HMC - Use Home Model Configurator to Upload the Homes, Assets, and Information

Modified on Fri, 2 Aug at 2:12 AM


You can use this application to define, enter and manage all information (data, supporting images, documents and media) about each Home Model in a Community. The information entered into this app will be pulled into the Site Plan Configurator, the Inventory Price Manager, the Website and Landing Page Builder, the Touchscreen Builder, the Customer Relationship Management, and the Transaction Management.

!! Heads-Up

The Layout and Styling of how your units display in your touchpoints are NOT Handled by the Home Model Configurator (HMC). To Layout and Style Home Model pages, you use the Website and Landing Page Builder (WLPB) and/or the Touchscreen Builder (TB). The Information entered in the Home Model Configurator (HMC) is pulled into and displayed in the different touchpoints (Web, Mobile, Touchscreen, Digital Signage, Contracts, etc.).

!! Heads-Up 

Our Table of Contents links might occasionally land you Just Below The Target Section. If this happens, a Simple Scroll Up to the Previous Section will get you right where you need to be.


Get Started

1. Launch the Home Model Configurator (HMC)

  1. Go to the project’s Workplace,

  2. Under Product Management, find the Home Model Configurator (HMC) and Click on it

!! Can’t Find the Home Model Configurator?

Confirm that the Owner/Admin selected Low-Rise when configuring the project.

Gather the Information to Configure the Home Models

2. Collect the Model, Elevation, and Floorplan Package Information

  1. Ideally, the Builder will Provide the Information in an Excel Spreadsheet

  2. You can use the Data Management functionality to Import the Home Model information and Automatically Populate your Home Models’ Information or you can Manually Configure Them 

Use Data Import to Automatically Configure and Populate the Home Types’ and Home Models’ Information

3. Set Up Custom Fields

Although Bildhive provides you with a comprehensive list of Default Fields, we cannot anticipate all your needs, so we have provided you with the option to add Custom Fields. If necessary, add Custom Fields BEFORE importing your Data

  1. To add a Custom Field, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select Settings

  2. In the Submenu, under Customization, click Custom Fields

  3. Go to the Bottom of the page and click Add Custom Field

  4. In the New Custom Field pop-up, Add a Name*, a Field Type*, and, if required, a Default Value

  5. Click Add Field

  6. Repeat this process for all fields you need to add

*Mandatory Fields

!! Open the file below for a List of Default Fields in the Home Model Configurator.
The file Headers represent the Default Fields.  

Data Template for Home Model Configurator (HMC)

4. Organize your Excel File

  1. Builders have their unique approaches to Organizing data files in Excel. Even though it is not Mandatory, it is recommended that you reorganize your files following Bildhive’s HMC File Structure to ensure a Smooth Data Import

!! Why is it recommended to follow Bildhive’s File Structure?

Importing data into Bildhive requires Mapping the Headings in your document To Fields in the Home Model Configurator. By following Bildhive's File Structure, this mapping becomes Straightforward.

5. Save your File as CSV

  1. Bildhive Requires CSV format for Data Import

  2. Once your Excel file is Ready, do the following to save it as a CSV

  3. If you are using a Mac, go to the Top Bar and click File, then select Download, and from the Submenu, select Comma Separated File (.csv)

  4. If you are using Microsoft, switch to the File tab, then select Save As, and from the dropdown select CSV Comma Delimited file

  5. Unless you specify otherwise, your file is Saved in your Downloads Folder

!! What are CSV files and why do we need them?

CSV is a comma-separated values file. These files are used to export and organize a high volume of data. It is a spreadsheet that contains a.csv extension.

6. Import your CSV File

  1. On the Left Navigation Bar, click Settings 

  2. In the Submenu, on the Data Management Section, select Manage Data 

  3. Make sure the Import from CSV tab is Selected

  4. Click Browse to open your Asset Library

  5. If you’ve already Uploaded your CSV file, select it and then click Select

  6. Otherwise, Upload it now

!!  What does the Maximum Number of Upload Records Mean?

When you upload a CSV file to Bildhive, it is essential to note that it should contain less than 15,000 rows -excluding the column headers. If your CSV file has more than 15,000 rows, divide it into smaller files and upload them separately. 

