IPM - Manage your Product Inventory and Pricing with the Inventory and Price Management App - High Rise Projects

Modified on Mon, 18 Mar at 7:23 AM

!!  STOP: Don’t Use the Inventory and Price Management App Until

You’ve configured the Units with the Condo Unit Configurator and the Condo Grid with the Condo Grid Configurator.


The Inventory and Price Management App is a powerful tool for managing inventory and prices in real-time and across all touchpoints (web, mobile, and sales center devices). With this app you can:

  • Provide inventory availability and status in websites, and sales center devices

  • Segment inventory according to real-time status (Available, Sold, Hold, Sold Conditional, Not Released)

  • Change availability status and control how and when to release your product into the market

  • Control and modify the price of Units, Unit  Premiums, Unit Add-Ons Etc.

!! Heads-Up 

Our Table of Contents links might occasionally land you Just Below The Target Section. If this happens, a Simple Scroll Up to the Previous Section will get you right where you need to be.


Get Started

1. Launch the Inventory and Price Management (IPM) App

  1. Go to the project’s Workplace,

  2. Under Customer & Transaction Management, find the Inventory & Price Management App and Select it

  3. You will be redirected to the Unit Inventory Management Screen

Inventory Management

Unit Inventory at a Glance

2. The Unit Inventory Management Screen

Intro: There are two Segments in this screen: the Navigation Bar to the left and the Main Stage to the right.  

The Left Navigation Bar allows you to navigate to

  • Unit Inventory 

  • Add-ons Inventory

  • Price Management 

  • Price History 

Those with Premium Packages also have the option to navigate to 

  • Commission & Allocation Management

  • Commission & Allocation History

  • Settings

The Main Stage has Three Sections: 

  • Overview

  • Unit Labels and Filters

  • Unit List

3. Unit Inventory Overview

Info: This section is located at the Top of the screen and provides an Overview of the Units in your High-Rise community. It is arranged by Status and is Updated in Real Time. At a glance, you see the following:

  • Total Units

  • Units Available

  • Units Sold 

  • Units on Hold

  • Sold Conditional

  • Not Released

  • Units Allocated

  • Approved for Reservation

  • Units Reserved

This information is populated with the information you entered with both the Condo Unit and Condo Grid configurators.

Filter Unit Cards

Info: About the Unit Cards,

The main elements of the Inventory Management screen are the Unit Cards. These display the different Units and their details. By default, All Unit Cards are displayed and sorted numerically. Use Filters to display only Certain Units.

4. Filter the Unit Cards by Status

  1. Locate the Colored Rectangles above the Unit Cards 

  2. Checkmark One or More of the Status Rectangles

  3. Only the Units that Align with your Criteria will be Displayed

!! Are Units in Draft Mode Listed in the Inventory Price Manager?

Yes. Even if a Unit is saved in Draft Mode in the Condo Unit Configurator, it appears as Available in the Inventory Price Manager, but it is Not Visible in your Touchpoints (website, touchscreen, etc.) until it is Published.

5. Filter the Units by Realtors/Asignees, Type (Condo Unit or Condo Town), Price, Square Foot, Bedrooms, Baths, Floor Level, Exposure, Exterior, and Unit Tags

  1. Locate the Filters Button to the Right of the Colored Rectangles and Select it

  2. The Filters Drawer Opens

  3. Define your Filter Criteria

  4. Click Apply

!!  If you would like to define a Price Range, click the Left of the Slider to set the Lower marker and the Right to set the Higher marker.

The Units List

6. List of Units - Card View

Info: About the Unit List

The Unit List displays the different Units and their details sorted numerically. By default, units are displayed in the Card View. Each card provides the following information:

  • Unit Number

  • Unit Tags

  • Status

  • Unit Code

  • Marketing Name

  • Unit Price

  • Price per Sq. Ft.

  • # of Storeys

  • Floor Level

  • Interior Sq. Ft.

  • Exterior Sq. Ft.

  • Exposure

  • # of bedrooms

  • # of bathrooms

  • Den?

  • Loft/ Second Level?

  • Terrace?

