. Select a Tag(s) from the Include Recipients by Tag dropdown list

  7. Or Select a Tag(s) from the  Exclude Recipients by Tag dropdown

  8. Click Next

  9. This Redirects you to Step 4 

!!  An example of how to use the ‘Include/Exclude by’ Tag

Your broadcast, for example, could include all Recipients who have been Tagged as being Interested in Singles and Exclude those who are Interested in Townhomes.



Tagging can be detrimental when used incorrectly, but it can also contribute to personalization, advertising, automation, analytics, and improved user experience when used properly. Check out Bildhive's Tagging Best Practices for more information on tagging effectively.


59. Send-Time Optimization

  1. To Improve your email Conversion and Open Rate, select Yes to use Send Time Optimization

!! What does Send Time Optimization do? 

With Send Time Optimization, you can Schedule emails to be Sent at Exactly the Moment a Recipient Opens their Inbox. In this case, emails will be Sent to Different People at Different Times, based on their likelihood to Engage.

60. Send a Broadcast Immediately

  1. Under When Would You Like To Send this Broadcast?, select Send it Now  

  2. Click Send

  3. In the You are About to Send this Broadcast pop-up, Review the information 

  4. Click Send

!!  If you need to make any Adjustments before sending, Close the Pop-up and make the adjustments. 

Info: The broadcast will move from the Draft section to the Processing section. Go to the Left Navigation Bar and select Processing, to see a List of all the broadcasts that are in the process of Being Delivered.

61. Schedule the Broadcast to be Sent at a Specific Time and Date

  1. Under When Would You Like To Send this Broadcast? select Schedule a Specific Time and Date

  2. Select a Date

  3. Enter a Time

  4. Select a Time Zone

  5. Click Send

  6. Review your information in the This Scheduled Broadcast Will be Sent To pop-up

  7. Click Send

!!  If you need to make any adjustments before sending, Close the Pop-up and make the adjustments. 

Info: The broadcast will move from the Draft section to the Processing section. Go to the Left Navigation Bar and select Processing, to see a List of all the broadcasts that are in the process of Being Delivered

Bounced Emails and Flagged Contacts

!! Heads-Up. Bildhive FLAGS bounced emails. 

Bounced emails can affect Delivery rates, Visibility, and Marketing Results. For this reason, the system will NOT SEND further emails to Flagged Recipients.

62. 'Unflag' Bounced Contacts so they can Continue to Receive Emails

  1. If an email Bounces, the recipient's Opt-In Status in the CRM is changed to Bounced, and NO FURTHER EMAILS ARE SENT TO THEM

  2. If the email bounced because the Email Address of a contact was Entered Incorrectly, you can go into the CRMCorrect the email Address, and Change their Opt-In Status

  3. Click this link for Further Instructions: Change the Opt-in Status from Bounced to Subscribed.

View and Edit Your Drafts, Scheduled, Processing, or Sent Broadcasts

Introduction to the Main Navigation Bar: 

In addition to your Settings, the Main Navigation Bar allows you to navigate to the following Lists:

  • Broadcast Drafts 

  • Scheduled Broadcasts  

  • Processing Broadcasts 

  • Sent Broadcasts

  • Saved Templates 

!! Just click the X to the right of the Top Bar to Exit the Edit Broadcast Screen. 

The Draft List

63. Navigate to your Draft List

  1. To View a list of your Broadcast Drafts, go to the Main Navigation Bar and select Drafts

  2. A List of all your drafts Displays on the Main Stage

64. Edit a Draft, Convert it to a Template, or Delete it

  1. To Edit a Draft from the Draft List, Locate the Name of the draft that you want to Edit

  2. Go to the end of the row, Click the Three-Dot Action Menu, and then Select Edit 

  3. Your Draft Opens in the Draft Screen

  4. To Delete a Draft, click the Three-dot Action Menu and select Delete

  5. Then, Confirm Delete

The Scheduled Broadcasts List

65. Navigate to your Scheduled Broadcasts List

  1. To View a list of your Scheduled Broadcasts, go to the Main Navigation Bar and select Scheduled

  2. A List of all your scheduled broadcasts Displays

 66. Cancel a Scheduled Broadcast in Order to Send it Immediately

  1. To Cancel a Scheduled Broadcast and Send it Immediately, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select Scheduled

