WM for Builders - Designate and Manage VIP Realtors, Allocations, and Worksheets

Modified on Tue, 19 Mar at 12:54 AM


On the BUILDER side, the Worksheet Management App allows builders to: 

  • Designate, Set Up, and Manage their VIP Realtors or Brokers

  • Create Worksheet Forms

  • Create Reservation Agreements and Mutual Release Agreements 

  • Allocate Units and Add-Ons to These Brokers

  • Manage Allocations, Time Limits, and Commission Structure

  • Approve or Reject Worksheets

  • Collect and Manage Submitted Worksheets

  • Collect Signed Agreements and Reservation Payments (When Applicable) 

The Worksheet Management App for Builders seamlessly integrates with the following Bildhive apps to afford this functionality.

  • Team Configurator (TC)

  • Form and Survey Configurator (FSC)

  • Contract Configurator (CC)

  • Condo Unit Configurator (CUC)

  • Broadcast and Email Builder (BEB)

  • Inventory Price Manager (IPM)

  • Worksheet Management (WM)

  • Transaction Management (TM)

!! To learn about the Worksheet Management App for BUILDERS, read on.

On the REALTOR side, the Worksheet Management App enables realtors to: 

  • View Unit Inventory and Allocated Units 

  • Fill in Worksheets with Allocated and Available Units and Add-Ons

  • Send Worksheets to Builders for Approval

  • View Timelines and Commission Payout Structure 

!! To learn about the Worksheet Management App for REALTORS, follow this link.


Before the VIP Broker Manager Starts Collaborating, the Project Owner/ Admin Needs to

1. Ensure This Project Is Included In A Premium Subscription

!! Heads-Up

ONLY a Premium Subscription, gives you access to the Worksheet Management App. For more information contact support@bildhive.com

2. Create The VIP Broker Manager Role And Invite Users

!!  You Might Not Need to Take This Step
Organizational structures and processes differ among companies. While some designate specific roles for individuals, others involve individuals in various functions. If you currently hold the position of Owner/Admin with the additional responsibility of VIP Broker Manager or Worksheet Manager, permissions are automatically granted to you.

  1. From Workplace, under Administration and Team Management, open the Team Configurator

  2. At the Top Right of the Roles and Users List, click Add Role 

  3. In the Add Role Drawer, Give the role a Name*

  4. When assigning Permissions for the VIP Broker Manager Role, make sure to Include Access to the following Apps:

  • Form and Survey Configurator (FSC) 

to create a worksheet from a worksheet template

  • Contract Configurator (CC) 

to make reservation agreements

  • Inventory Price Manager (IPM) 

to allocate units

  • Worksheet Management (WM) 

to collect and manage worksheets

  • Transaction Management (TM) 

to complete transactions

  1. Click Create

  2. At the top of the screen, click Invite New User

  3. Enter the VIP Broker Manager’s Info 

  4. Click Send

!!  For more information on how to use the Team Configurator, Click Here

3. Create the VIP Realtor Role and Invite Users

!!  Who’s Responsibility is it to complete this task?
It depends on your Company's Organizational Structure And Processes. Individuals assigned to this task should have the Necessary Permissions to access the Team Configurator.

  1. From your Workplace, under Administration and Team Management, open the Team Configurator

  2. At the Top Right of the Roles and Users List, click Add Role 

  3. In the Add Role Drawer, Give the role a Name*

  4. When assigning Permissions for the role, make sure to Give them Access to the following Apps:

  • Inventory Price Management (IPM) to view availability and allocation status

  • Worksheet Management (WM) to complete, send, and manage Worksheets

  1. Click Create

  2. At the top of the screen, click Invite New User

  3. Enter the VIP Realtor’s Info 

  4. Click Send

!!  For more information on how to use the Team Configurator, Click Here

Once the VIP Broker Manager Receives the Invitation to Collaborate with Bildhive. They Need to Create an Account as a Collaborator