  • Unit Premiums

Edits Done from the Unit Card

Info: Making Adjustments from the Unit Cards

Some Edits that can be done from a Unit Card, like Adding or Removing TagsChanging the StatusInitiating a Transaction and Updating the Information of a Unit.

7. Remove Tags from Units

  1. To Remove a Tag from a Unit, Find the Unit Card

  2. At the Top of the Unit Card, find the Tag(s) Field

  3. Locate the Tag that you want to Delete and Click the X next to the name

  4. The Tags will be Updated

!!  Heads–Up  

These Updates are reflected Across the Platform. Units that are SOLD are Locked and their information Can’t be Updated.

8. Add a Tag to a Unit

  1. To Add a Tag to a Unit, Find the Unit Card

  2. At the Top of the Unit Card, find the Tag(s) Field

  3. Click the Tag Field to Display the Tags Dropdown Menu

  4. Locate the Tag that you want to Add and Select it

  5. The Tags will be Updated

!!  Heads–Up 

  • These Updates are reflected Across the Platform.

  • Sold, and Conditional Units can’t have any tags added to them. 

  • If the Tag that you need is not in the Dropdown Menu, you will need to Add it to the Tag List. Follow these steps. 

9. Bulk Actions: Add a Tag to a Group of Units

  1. To Add a Tag to a group of Units, go to the Unit List

  2. Locate the Cards of the Units you want to Tag

  3. To the Left of the Unit Number there is a Square, Click on it to Select the card

  4. The Bulk Actions Button will Display to the Right of the Colored Rectangles

  5. Click the Bulk Actions Button and select Apply Bulk Tags

  6. From the Dropdown Menu in the Bulk Apply pop-up, select the Tag(s) you want to Add 

  7. To Close the dropdown, Click out of the dropdown but Inside the pop-up

  8. Then Click Update

!!  Heads–Up

  • Tags can only be added in bulk to Available Units and are reflected Across the Platform.

  • If the Tag that you need is not in the Dropdown Menu, you will need to Add it to the Tag List. Follow these steps

10. Edit the Names of Tags in the Tags List

  1. To Edit a Tag, go to the Left Navigation Bar and Select Settings

  2. The Tags List will Display

  3. Locate the Tag you want to Edit

  4. Click on the Pencil Icon to the Right of the name

  5. Enter a New Name 

  6. Click Update

!!  Heads–Up

These Updates are reflected Across the Platform.

Info: How to Get Back to the Unit List

To go back to the Unit List, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select Inventory Management. 

11. Remove Tags from the Tags List

  1. To Remove a Tag, go to the Left Navigation Bar and Select Settings

  2. The Tags List will Display

  3. Locate the Tag you want to Remove 

  4. Click on the Trash Icon to the Right of the name 

  5. Confirm Delete

!!  STOP Before you Remove a Tag 

When you remove a tag from the Tag List, it is removed from all the Units containing it. These Updates are reflected Across the Platform.

Info: How to Get Back to the Unit List,

To go back to the Unit List, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select Inventory Management. 

12. Add New Tags to the Tag List

  1. To Add a New Tag to the list, go to the Left Navigation Bar and Select Settings

  2. The Tags List will Display

  3. Locate the Add Tag button at the Bottom of the list

  4. Enter a New Name 

  5. Click Update

  6. The New Tag now Appears in the Tags Dropdown 

!! Heads-Up  

These Updates are reflected Across the Platform.

Info: How to Get Back to the Unit List

To go back to the Unit List, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select Inventory Management. 

13. !! STOP.  Before you Update the Status of a Unit, Read This:

  • If you use the Transaction Management App to process your transactions, you should NOT Change a Unit's status to Sold or Conditional, as the Sold/Conditional Unit will No Longer Appear in the Transaction Manager, meaning the transaction cannot be completed.

  • As long as you are Not Using the Transaction Management App as part of your process, you can Use All Status Options to manage your inventory. 

  • Units that are SOLDCONDITIONAL, or on HOLD are Locked and their status Can’t be Updated.