  2. In the Main Stage, the Scheduled Emails are listed

  3. Locate the Name of the scheduled broadcast you want to Send Immediately

  4. Go to the End of the Row and click the Three-Dot Action Menu

  5. Select Send Now

  6. In the Pop-up, Confirm Send Now

67. Preview a Scheduled Broadcast

  1. To Preview a Scheduled Broadcast, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select Scheduled to open the Scheduled Broadcast List

  2. Locate the Name of the scheduled broadcast you want to Preview

  3. Go to the End of the Row and click the Three-Dot Action Menu

  4. Select Preview

  5. Preview of your broadcast Displays

  6. Click X to Close the preview

68. Edit a Scheduled Broadcast

  1.  To Edit a broadcast that has already been Scheduled, go to the Main Navigation Bar and select Scheduled

  2. From the list, Select the Broadcast you want to schedule

  3. At the end of the row, click the Three-Dot Action menu, and select Edit

  4. As soon as you click edit, the Scheduled time is Removed and you are redirected to Step 1

  5. Make the necessary Edits and Schedule Again

  6. You can Edit scheduled broadcasts right up to the Time when it is Scheduled to go out

69. Delete a Scheduled Broadcast

  1. To Delete a Scheduled Broadcast, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select Scheduled 

  2. In the Main Stage, Locate the Name of the scheduled broadcast you want to Delete

  3. Go to the End of the Row and click the Three-Dot Action Menu

  4. Select Delete

  5. On the Delete Scheduled Broadcast Pop-up, click Yes, Delete

The Processing Broadcasts List 

Intro:  As soon as you send a Broadcast, you are redirected to the Processing Broadcasts List. Next to each of the Processing Broadcasts, you can see a Progress Bar, and next to it the Date when the Broadcast was last Updated. As soon as it finishes processing, the broadcast is moved to the Sent List.

70. Navigate to your Processing Broadcasts List

  1. To View a list of your Processing Broadcasts, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select Processing 

  2. A List of all your processing broadcasts Displays

71. Preview a Processing Broadcast

  1. To Preview a Processing Broadcast, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select Processing to open the Processing Broadcast List

  2. Locate the Name of the processing broadcast you want to Preview

  3. Go to the End of the Row and click the Preview Icon

  4. Preview of your broadcast Displays

  5. Click X to Close the Preview

Info: Once processed, the broadcast moves to the Sent List.

The Sent Broadcasts List

Introduction to the Sent Broadcasts List: 

Once the Emails in a Broadcast have been Delivered to all the Recipients, the broadcast moves to the Sent List

You can find the following information on this List:

  • Name of the Broadcast

  • Subject

  • Date Sent

  • Date Delivered

  • Percentage and Number Opened

  • Percentage and Number of Clicks

  • Date Created

  • Last Updated

  • Three Dot Action Menu

72. Navigate to your Sent Broadcasts List

  1. To View a list of your Sent Broadcasts, go to the Main Navigation Bar and select Sent

  2. A List of all your sent broadcasts Displays

Actions in the Sent Broadcasts List

Introduction to Broadcasts List’s Actions: 

Each Broadcast listed in the Sent List has the following Actions available:

  • View Email

  • Resend Email (In step 3 select to send to Unopened Contacts or Original Contacts)

  • View Reports

  • Download Report (in CSV format)

  • Download Click Report (in CSV format)