4. Step 1 - Open the You Are Invited Email

  1. Locate the You Are Invited email in your Inbox, and Open it

  2. Then, click Accept Invitation

5. Step 2 - Log In or Create an Account

  1. Once you accept the invitation, the Login Screen pops up

  2. If you already Have a Bildhive Account, Log In and Accept the Invitation

  3. Otherwise, in the Log In Pop-up, click Create an Account

  4. Fill in the required information*

  5. Review Bildhive’s SAAS Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy*

  6. When you have finished reading, click I Agree

  7. Click Create Account

  8. On the Top of the screen, you will see a Notification that indicates you have Successfully Registered and that you need to verify your email to Activate your account

Mandatory Fields.

6. Step 3 - Verify Email

  1. To Verify your Email, go to your Inbox, open the Registration Complete email, and click Verify Email

  2. The Login Screen pops up

  3. Enter your Email and Password

  4. Verification Code will be sent to your Inbox

  5. Enter the verification Code and click Verify Device

  6. Once the Device is Verified, you are redirected to your Welcome Screen

!! You don’t see the ‘Registration Complete’ email?  

Check your Junk Mail folder or Spam folder. Otherwise, contact support@bildhive.com

!! TIP: Verify the device for 60 Days

Below the Verification Code field, select Verify this Device for 60 Days to skip this step for the next 60 days.

!!  Is there a Red Circle above the Invitations Tab?

An Invitation is Waiting to be accepted. You Won’t be able to See a Project UNTIL YOU ACCEPT THE INVITATION.

7. Step 4 - Open the Invitations Tab and View, Accept, or Decline your Pending Invitations

  1. Click the Invitation Tab to Open it

  2. Locate the Invitation in the Invitations List and click Accept or Decline

  3. If you Accept the invitation, you will be redirected to the All Projects Tab

  4. Select the Project and Start Working

Welcome To The Bildhive Platform - The Home, or Welcome Screen

On the Welcome Screen or Home Page, you'll find a List of all your Projects. At the top of the screen are four tabs: All, Recent, Pin, and Invitations. The first tab lists all your projects and is open by default. The second and third tabs list Recent and Pinned Projects, respectively. The last one contains a list of all pending. 

!! Navigation Tips: 

  • To return to your Home Page or Welcome Screen from anywhere on the platform, go to the Top Right corner of your screen, click your Monogram (circle with your initials) and, from the Admin Panel Dropdown, select Home 

  • To Return to the Previous Screen, click the Bildhive Logo at the Top Left of the Screen. It is your Back Button. 

Prepare the Required Assets

8. Create a Worksheet Template

Who’s Responsibility it is to complete this task?
It depends on your Company's Organizational Structure And Processes. Individuals assigned to this task should have the Necessary Permissions to access the Form and Survey Configurator.
  1. Go to the project’s Workplace and, under Project Configuration, launch the Form and Survey Configurator

  2. At the Top Right corner, click Add Form/Survey/Worksheet

  3. Enter a Name* for your form

  4. From the Type dropdown, select Worksheet

  5. Click Create

  6. Adjust, Edit, Add, or Delete Fields

  7. Add Tags

  8. If you want only SPECIFIC REALTORS to view a worksheet, click Select Worksheet Realtors andfrom the Dropdown menu, Pick the realtors

  9. From the Submission Notification Dropdown, select the Email of the person(s) you want to be Notified when a Worksheet is Submitted

!! For more information about using the Forms and Surveys Configurator, click this link. (Configure a Form or a Survey Using the Forms & Surveys Configurator FSC)

9. Create a  Reservation Agreement  Template Step 1 – Upload Documents

!!  Who’s Responsibility it is to complete this Task?
It depends on your Company's Organizational Structure And Processes. Individuals assigned to this task should have the Necessary Permissions to access the Contract Configurator.
  1. Go to Workplace, and, under Project Configuration, select Contract Configurator