  • Unit Updates are reflected Across the Platform, so, for example, if you update a Unit from Available to Not Released, the Unit will be Automatically HIDDEN from the Condo Units List on the Website and Touchscreen.

To update the status of a Unit follow these steps.

14. Update the Status of a Unit

  1. To Update the Status of a Unit from the Unit Card, find the Three-dot Action Menu located next to the Status

  2. Click on it

  3. From the Dropdown, select Update Status

  4. In the Status Pop-up, click on the Status Field to display the Status Dropdown 

  5. Select a New Status

  6. Click Update

Info: Once a Unit’s Status is Updated to Sold or Conditional

You can select the Unit Add-Ons and enter the Final PriceSales Owner* and Purchasers*

If the unit has been updated to Conditional, you can enter a Final Price*

 * Mandatory fields.

15. About Unit Add-Ons: Add Parking Spots, Lockers and Bike Racks

Info: About Add-Ons

There is often a Specific Number of add-ons Assigned to Condo Units (even if they are not predefined). A buyer is Not Required to Purchase all or any of the Add-ons allocated to their unit. It is possible for Other Buyers to Purchase the left-over Add-ons at a later time, at the point of sale, or even after the sale.

In some cases, Add-ons are Predefined, and a specific parking spot, locker, or bike rack is Associated with a Specific Unit. Using the Condo Unit Configurator, you can enter this information when Configuring the Condo Units. 

You can also use the  Inventory Price Management App, to assign an Add-on to a Unit.

16. Assign Parking Spots, Lockers and or Bike Racks to a Unit

!!  STOP. Do this, only if the Transaction Management app is NOT BEING USED to finalize the Purchase/Lease Agreement. 

If you are Using the Transaction Management App, Enter Add-ons when Finalizing an Agreement.

  1. Locate the Unit Card to which you want to assign an Add-On

  2. Find the Status button 

  3. To the right of the button, find the Three-dot Action Menu and Click on it 

  4. From the Dropdown, Select Update Status

  5. On the Update Status pop-up, find the Status Field and click on it

  6. From the Status Dropdown, select SOLD

  7. The Unit’s update Pop-up will open

  8. Below the Status Field, select the ParkingLocker or Bike Rack tab

  9. Click on the ParkingLocker or Bike Rack Field to display a Dropdown of the available Parking Spots, Lockers or Bike Racks

  10. Select the Add-on you want to Assign to the Unit

  11. Enter a Sales Owner *

  12. Enter a Purchaser *

  13. Click Update

Mandatory Fields

17. Unlock a Unit

!!  Why is it Locked?

Units that are SOLD, or on HOLD are Locked and their status Can’t be Updated.

18. Initiate or Make a Transaction

Info: Transactions Cannot be made Directly from the Inventory and Price Management App, but by clicking on Make a Transaction, you will be Connected to the Transaction Management App.

  1. To Make a Transaction from a Unit Card, find the Three-dot Action Menu located next to the Status of the Unit

  2. Click on it

  3. From the Dropdown, select Make a Transaction

  4. The Transaction Management App will open

  5. You can also Initiate a Transaction from the  Unit Information Pop-up

Info: Click here to learn how to finalize agreements using the Transaction Management App.  

!! Heads-Up  

These Updates are reflected Across the Platform.

19. Display the Unit’s Information

  1. To view the Unit’s Information, locate the Card of the Unit you are interested in

  2. Click on the Card

  3. The Units Pop-up displays the Floorplan, Floorplates, and all the information about the Unit entered in the Condo Unit Configurator, including the Parking SpotsLockers, and Bike Racks associated with it. Additionally, it displays the Total.

  4. You can also Initiate a Transaction from the Home Model Pop-up

Info: Click here to learn how to finalize agreements using the Transaction Management App.