7. Map the Headings

  1. Once you Select your file, the Import from CSV window opens

  2. On the Left Side, you will see a list of Headings 

  3. Each Heading represents a Column in the CSV file

  4. On the Right Side, there is a series of Dropdowns with a list of the Fields in the Home Model Configurator

  5. Begin by Mapping the Initial Heading—simply click on the dropdown menu directly opposite it

  6. From there, Choose the Field that Aligns with the heading

  7. This action will automatically Populate the corresponding Field in the Home Model Configurator with the Data from the column in your CSV file

  8. Continue Mapping the rest of the Headings with their corresponding Fields 

  9. Fields are in Alphabetical Order

  10. Select Ignore if you don’t want a field to Populate

  11. Select Preview to check how the fields are going to be mapped

  12. Select Import to populate the fields with the data

  13. Once the Data is Imported, the list of Model Types populates the Left Navigation Bar

  14. Click on a Model Type to view a list of the Home Models contained within

!! Not all the information can be uploaded with Data Import. 

To complete your Home Model configuration you will need to upload some information manually, like Images, Floorplans, Media, etc.

Configure Home Models Manually 

8. Add Your First Home Model

  1. To Add your first Home Model, go to the Top Right of the screen, and click Add New Home Model

9. Enter Model Information

  1. Enter Model Marketing Name* used to Identify the Model for navigation

  2. Enter Model Code* 

  3. Enter Model Frontage(you can enter decimals)

  4. Enter Model Type* 

  5. To mark this model as Standing Inventory, slide the Standing Inventory Model  Button to the Right

  6. Under the Status and Visibility sectionclick Save to Save the Information

Mandatory Fields

10. Save the Home Model Information

  1. Once you have entered the Home Model Information, you Must Save It

  2. Scroll to the Top of the screen 

  3. On the Right Side, find the Status and Visibility field

  4. Below the Status and Visibility field, click Save if this is your first time saving the information or Update if you had previously saved it

  5. Update your information as you go

Info: About the Featured Image 

The Model’s Featured Image is the image that appears as a Thumbnail and Highlight Image of the Home Model on your touchpoints (website, touchscreen, etc.). 

  1. To Set the Featured Image, find the Featured Image Section on the right of the screen, below the Status and Visibility Section

  2. Click Set Featured Image 

  3. The Media Library Pops Up

  4. From the Images in your Media Library, Select the folder that contains the model’s Featured Image

  5. Select the Image, then click Select

  6. Under the Status and Visibility sectionclick Save/Update to Save the Information

!!   Is the Image you just uploaded not there?

Please Wait for a few moments as it may take some time to upload. Alternatively, you can try clicking Save or Update, and the image should appear. If the problem persists, please Go Back to All Home Models and then come back into the model. You should be able to see the images.

!!   You Haven’t Uploaded a Featured Image to your Media Library yet?

Upload it now using the Content Asset Management (CAM). Please Follow These Steps if you don’t know how to upload to the Content Asset Management (CAM).  As well, make sure to follow the Bildhive Asset Preparation Guidelines when preparing your assets.

!!  Can't see the Folder with your Files?

Different Sections in the Bildhive Platform require you to upload files in Specific Formats. When a section requires a jpeg/png Format, only those Folders Containing jpegs/pngs are Displayed on the left-hand navigation bar. If the section requires pdf format, then only the Folders that Contain pdfs are Displayed when accessing the Media Library from that Specific Section of the platform.

Configure the Elevations and Upload Floor Plan Packages and Renderings

  1. At the Bottom of the Home Model Detail Screen, locate Add New Elevation and Click on it 

  2. In the Add New Elevation drawer, enter Elevation Type *

  3. Enter Tags 

  4. Go to the Elevation Image field, click Set Featured Image, and select an Elevation Image* from the Media Library

  5. To add a Secondary Image, such as an image of the rear of a rear lane town, go to the Alternate Elevation Image field, click Set Featured Image, and select an Alternate Elevation Image from the Media Library

  6. Click Select

* Mandatory Fields


Info: About Tagging 

When using Filters, it is Handy to Tag an Elevation. Phase 1, Walkout, and Hide are examples of Tags. Check our Best Practices for Tagging Guide

!!   You Haven’t Uploaded an Elevation image to your Media Library yet?

Upload it now using the Content Asset Management (CAM). Please Follow These Steps if you don’t know how to upload to the Content Asset Management (CAM).  As well, make sure to follow the Bildhive Asset Preparation Guidelines when preparing your assets.