  2. Once the App opens, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select Reservation Agreement

  3. At the Top Right of your Screen, click Add Contract Template 

  4. In the Add New Template Screen, enter a Name* for your Template 

  5. From the Contract Type Dropdown, select Reservation Agreement Template

  6. Upload the Documents for the Reservation Agreement

  7. Add a Description

  8. Under the Add Documents to Template sectionclick on Upload PDF(s) 

  9. to Upload the pdfs of All the Documents that will be included in the Contract

  10. From the Media Library, Select all the necessary Documents that you need to have in your Contract 

  11. Click Select

  12. Once the files are Uploaded, they will Appear under the Add Documents to Template Section

  13. Click Next

10. Create a  Reservation Agreement Step 2 –  Add the Fields to the Template

  1. Add the Fields to your Contract Template

  2. Create Custom Fields if necessary

  3. Save the Template

!!  Why is it Important to Configure All the Fields in the Contract?

When you set up the fields in the Contract Configurator, you provide a location to input data, without them, the information entered during a transaction will not appear in the Contract.

!! Do you need Detailed Instructions on How to Use the Contract Configurator?

Click this link Contract Configurator

11. Make Sure The Condo Units Have Been Configured In The Condo Unit Configurator

  1. Only when the Condo Units have been Configured, will they be Ready To Be Allocated to different VIP Realtors using the Inventory and Price Manager

!!  Who’s Responsible for Configuring the Condo Units?
It depends on your Company's Organizational Structure And Processes. Individuals in charge of Configuring the Condo Units should have the Necessary Permissions to access the Condo Unit Configurator and follow the instructions outlined in this article. Upload Condo Unit Assets & Information using the Condo Unit Configurator.

Settings for Reservations and Commissions

12. Launch the Inventory and Price Management (IPM) App

Who’s Responsibility it is to complete this task?
It depends on your Company's Organizational Structure And Processes. Individuals assigned to this task should have the Necessary Permissions to access the Inventory and Price Management.
  1. Go to the project’s Workplace,

  2. Under Customer & Transaction Management, find the Inventory & Price Management App and Select it

  3. You will be redirected to the Unit Inventory Management Screen

13. Reservation Fee

  1. First, set your Reservation Currency by clicking on the Dropdown and selecting $USD or $CA

  2. Then, set your Reservation Fee by entering a $ Amount

  3. Save

!! You don’t have to repeat this for each unit.

This fee becomes the Default for all Reservations requiring a fee but can be ADJUSTED INDIVIDUALLY.

14. Receive Reservation Payment – Integrate with Stripe

!!  Heads-Up

To Receive the reservation fee Payment, the Builder/Owner of the account MUST integrate with Stripe.

  1. From the Left Navigation Bar, click Settings

  2. On the Submenu, under Reservation and Commission Settings, select Reservation Payment

  3. If you are not Integrated with Stripe yet, click Integrate with Stripe and follow the Prompts

  4. If you have Problems or Concerns, contact support@bildhive.com

!!  What is Stripe?

Stripe is a Payment Platform that lets businesses Accept credit cards, debit cards, and popular Payment Methods around the world.

15. Reservation Refund Structure


Builders can leverage the Reservation Refund Structure to choose between full, partial, or no refund options for reservations that did not result in a purchase.

  1. To set the Reservation Refund Structure, go to the Left Navigation Bar and click Settings

  2. On the Submenu, under Reservation and Commission Settings, select Reservation Refund 

  3. On the Refund Fee Type section, Select between Percentage and Amount

  4. Then, Enter the refund fee Percentage or Amount

  5. Save

16. Agent Commission Structure


Builders have the flexibility to specify the Commission Amount payable to agents for specific units. The commission structure may be configured as a Percentage of the sale amount or as a Fixed Fee in dollars.