Unit Add-Ons Management 

20. Intro to the Unit Add-Ons Management Screen

Intro: To get to the Unit Add-Ons Management Screen, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select Unit Add-Ons Management. The Parking Spots Tab opens by default, but you can navigate to the Locker Tab or Bike Rack Tab by clicking them at the Top Left of the screen. There are three sections in these screens:

  • Overview

  • Filters

  • Units

Parking Spots

21. Parking Spots Inventory Overview 

Info: This section is located at the Top of the screen and provides an Overview of the Parking Spots available in the High-Rise community. It is arranged by Status and is Updated in Real Time. At a glance, you see the following:

  • Total Parking Spots

  • Parking Spots Available

  • Parking Spots Sold 

  • Sold Conditional

  • Parking Spots on Hold

This information is populated with the information you entered in the Condo Unit configurator.

22. Filter the Parking Spots by Status

Info: About Parking Cards  

The Parking Cards are the main section of the Parking Spots Management screen. These display the different Parking Spots and their Details. All parking spots are displayed and sorted numerically by Default. Use Filters to display only Certain Spots.

  1. Above the Parking Cards, locate the Colored Rectangles 

  2. Checkmark One or More of the Status Rectangles

  3. Only the Spots that Align with your Criteria will be Displayed

23. List of Parking Spots - Card View

Info: About the Parking Spots List 

This List displays the different Parking Spots and their details sorted numerically. By default, Spots are displayed in the Card View. In each card, you'll find Information Inherited from the information you added when Configuring the Unit using the Condo Unit Configurator:

  • Parking Spot Number

  • Parking Spot Tags

  • Unit Code

  • Parking Spot  ID

  • Parking Spot Number

  • Parking Type

  • Condo Unit Number

  • Parking Spot Price

  • Parking Description

Edits Done from the Parking Spots Cards

Info: Make Adjustments from the Parking spots Cards

You can make some Edits from a Parking Spot Card, like Adding or Removing TagsChanging the Status (only for Available Units) and Initiating a Transaction.

24. Remove a Tag from a Parking Spot

  1. To Remove a Tag from a Parking Spot, Find the Card

  2. At the Top of the Card, find the Tag(s) Field

  3. Locate the Tag that you want to Delete and Click the X next to the name

  4. The Tags are Updated

!!  Heads–Up  

These Updates are reflected Across the Platform. Parking Spots that are SOLDSOLD CONDITIONAL or on HOLD are Locked and their information Can’t be Updated.

25. Add a Tag to a Parking Spot     

  1. To Add a Tag to a Parking Spot, Find the Parking Spot Card

  2. At the Top of the Card, find the Tag(s) Field

  3. Click the Tag Field to Display the Tags Dropdown Menu

  4. Locate the Tag that you want to Add and Select it

  5. The Tags will be Updated

!!  Heads–Up 

  • These Updates are reflected Across the Platform

  • If the Tag that you need is not in the Dropdown Menu, you will need to Add the tag to the Tag List. Follow these steps. 

  • Sold, Sold Conditional, and Hold Parking Spots can’t have any tags added to them.

26. Bulk Actions: Add a Tag to a Group of Parking Spots

!!  Heads–Up

Bulk Tags can only be added to Available Spots and are reflected Across the Platform.

  1. To Add a Tag to a group of Parking spots, go to the Parking Spots List

  2. Locate the Cards of the Parking Spots you want to Tag

  3. To the Left of the Parking Number there is a Square, Click on it to Select the card

  4. The Bulk Actions Button will Display to the Right of the Colored Rectangles

  5. Click the Bulk Actions Button and select Apply Bulk Tags

  6. From the Dropdown Menu in the Bulk Apply pop-up, select the Tag(s) you want to Add 

  7. To Close the dropdown, Click out of the dropdown but Inside the pop-up

  8. Then Click Update

!! I can’t see the Tag I am Looking for.

If your tag is not there, you need to Add it in the settings

27. Update the Status of a Parking Spot

  1. To Update the Status of a Parking Spot from the Card, find the Three-dot Action Menu located to the Right of the Status of the Parking Spot

  2. Click on it

  3. From the Dropdown, select Update Status

  4. In the Status Pop-up, click on the Status Field to display the Status Dropdown 

  5. Select a New Status

  6. Click Update

Info: When changing the Status of a Parking Spot, you Must Select a Unit to link to this Parking Spot, from the dropdown menu. You can also enter the Final Price if the Status is changing to Sold or Conditional (not mandatory). 