!!  Can't see the Folder with your Files?

Different Sections in the Bildhive Platform require you to upload files in Specific Formats. When a section requires a jpeg/png Format, only those Folders Containing jpegs/pngs are Displayed on the left-hand navigation bar. If the section requires pdf format, then only the Folders that Contain pdfs are Displayed when accessing the Media Library from that Specific Section of the platform.

InfoAbout The Standard Floor Plan Package 

This Package includes the Default Floor Plans for Each of the Floors in the home.

13. Enter The Standard Floor Plan Information

  1. Enter the name of the Floor Plan Option *

  2. Enter Price

  3. Price per Sq. Ft

  4. Enter the number of Stories in the Home 

  5. Enter the number of Garages in the Home 

  6. Enter the Square Footage of this Elevation 

  7. Enter Additional Square Footage (for example, for Live-work towns)

  8. Enter the number of Bedrooms

  9. Enter the number of Bathrooms

  10. Enter the number of Powder Rooms

  11. Enter Den/ Library

  12. Click Create

* Mandatory Fields

!! Where did the Price Per Sq. Ft. Come From?

Bildhive Automatically Calculates the Price per Sq. Ft. and adds it to this field when you Enter the Price the Square Footage and, if applicable, the Additional Square Footage of the elevation.

14. Upload a Downloadable Floor Plan Brochure 

  1. To upload a Downloadable Floor Plan Brochure, click Add PDF

  2. From your Media Library, find the Folder where you have the Floorplan Brochures, and Select it

  3. Find the Floorplan Brochure you are looking for and Checkmark it

  4. Click Select

!!   You Haven’t Uploaded a PDF Brochure to your Media Library yet?

Upload it now using the Content Asset Management (CAM). Please Follow These Steps if you don’t know how to upload to the Content Asset Management (CAM).  As well, make sure to follow the Bildhive Asset Preparation Guidelines when preparing your assets.

!!  Can't see the Folder with your Files?

Different Sections in the Bildhive Platform require you to upload files in Specific Formats. When a section requires a jpeg/png Format, only those Folders Containing jpegs/pngs are Displayed on the left-hand navigation bar. If the section requires pdf format, then only the Folders that Contain pdfs are Displayed when accessing the Media Library from that Specific Section of the platform.

15. Upload a Downloadable Features & Finishes List

  1. To upload a Downloadable Features & Finishes List, click Add PDF

  2. From your Media Library, find the Folder where you have the Features & Finishes, and Select it

  3. Find the Features & Finishes List you are looking for and Checkmark it

  4. Click Select

!!   You Haven’t Uploaded a PDF of the Features & Finishes to your Media Library yet?

Upload it now using the Content Asset Management (CAM). Please Follow These Steps if you don’t know how to upload to the Content Asset Management (CAM).  As well, make sure to follow the Bildhive Asset Preparation Guidelines when preparing your assets.

!!  Can't see the Folder with your Files?

Different Sections in the Bildhive Platform require you to upload files in Specific Formats. When a section requires a jpeg/png Format, only those Folders Containing jpegs/pngs are Displayed on the left-hand navigation bar. If the section requires pdf format, then only the Folders that Contain pdfs are Displayed when accessing the Media Library from that Specific Section of the platform.

16. Upload a Downloadable Sales Sheet

  1. To upload a Downloadable SAles Sheet, open the Home Model to which you want to upload the Sales Sheet

  2. Select the Elevation and click Edit

  3. Scroll down to the Downloadable Sales Sheet section and click Add PDF

  4. From your Media Library, find the Folder where you have the Sales Sheet, and Select it

  5. Find the PDF of the Sales Sheet  you are looking for and Checkmark it

  6. Click Select

!!  Can't see the Folder with your Files?

Different Sections in the Bildhive Platform require you to upload files in Specific Formats. When a section requires a jpeg/png Format, only those Folders Containing jpegs/pngs are Displayed on the left-hand navigation bar. If the section requires pdf format, then only the Folders that Contain pdfs are Displayed when accessing the Media Library from that Specific Section of the platform.

!! Do You Need to Add Information that does not have a Field? 

Create a Custom Field.