  1. To set the Agent Commission Structure, go to the Left Navigation Bar and click Settings

  2. On the Submenu, under Reservation and Commission Settings, select Agent Commission Structure 

  3. On the Commission Fee Type section, Select between Percentage and Amount

  4. Then, Enter the commission fee Percentage or Amount

  5. Finally, Define if the commission is Payable for Units Only, Units Plus Add Ons, or Add Ons Only

  6. Save

!! This becomes the default structure for all units but can be adjusted individually.

17. Agent Payout Structure – Add New Payout Entry


Builders can determine commission payout details, specifying Payout Type, Date/Stage, and Amount/Percentage.

  1. To set the Agent Payout Structure, go to the Left Navigation Bar and click Settings

  2. On the Submenu, under Reservation and Commission Settings, select Payout Structure 

  3. On the Payout Structure section, Select Add New Payout

  4. In the Add New Payout pop-up, on the Payout Type section, Select between Date and Stage 

  5. If you selected Date as the payout type, specify the Number Of Days* following the offer date for the payout

  6. If you selected Stage, click on the Payout Stage dropdown and select between Execution and Closing *

  7. In the Amount Type section, choose between Percentage or Amount

  8. In the Payout section, enter the Percentage or Amount

  9. Click Create

 * Mandatory fields

18. Agent Payout Structure – Edit or Delete

  1. To Edit/ Delete the Agent Payout Structure, go to the Left Navigation Bar and click Settings

  2. On the Submenu, under Reservation and Commission Settings, select Agent Payout Structure 

  3. On the Payout Structure section, find the Agent Payout you want to Edit, and, on the Right side, click the Pencil icon 

  4. In the Edit Payout pop-up, make the adjustments to the Payout Type, Number Of Days/Stage*Amount Type, and Percentage or Amount

  5. Click Update

  6. To Delete Payout Entry, find the Agent Payout you want to Delete and, on the Right, click the Trash Icon 

  7. Then, Confirm Delete

 * Mandatory fields

19. Email Sender


In this section, builders can specify the originating email address for the reservation process.

  1. To Specify an Email Sender, go to the Left Navigation Bar, and, select Settings

  2. On the Submenu, under Reservation and Commission Settings, select Email Sender

  3. On the Email Sender Setting Section, in the Select a Sender Email Address Dropdown, Select either the Default, no-reply address, or another one as

  4. You can click on the Sender Logo section and upload a logo from your Media Library 

  5. Then, Save your choices

 * Mandatory fields

!!  Do you not see the Email Address you are looking for?

Go to the Broadcast Email Builder App/ Settings and configure/verify the address of your choice.

Assign Units and Manage Commissions

20. Assign/Unassign a Unit

  1. On the Left Navigation Bar, click Commission & Allocation Management 

  2. Confirm the Units tab is selected

  3. Locate the Unit you want to Assign 

  4. At the end of the unit’s Row, click Assign

  5. In the Assign Unit pop-up select the VIP Realtor * you want to assign the unit to

  6. Set the Expiration Date*

  7. Click Save

  8. To Unassign, locate the Unit you want to unassignand at the end of the row, click Unassign

  9. On the pop-up, click Proceed

 * Mandatory fields

21. Adjust the Commission Structure for this Unit

  1. If you want to adjust the Commission Structure for this Unit,

  2. Go to the Left Navigation Bar, and click Commission & Allocation Management 

  3. Confirm the Units tab is selected at the top

  4. Locate the Unit for which you want to adjust the Commission

  5. At the end of the row, click Commission

  6. In the Commission Structure pop-up, Update the Options as required

  7. To Reset the original options, click Reset to General Commission Structure

22. Bulk Actions - Assign, Unassign, and Commission More Than One Unit

  1. On the Left Navigation Bar, click Commission & Allocation Management 

  2. Confirm the Units tab is selected 

  3. Narrow Down your List of Units, filtering them either by Status or Other Filters

  4. Click the Checkboxes next to each unit to Select them 

  5. At the Top of the list of units, find the  Bulk Actions dropdown menu 

  6. Click and select the Action you want to perform: Assign, Unassign, or Commission 

  7. If you select Assign, you will be prompted to select the VIP Realtor you want to assign the units to and enter an Expiration Date