  • Copy Broadcast

  • Convert to Template

73. Access the Actions Menu

  1. To Access the Actions of a Sent Broadcast, go to the Main Navigation Bar and select Sent, to open the Sent List

  2. Find the Name of the Broadcast you are interested in, to the right of it, click the Three Dot Action Menu 

  3. Select the Action of your Choice

74. Preview the Eblast Template

  1. To Preview the Template used for this Broadcast, go to the Main Navigation Bar and select Sent, to open the Sent List

  2. Locate the Name of the Broadcast and, to the right, click the Three-Dot Action Menu

  3. From the menu, Select View Email

  4. A Preview of the Email Pop-ups

  5. Click the at the top to Close the preview window

75. Resend the Broadcast to either All Contacts or Unopened Contacts

  1. To Resend the Broadcast, go to the Main Navigation Bar and select Sent, to open the Sent List

  2. Locate the Name of the Broadcast and, to the right, click the Three-Dot Action Menu

  3. From the menu, Select Resend Email

  4. You are redirected to Step 1

  5. When you get to Step 3, you are given the option to send the Broadcast to either Unopened Contacts or Original Contacts

  6. Finish Steps 3 and 4 and click Send

76. View the Reports

  1. To View the Reports, go to the Main Navigation Bar and select Sent, to open the Sent List

  2. Locate the Name of the Broadcast and, to the right, click the Three-Dot Action Menu

  3. From the menu, Select Reports

  4. This Redirects you to the Reports and Analytics App

!!  Do you want to learn about the Reports and Analytics App? 

Click this link: Reports and Analytics App.

77. Download a CSV File of the Reports

  1. To Download a CSV filego to the Main Navigation Bar and select Sent, to open the Sent List

  2. Locate the Name of the Broadcast and, to the right, click the Three-Dot Action Menu

  3. From the menu, Select Download Report

  4. The CSV file will be Downloaded to your Downloads Folder

Info: The CSV file contains the following information:

  • Total Sent

  • Date and Time Sent

  • Number of Emails Opened

  • Total Opened

  • Clicked

  • Total Clicked

  • Delivered

  • Complained

  • Failed

  • Permanent Fail

  • Temporary Fail

  • Unsubscribed ( with reasons why)

  • Accepted

  • Total Accepted

  • Total Recipients

  • Subject

  • Project or Instance 

78. Download a CSV file of the Click Reports

  1. To Download a CSV File of the Click Reports, go to the Main Navigation Bar and select Sent, to open the Sent List

  2. Locate the Name of the Broadcast and, to the right, click the Three-Dot Action Menu

  3. From the menu, Select Download Click Reports

  4. The CSV file will be Downloaded to your Downloads Folder

!! If this Broadcast had no Clicks, a Notification Pops-up indicating so.

79. Copy the Broadcast

  1. To Copy a Broadcast, go to the Main Navigation Bar and select Sent, to open the Sent List

  2. Locate the Name of the Broadcast and, to the right, click the Three-Dot Action Menu

  3. From the menu, Select Copy

  4. This will redirect you to Step 1 of a New Broadcast

  5. As soon as you enter the information in Step 1, you are taken straight to the Draft Screen 

!! The Duplicate Broadcast retains the Layout and Settings 

but you can make the necessary Adjustments.

The Templates List

Introduction to the Templates List: 

All your Saved Templates are listed in the Templates List.

80. Navigate to your Templates List

  1. All your Saved Templates are listed in the Templates List

  2. To Open the Templates List, go to the Main Navigation Bar and select Templates

81. Edit, Copy, Preview, Export to Project, or Delete Templates

  1. To Access the Actions of a Template, go to the Main Navigation Bar and select Templates, to open the Templates List

  2. Find the Name of the Broadcast you are interested in, to the right of it, click the Three Dot Action Menu 

  3. Select the Action of your Choice 

!! You don’t see the Project to which you want to Export the Template? 

The Export Template to Existing Project dropdown only shows the projects for which you’ve been granted Permission. Contact the Project’s Admin to request permission.

82. Delete More than one Template at a Time

  1. To Bulk Delete Templates, select more than one Template, and on the Top Bar, click Delete Selected

  2. Confirm Delete

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