17. Add a Custom Field

  1. To Add a Custom Field, scroll down to the Custom Fields section and click Add Custom Field 

  2. In the New Custom Field pop-up, type a Name* for your custom field 

  3. From the Field Type Dropdown*, select whether you want a Text Enter Field or a Multiple Choice Field 

  4. If the field is Multiple Choice, add the different Options

  5. If desired, you can add a Default Value

  6. Click Add Field

* Mandatory Fields

Info: What is a Default Value?

It is the Sample Value that appears Inside the Text Field to guide the user.

!! Do You Need to View, Edit, or Delete a Custom Field? 

Follow These Steps: 

18. Upload the Floor Plans for Each of the Floors

  1. Enter the name of the Basement*something like Unfinished Basement

  2. Or, if the model Does Not Have a Basement, click on the Eye icon to  Hide this field

  3. To Upload the Floor Plan Image*click Set Featured Image 

  4. From your Media Library, find the Folder where you have the Floor Plan Images, and Select it

  5. Find the Floor Plan Image you are looking for and Checkmark it

  6. Click Select

  7. To enter the Other Floors, scroll to the Floor Plan section, locate Add Floor and Click on it 

  8. To Add the Rest of the Floors, Repeat the Steps

  9. If you do not have Optional Floor Plan Packages, click Create

* Mandatory Fields

!!   You Haven’t Uploaded the Floor Plan Images to your Media Library yet?

Upload them now using the Content Asset Management (CAM). Please Follow These Steps if you don’t know how to upload to the Content Asset Management (CAM).  As well, make sure to follow the Bildhive Asset Preparation Guidelines when preparing your assets.

!!  Can't see the Folder with your Files?

Different Sections in the Bildhive Platform require you to upload files in Specific Formats. When a section requires a jpeg/png Format, only those Folders Containing jpegs/pngs are Displayed on the left-hand navigation bar. If the section requires pdf format, then only the Folders that Contain pdfs are Displayed when accessing the Media Library from that Specific Section of the platform.

Info: About Upgraded or Optional Floor Plan Packages

These packages differ from the Standard ones in that they offer Additional floor plan Options for some (or all) of the floors in the Home. Examples include a Finished Basement, a Ground Floor with Den, a 5th Bedroom Second Floor, an Elevator, etc. 

!! Do you Not Have Upgrades or Optional Floor Plans? 

Skip this step.

19. Enter the Information for the Optional Floor Plan Packages

  1. In the Add New Elevation Drawer, scroll to the Standard Floor Plan section 

  2. To the Right of the Standard Floor Plan Tab, find Add Floor Plan Package and Click on it 

  3. This will Open the Optional Floor Plan Tab

  4. In the Floor Plan Options fieldenter a Name* that Describes the Option - something like 5th Bedroom Second Floor

  5. Upload a Floor Plan Image*

  6. Enter the information for the Optional Floor Plan

  7. You can Upload a Downloadable Floor Plan Brochure and a Features and Finishes List

  8. Repeat this process to Add as many Floor Plan Packages as needed

  9. Click Create

!! Do you need to Configure Additional Standard Floor Plans? 

Scroll to the Elevation Image, and Below it, locate the Standard Floor Plan Tab and Click on it. Continue adding Standard Floor Plans as needed. You can Toggle between the Standard Floor Plan and Optional Floor Plan tabs.

Add Media Files to your Home Model (gallery images, videos, virtual tours, etc.)

  1. At the Top of the screen, next to the Home Models Details tab, click on the Media tab 

  2. To add a Gallery Image, click Set Featured Image and, from the Media Library, select an image

  3. Repeat to add more Gallery Images  

!!   You Haven’t Uploaded the Gallery Images to your Media Library yet?

Upload them now using the Content Asset Management (CAM). Please Follow These Steps if you don’t know how to upload to the Content Asset Management (CAM).  As well, make sure to follow the Bildhive Asset Preparation Guidelines when preparing your assets.

!!  Can't see the Folder with your Files?

Different Sections in the Bildhive Platform require you to upload files in Specific Formats. When a section requires a jpeg/png Format, only those Folders Containing jpegs/pngs are Displayed on the left-hand navigation bar. If the section requires pdf format, then only the Folders that Contain pdfs are Displayed when accessing the Media Library from that Specific Section of the platform.