  8. Once you have entered the information, click Assign to apply the bulk action to the selected units

  9. If you select Unassign, you will be asked to Confirm that you want to Unassign the selected units from their current VIP Realtor 

  10. If you select Commission, you will be asked to enter the Commission Percentage or Amount for the selected units

  11. Once you have made your selection, click Update to apply the bulk action 

Commission and Allocation Management – Parking Spots, Lockers, or Bike Racks

23. Assign/Unassign Add-Ons – Parking Spots, Lockers, or Bike Racks

  1. On the Left Navigation Bar, click Commission & Allocation Management 

  2. Select either the Parking Spots, Lockers, or Bike Racks tabs

  3. Locate the Spot, Locker, or  Bike Rack you want to Assign 

  4. At the end of the item’s Row, click Assign

  5. In the Assign Add-On To pop-up select the VIP Realtor you want to assign the Parking Spot, Locker or Bike Racks to*

  6. Set the Expiration Date*

  7. Click Save

  8. To Unassign, locate the Add-On you want to unassignand at the end of the row, click Unassign

  9. On the pop-up, click Proceed

 * Mandatory fields

!! Once you’ve assigned Units, they appear as Allocated in the  VIP Brokers’  Unit Inventory List. 

24. Adjust the Commission Structure for the Add On’s

  1. If you want to adjust the Commission Structure for this Add On,

  2. Go to the Left Navigation Bar, and click Commission & Allocation Management 

  3. Select the Parking SpotLocker, or Bike Rack tab

  4. Locate the Add-On for which you want to adjust the Commission

  5. At the end of the row, click Commission

  6. In the Commission Structure pop-up, Update the Options as required

  7. To Reset the original options, click Reset to General Commission Structure

25. Bulk Actions - Assign and Unassign More Than One Add-On

  1. On the Left Navigation Bar, click Commission & Allocation Management 

  2. Select the Parking SpotLocker, or Bike Rack tab 

  3. Narrow down your list by filtering it by Realtors/Assignees, Type, or Price

  4. Click the Checkboxes next to each Parking SpotLocker, or Bike Rack to Select them 

  5. At the Top of the list, find the  Bulk Actions dropdown menu 

  6. Click and select Bulk Assign or Bulk Unassign 

  7. If you select Assign, you will be prompted to select the VIP Realtor you want to assign the Add-Ons and enter an Expiration Date

  8. Once you have entered the information, click Assign to apply the bulk action to the selected items

  9. If you select Unassign, you will be asked to Confirm that you want to Unassign the selected items from their current VIP Realtor 

  10. Once you have made your selection, click Update to apply the Bulk Action

!! Once you’ve assigned Units, they appear as Allocated in the  VIP Brokers’  Unit Inventory List.

The Worksheet List


Worksheets that come in are listed in the Worksheet list. This list includes the following information about each worksheet.

  • ID

  • Unit Choice #1

  • Unit Choice #2, etc

  • Parking #

  • Locker #

  • Bike Rack #

  • Purchaser(s)

  • Submitted by (VIP realtor)

  • Status (Pending, Approved, Declined, Reserved, Voided, or Sold)

  • Decline Reason

  • Date Created

  • Date Updated

  • 3-Dot Action Menu

At the top of the List, you can select to filter the Worksheets by Status or clear the filters.

!! Bildlhive notifies you every time a Worksheet comes in.

To see your Notifications, click the Bell on the Top Bar.

26. Approve Pending Worksheets

  1. Once the VIP Realtor, Submits a Worksheet, it is Listed in the VIP Broker Manager’s Worksheet List

  2. Its status appears as Pending

  3. To Approve a Pending Worksheet, locate it in the list, click the Three-Dot Action Menu to the right of the Worksheet and, from the Dropdown, select Approve

  4. In the Approve Worksheet pop-upclick on the Select a Unit dropdown and Select a Unit

  5. Do the same in the Parking Add-ons, Lockers, and/or Bike Racks dropdowns as needed

  6. If a Reservation Agreement is Required, select Yes, and proceed to Send the Agreement

  7. If an Agreement is NOT needed, click No, then, In the Process Reservation Agreement pop-up, select whether to Continue to Process the Agreement or do it at a Later time 

  8. Both the VIP Realtor and the Client receive an Email confirming the reservation

  9. If you select to process the agreement at a later time, its Status changes to Reserved

!!  What Does an APPROVED Status Mean?

An APPROVED Status indicates that the reservation has been approved for allocation, but the builder still needs to provide the Reservation Agreement to the signers and obtain their signatures.

27. Decline Pending Worksheets

  1. To Decline a Pending Worksheet, locate it in the list, click the Three-Dot Action Menu to the right of the Worksheet and, from the Dropdown, select Decline

  2. In the Decline Worksheet pop-up, type the Reason for the decline *

  3. Click Decline

  4. Both the VIP Realtor and the Client get an Email saying the reservation was declined

 * Mandatory fields

28. Edit Pending Worksheets

  1. You are NOT ALLOWED to Edit Pending Worksheets, you can only View them

29. Process a Reservation Agreement

  1. To Process a Reservation Agreement, select YES in the Approve Worksheet Pop-Up

  2. Your participants get Reservation Approved emails

  3. In the Process Reservation Agreement pop-up, click Continue to Confirm you want to process the reservation agreement for the Worksheet

  4. Step 1 - In the Create Reservation Agreement pop-up, select your Signing Method; either e-Signature or Print & Sign *

  5. From the Select Document Template dropdown, select a previously configured Reservation Agreement Template

  6. If you require a Reservation Fee, keep the Collect Reservation Fee slider to the Right, otherwise, slide it to the Left

  7. Either $USD or $CAD is preselected according to your settings, but you can Adjust it as needed

  8. In the $USD or $CAD field, type a Reservation Amount *

  9. If the Agreement has Custom Fields, fill them in

  10. Click Next 

  11. Step 2 – Review Signing Route

  12. Once the Signing Route is reviewed, click Review & Send

  13. After you Review the agreement in detail, click Send Contract

  14. Those who Need to Sign, get the Documentation to sign

  15. After everything is Signed, the purchaser gets a no-reply Email with the Reservation and Payment Link 

Mandatory fields

!!  Do you Need Instructions about how to set up the Signing Order?

Just follow this link.

30. Process a Payment for a Reservation Agreement

  1. To collect Reservation Payments, you must FIRST Integrate With Stripe

  2. Once integrated with Stripe, the client can Pay directly from the Email

  3. If a reservation requires Payment, the participant receives an email with the reservation and a Payment Request for the Reservation Amount

  4. Once they click on Pay, it takes them to a two-step process

  5. Step 1 -  Review the reservation information, preview the agreement and payment details, and Agree to the Terms of the Reservation

  6.  Click Make a Payment and Complete the Payment Process

  7. Once the payment process is Complete, the worksheet appears as Reserved

!!  The amount of the Reservation Fee gets automatically DEDUCTED from the final price.

!! Are you ready to Complete a Transaction?