21. Add a Home Model Video or a 360 Virtual Tour

  1. To add a Home Model Video, open the Content Management App

  2. Upload the video to the Media Library

  3. Once Uploaded, go to the left navigation bar and select the Folder that houses the video

  4. Find the Video, and to the right, under Action, click the Three-dot Action Menu

  5. Select Get Shareable Link

  6. Click the Icon to Copy the Link to your Pasteboard

  7. Go back to HMC open the Home Model to which you want to add a video, 

  8. At the top click the Media Tab and, under Video, in the Home Model Video URL field, Paste the Shareable Link you just copied

  9. To add a 360 Virtual Tour, please Provide an iframe embedded Code for the 360 virtual tour

  10. Click Update

!!  Are you Using a Different Content Asset Manager?

No problem. Copy the Shareable Link from Your Content Asset Manager and paste it into the Home Model Video URL field.

Info:  You can toggle between the Unit Details tab and the Media tab without updating and you Will Not Lose your informationBUT, you need to Update Before Moving Away from this Screen.

!!  Do you want to Navigate from the Media Tab to the All Home Models List?

Click on the Home Model Details tab and then, at the top of the screen, click Back to All Home Models.

Publish or Unpublish your Home Models

!! About Status and Visibility:

By default, the Home Models’ visibility is set to Draft. You MUST PUBLISH your Home Models in order for them to be visible on your different Touchpoints (website, touchscreen, etc.)

22. Publish / Unpublish your Home Models to make them Visible on or Hide them From your Touchpoints

  1. To Publish a Home Model, if you are not on its Detail Screen, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select either All Home Models or the Model Type of the Home you want to publish -for example, 40’ Singles

  2. On the Model Homes List, locate the Home Model you want to Publish

  3. Roll Over it to display the Action Menu

  4. From the Action Menu, select Edit this will open the Home Model Detail Screen

  5. At the Top Right, find the Status and Visibility field and Click Draft to display the Status and Visibility Dropdown Menu 

  6. From the Dropdown Menu, select Published

  7. Click Update

  8. To Unpublish the Home Model, Re-select Draft from the Status and Visibility Dropdown

View and Edit the Home Model Types

!! What is a Home Model Type?

 A Home Model Type is a combination of Frontage and Model Type, such as a 40' Single. On the Left Navigation Bar, below All Home Models, you will find a list of Home Model Types. The list is based on the Frontage and Model Types of the Home Models you have configured. 

23. Edit, Delete, or Unpublish Home Model Types

  1. To Delete, Edit or Unpublish a Home Model Type, go to the Left Navigation Bar, locate the Home Model Type you want to delete, and Roll Over it

  2. To the right, find the Three-Dot Action Menu and Click 

  3. From the Dropdown Menu, select Delete, Unpublish, or Edit

  4. Confirm Delete, Unpublish, or Save the Edits

!!  STOP. Read this Before you Delete a Home Model Type.

If you delete a Home Model Typeall the Models with that Frontage and Model Type combination will be Permanently Removed.

!!  WARNING: Model Type and Frontage changes WILL IMPACT the Site Plan configurator. 

  • The Site Plan displays a Warning when Models that fit in a Lot have been adjusted, either in the Model Type or Frontage fields

  • In order to resolve the issue, scroll to the Choose all Models that Fit this Lot field, then delete and re-select the modified models.

  • It is Not Possible to fit Different Model Types or Frontages on the Same Lot

  • As a result, if you change the Frontage of a Home from 50 to 45, you won't be able to add it to a Lot with a 50' Frontage.

  • If you change the Model Type from Semi to Semis you won’t be able to fit them in a lot that has been assigned to fit Semi model types given that Semis and Semi, are considered different Model Types. 

View and Edit the Home Models

24. Use the Search Bar to Find a Home Model

  1. To search for a specific Home Model, go to the Top of the Screen and find the Search Bar 

  2. Enter the first Letters of the Name of the Home Model

  3. The Dynamic Search Functionality will Display all the Names that include those letters

  4. From the List, select your Home Model

  5. This Redirects you to the Home Model’s Detail Page 

  6. Make your Edits and click Update

!!  Do you Want to View all the Home Models Within a Model Type?
Simply Select Model Type from the Left Navigation Bar. This will Display all the Home Models within that Model Type.

25. Edit, Duplicate, Move, Preview, or Delete Home Models from the Card View 

  1. The Home Models appear in the  Card View, by Default

  2. To Edit a Home Model, go to the Left Navigation Bar and Select the Model Type that Contains this Model

  3. In the Card View, Roll Over the Home Model you want to Edit to display the Actions Bar

  4. In the Actions Bar, select Edit Model, Duplicate, Move Model, Preview, or Delete

  5. Confirm Delete / Move Model or click Update

!!  WARNING: Model Type and Frontage changes WILL IMPACT the Site Plan configurator. 

  • The Site Plan displays a Warning when Models that fit in a Lot have been adjusted, either in the Model Type or Frontage fields

  • In order to resolve the issue, scroll to the Choose all Models that Fit this Lot field, then delete and re-select the modified models.

  • It is Not Possible to fit Different Model Types or Frontages on the Same Lot

  • As a result, if you change the Frontage of a Home from 50 to 45, you won't be able to add it to a Lot with a 50' Frontage.

  • If you change the Model Type from Semi to Semis you won’t be able to fit them in a lot that has been assigned to fit Semi model types given that Semis and Semi, are considered different Model Types.

!!  Do you Want to View a Home Model’s Elevations and Floor Plans?

To view the Elevation and Floor Plan Information when on Card View, roll over a Home Model, and in the Actions Bar, select Preview (eye icon).

  • To Navigate through the Elevations, go to the Top Right of the Preview Pop-up and Click an Elevation 

  • To Navigate through the Floor Plan Packages, find the Floor Plan Section below the Floor Plan Image, click the Floor Plan Package Dropdown Menu, and select a Package 

  • To navigate through the Floor Plans in the package, Click the Left and Right  Arrows to the side of the Floor Plan Image.

!! Do you Want to Display the Home Models in List View?

If you are on a Home Model Detail Page, click Back to All Home Models and go to the Top Right corner of the ScreenBelow the Add New Home Model button, find the Card View (left) and List View (right) Icons. Select the List View Icon.

26. Edit, Duplicate, Move, Preview, or Delete Home Models from the List View

  1. Display the Home Models in the List View

  2. Locate the Row of the Home Model you want to adjust

  3. Scroll to the end of the Row, find the Three-Dot Action Menu, and Roll Over it

  4. If the Scroll Bar is not VisibleScroll Down until you see it, and then scroll to the right

  5. From the Menu, select Edit Model, Duplicate, Move Model, Preview, or Delete

  6. When you are done EditingConfirm Delete / Move Model or click Update

!!  WARNING: Model Type and Frontage changes WILL IMPACT the Site Plan configurator. 

  • The Site Plan displays a Warning when Models that fit in a Lot have been adjusted, either in the Model Type or Frontage fields

  • In order to resolve the issue, scroll to the Choose all Models that Fit this Lot field, then delete and re-select the modified models.

  • It is Not Possible to fit Different Model Types or Frontages on the Same Lot

  • As a result, if you change the Frontage of a Home from 50 to 45, you won't be able to add it to a Lot with a 50' Frontage.

  • If you change the Model Type from Semi to Semis you won’t be able to fit them in a lot that has been assigned to fit Semi model types given that Semis and Semi, are considered different Model Types.

!! How to Navigate to Elevations and Floor Plans on the Preview Mode

  • To Navigate through the Elevations, go to the Top Right of the Preview Pop-up and Click an Elevation 

  • To Navigate through the Floor Plan Packages, find the Floor Plan Section below the Floor Plan Image, click the Floor Plan Package Dropdown Menu, and select a Package 

  • To navigate through the Floor Plans in the package, Click the Left and Right  Arrows to the side of the Floor Plan Image.

!! Read This BEFORE you mark a model as Standing Inventory

When your home transitions to standing inventory, start by generating a fresh entry in Bildhive for the particular Model. Take, for instance, the Danika Home Model designed for lots 2, 3, and 4. If a buyer initially selects Lot 4 for their Danika Model but later changes their mind, resulting in the home becoming standing inventory, distinguish it by duplicating the Model exclusively for Lot 4 and labeling it Danika-SI. Follow the instructions below to designate it as a standing inventory.