Once the Unit or Add-On is accepted and signed, finalize it using the Transaction Manager

31. Reserved Worksheet Actions – View Details, Make a Transaction, Void Reservation, or Download Reservation Agreement

  1. To View  Reservation Details, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select Worksheets

  2. Locate the Worksheet you are looking for and, at the end of the row, roll over the Three-Dot Action Menu, and select View

  3. To Initiate Transaction in the Transaction Manager, locate the Worksheet, at the end of the row, roll over the Three-Dot Action Menu, and select Make a Transaction

  4. Then, Follow the Steps in the Transaction Manager

  5. To Download a Reservation Agreement, locate the Worksheet, go to the end of the row roll over the Three-Dot Action Menu, and click Download Agreement

  6. To Void a Reservation, locate the Worksheet, at the end of the row, locate the Three-Dot Action Menu, and select Void

!! If a Reservation is already signed, IT CAN’T BE VOIDED from the Three-Dot Action Menu. 

Instead, you MUST Create a Notice of Mutual Release.

32. Create a Notice of Mutual Release to Void a Signed Reservation

  1. From the Left Navigation Bar, select Worksheets

  2. Locate the Reserved Worksheet you want voided

  3. At the end of the row, click the Three-Dot Action Menu and select View

  4. At the top of the Worksheet’s Detail page, click the Document’s Tab located next to the Details Tab

  5. At the bottom of the Agreement of Reservation Details, click Add Notice of Mutual Release

  6. First, select a Signing Method

  7. Then, from the Select Document Template dropdown, Select a preformatted  Mutual Release Template

  8. Click Review and Create

  9. Review the contract and if satisfied, click Send Contract

  10. Confirm or edit the signing order

  11. Send to the signing parties

  12. Once all parties Sign the Mutual Release Agreement, open the Worksheet Management App 

  13. On the left Nav, select Worksheets

  14. On the  Worksheet List, locate the Worksheet you want to Void

  15. Go to the end of the row, roll over the Three-Dot Action Menu, and select Void

  16. Confirm

!! Do you not have a Notice of Mutual Release Template?

To create this template, utilize the Contract Configurator. The Responsibility for template creation depends on your company's organizational structure and processes. The Designated Individual should have the necessary Permissions to access the Contract Configurator.

!! Do you need more information about how to Sign the Agreement?

 Refer to this article for detailed information.

Finalize High-Rise Purchase Agreements / Firm Offer- Chapter 1

33. Declined Worksheet Actions – View and Approve

  1. To View a Declined Worksheet, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select Worksheets

  2. Locate the Declined Worksheet you want to view

  3. At the end of the row, click the Three-Dot Action Menu and select View

  4. To Approve a Declined worksheetgo to the Three-Dot Action Menu and select Approve

  5. From the Select a Unit to Approve Worksheet dropdown, select a Unit *

  6. If applicable, select Add-Ons

  7. If you require a Reservation Agreement then follow These Stepsotherwise, select No

  8. Click Approve and Continue to process, or Later to finalize it at a later time

34. Approved Worksheet Actions – View, Void Reservation, Resend Reservation, and Download Agreement

  1. To View the Details of an Approved worksheet, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select Worksheets

  2. Locate the Worksheet you are looking for and, at the end of the row, roll over the Three-Dot Action Menu, and select View

  3. To Void an Approved Worksheet, locate the Worksheet, at the end of the row, locate the Three-Dot Action Menu, and select Void

  4. TResend an Approved Worksheet, go to the Three-Dot Action Menu and click Resend

  5. Confirm that you want to resend documents to all the recipients

  6. To Download Agreement, go to the Three-Dot action Menu and click Download


An Approved Reservation  CAN’T BE VOIDED from the Three-Dot Action Menu

Instead, you MUST Create a Notice of Mutual Release.

35. Voided Worksheet Actions – View and Download

  1. To View the Details of a Voided worksheet, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select Worksheets

  2. Locate the Worksheet you are looking for and, at the end of the row, roll over the Three-Dot Action Menu, and select View

  3. To Download the worksheet, click Download Agreement

36. Sold Worksheet Actions – View, and Download

  1. To View the Details of a Sold worksheet, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select Worksheets

  2. Locate the Worksheet you are looking for and, at the end of the row, roll over the Three-Dot Action Menu, and select View

  3. To Download the worksheet, click Download Agreement

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