27. Mark a Model as a Standing Inventory

  1. To Mark a Model as Standing Inventory, go to the Left Navigation Bar and Select the Model Type that Contains this Model

  2. Roll Over the Home Model you want to Edit to display the Actions Bar

  3. In the Actions Bar, select Edit Model

  4. Locate the Model Information Section at the top of the Main Stage

  5. At the Bottom of this section, find the Standing Inventory Model button and slide it to the Right

  6. Since a Standing Inventory Model has already been built, you MUST Delete all Elevations that do Not Apply 

  7. To do this, go to the Elevation Summary Section

  8. Locate an Elevation that is Not Applicable

  9. Find the Three-Dot Action Menu to the Right of the Elevation

  10. Click on it and select Delete

  11. Confirm Delete

  12. Continue this process for All Other Elevations that are Not Applicable, until only One elevation Remains

  13. Click Update 

View and Edit the Elevations

!! TIP: Filter the Home Models by Model Type.

Go to the Left Navigation Bar, and select the Model Type that contains the Home Model that you want to edit.

28. Edit Elevations From the Card View

  1. In the Main Stage, Roll Over the Home Model that contains the Elevation you want to edit to display the Actions Bar

  2. On the Actions Bar, select Edit to Open the Home Model’s Detail Page

  3. Scroll Down to the Elevation Summary section

  4. Find the Elevation you want to edit and, at the end of the Row, Click the Three-Dot Action Menu

  5. From the Menu, select Edit Elevation to open the Edit Elevation Drawer

  6. Make necessary Changes 

  7. Click Update

!! TIP: Filter the Home Models by Model Type.

Go to the Left Navigation Bar, and select the Model Type that contains the Home Model you want to edit.

29. Edit Elevations From the List View

  1. In the Main Stage, Find the Home Model that you want to edit

  2. Scroll Right until you find the Three-Dot Action Menu and Roll Over it

  3. From the Menu, select Edit Model to Open the Home Model’s Detail Page

  4. Scroll Down to the Elevation Summary section

  5. Find the Elevation you want to edit and, at the end of the Row, Click the Three-Dot Action Menu

  6. From the Menu, select Edit Elevation to open the Edit Elevation Drawer

  7. Make necessary Changes 

  8. Click Update

!! DON’T FORGET to Link the Semis and Towns’ Elevations.

Semis and Towns Share Exterior Packages, so you need to Link their Elevations.

  1. To Link Home Model ElevationsSelect the Home Model that contains the Elevations you want to Link

  2. In the Model Detail Screen that Opens, Scroll Down to the Elevation Summary and locate the Elevation you want to Link

  3. To the Right of the elevation,  find the Three-Dot Action Menu and Roll Over it

  4. From the Menu, select Link Elevations

  5.  On the Link pop-up, Click on the Field to open a Dropdown with the elevations that can be linked 

  6. Select all that Apply

  7. Click Okay

31. Duplicate or Remove Elevations

  1. Select the Home Model that contains the Elevations you want to Duplicate or Remove

  2. From the Actions Bar in the Card View or the Three Dot Action Menu in the List View, select Edit Model

  3. In the Model Detail Screen that Opens, Scroll Down to the Elevation Summary and locate the Elevation you want to Duplicate or Remove

  4. To the Right of the elevation,  find the Three-Dot Action Menu and Roll Over it

  5. From the Menu, select Duplicate Elevation or Remove Elevation

  6. If you select Duplicate, Copy of the elevation Appears on the List

  7. If you select Delete, confirm Delete and click Update

32. Bulk Move, Publish, Unpublish, or Delete a Group of Home Models

  1. On the Navigation Bar, select a Home Model Type

  2. Select All the Elevations you want to Apply Bulk Actions to

  3. On the Top Right,  the Bulk Action Button displays

  4. Click On it to open the Dropdown Menu 

  5. From the Dropdown Menu, select Move to Home Model Type, Publish Selected Models, Unpublish Selected Models, or Delete Selected Models

  6. If you are Moving the Models to a different Home Model Type, enter the Frontage and Model Type 

Settings - Publishing Assets: Add an Agreement of Purchase or Lease, Price List, and Legal Disclaimer

33. Upload an Agreement of Purchase/Lease

  1. On the Left Navigation Bar, below the List of Model Types, click Settings 

  2. On the Settings Submenu, select Publishing Assets

  3. Below the Agreement of Purchase/Lease section, click the Gray Square 

  4. This will open the Media Library

  5. Select the PDF of the Agreement

  6. Click Select

  7. Click Save

!!   You Haven’t Uploaded the Agreement of Purchase to your Media Library Yet?

Upload it now using the Content Asset Management (CAM). Please Follow These Steps if you don’t know how to upload to the Content Asset Management (CAM).  As well, make sure to follow the Bildhive Asset Preparation Guidelines when preparing your assets.

!!  Can't see the Folder with your Files?

Different Sections in the Bildhive Platform require you to upload files in Specific Formats. When a section requires a jpeg/png Format, only those Folders Containing jpegs/pngs are Displayed on the left-hand navigation bar. If the section requires pdf format, then only the Folders that Contain pdfs are Displayed when accessing the Media Library from that Specific Section of the platform.

34. Upload a Price List

  1. On the Left Navigation Bar, below the List of Model Types click Settings 

  2. in the Settings Publishing Submenu, select Publishing Assets

  3. To Upload a Price List, click the Gray Square below the Price List Section

  4. This opens the Media Library

  5. Select the PDF of the Price List

  6. Click Select

  7. Click Save

!!   You Haven’t Uploaded a Price List to your Media Library yet?

Upload it now using the Content Asset Management (CAM). Please Follow These Steps if you don’t know how to upload to the Content Asset Management (CAM).  As well, make sure to follow the Bildhive Asset Preparation Guidelines when preparing your assets.

!!  Can't see the Folder with your Files?

Different Sections in the Bildhive Platform require you to upload files in Specific Formats. When a section requires a jpeg/png Format, only those Folders Containing jpegs/pngs are Displayed on the left-hand navigation bar. If the section requires pdf format, then only the Folders that Contain pdfs are Displayed when accessing the Media Library from that Specific Section of the platform.

  1. On the Left Navigation Bar, below the List of Model Types click Settings 

  2. In the Settings Submenu, select Publishing Assets

  3. In the Legal Disclaimer Section, type in or copy-paste the Legal Disclaimer

  4. Click Save

!!  Where Does the Legal Disclaimer Appear?

The Legal Disclaimer is shown Alongside your Models in the Touchpoints of your Published Projects.

Settings - Customization: Adjust Custom Fields

36. View, Edit, Add, or Delete Custom Fields

  1. On the Left Navigation Bar, below the List of Model Types, click Settings 

  2. In the Submenu, select Custom Fields 

  3. In the Custom Fields list, Locate the Field you want to Adjust

  4. At the End of the Row, find the Actions column and click Edit or Delete

  5. Make the Necessary Adjustments and Save

  6. Or Confirm Delete

  7. To Add a Custom Field, go to the bottom of the page and click Add Custom Field

  8. In the New Custom Field pop-up, Add a Name*, a Field Type*, and, if required, a Default Value

*Mandatory Fields

Settings - Data Management

37. Import Data from a CSV File

  1. If you have Custom Fields in the File you are about to import, please Set Them Up in the Home Model Configurator BEFORE importing the Data

  2. To ensure a Smooth Data Import, it is recommended that you Reorganize your Excel File following Bildhive’s HMC File Structure 

  3. Then, Save your Excel File as a CSV

  4. Once you’ve prepared your file, go to the Left Navigation Bar, and click Settings 

  5. In the Submenu, under the Data Management section, select Manage Data 

  6. Make sure the Import from CSV tab is Selected

  7. Click Browse

  8. Select the CSV file from your Asset Library and click Select

  9. Map the Headings of your CSV file to the Fields in the Dropdowns

  10. Select Ignore if you don’t want a field to Populate

  11. Select Preview to check how the fields were mapped

  12. Select Import to populate the fields with the data

!!  What does the Maximum Number of Upload Records Mean?

When you upload a CSV file to Bildhive, it is essential to note that it should contain less than 15,000 rows -excluding the column headers. If your CSV file has more than 15,000 rows, divide it into smaller files and upload them separately. 

38. Export Data to a CSV File

  1. On the Left Navigation Bar, below the List of Model Types, click Settings 

  2. In the Submenu, on the Data Management Section, select Manage Data 

  3. Make sure the Export Data tab is Selected

  4. Select the Name of the Data you want to export then, from the Actions Column, click the Download CSV Icon

39. View Data History

  1. On the Left Navigation Bar, below the List of Model Types, click Settings

  2. In the Submenu, on the Data Management Section, select Manage Data 

  3. Make sure the History tab is Selected

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