!!  Remember there Are Only a Limited Number of Parking Spots that you can Assign to a Unit 

If the Unit has reached the Limit of Allotted Parking Spots, you will be notified and you will NOT be able to Add Another one unless you Raise the number of allotted Parking Spots for the unit using the Condo Unit Configurator. 


28. Lockers Inventory Overview 

Intro: This section is located at the Top of the screen and provides an Overview of the Lockers available in the High-Rise community. It is arranged by Status and is Updated in Real Time. At a glance, you see the following:

  • Total Lockers

  • Lockers Available

  • Lockers Sold 

  • Sold Conditional

  • Lockers on Hold

This information is populated with the information you entered in the Condo Unit Configurator.

29. Filter the Locker Cards by Status

Info: About the Locker Cards, 

the Locker Cards are the main elements of the Locker Management screen. These display the different Lockers and their details. All Lockers are displayed and sorted numerically by Default. Use Filters to display only Certain Lockers.

  1. Above of the Locker Cards, locate the Colored Rectangles 

  2. Checkmark One or More of the Status Rectangles

  3. Only the Lockers that Align with your Criteria will be Displayed

30. List of Lockers - Card view

Info: The Locker List displays the different Lockers and their details sorted numerically. By default, Lockers are displayed in the Card View. Each card contains the following information which that Inherited from the information you entered when you Configured the Unit using the Condo Unit Configurator:

  • Locker Number

  • Locker Tags

  • Locker Code

  • Locker ID

  • Locker Number

  • Locker Type

  • Condo Unit Number

  • Locker Price

  • Locker Description

Info: Some Edits can be done from a Locker Card, like Adding or Removing TagsChanging the Status (only for Available Lockers) and Initiating a Transaction.

!! Why is it Locked?  

 Lockers that are SOLDSOLD CONDITIONAL or on HOLD are Locked and their information Can’t be Updated.

Edits Done from the Lockers Cards

Info: Some Edits are done from a Locker Card, like Adding or Removing TagsChanging the Status (only for Available Lockers) and Initiating a Transaction.

31. Remove a Tag from a Locker

  1. To Remove a Tag from a Locker, Find the Card

  2. At the Top of the Card, find the Tag(s) Field

  3. Locate the Tag that you want to Delete and Click the X next to the name

  4. The Tags will be Updated

!!  Heads–Up  

These Updates are reflected Across the Platform. Lockers that are SOLDSOLD CONDITIONAL or on HOLD are Locked and their information Can’t be Updated.

32. Add a Tag to a Locker

  1. To Add a Tag to a Locker, Find the Locker Card

  2. At the Top of the Card, find the Tag(s) Field

  3. Click the Tag Field to Display the Tags Dropdown Menu

  4. Locate the Tag that you want to Add and Select it

  5. The Tags will be Updated

!!  Heads–Up 

  • These Updates are reflected Across the Platform.

  • Sold, Sold Conditional, and Hold Lockers can’t have any tags added to them.

  • If the Tag that you need is not in the Dropdown Menu, you will need to Add the tag to the Tag List. Follow these steps. 

33. Bulk Actions: Add a Tag to a Group of Lockers

!!  Heads–Up  

Bulk Tags can only be added to Available Lockers and are reflected Across the Platform.

  1. To Add a Tag to a group of Lockers, go to the Lockers List

  2. Locate the Cards of the Lockers you want to Tag

  3. To the Left of the Locker Number there is a Square, Click on it to Select the card

  4. The Bulk Actions Button will Display to the Right of the Colored Rectangles

  5. Click the Bulk Actions Button and select Apply Bulk Tags

  6. From the Dropdown Menu in the Bulk Apply pop-up, select the Tag(s) you want to Add 

  7. To Close the dropdown, Click out of the dropdown but Inside the pop-up

  8. Then Click Update

!! I can’t see my Tag

If your tag is not there, you need to Add it in the settings

34. Update the Status of a Locker

  1. To Update the Status of a Locker from the Card, find the Three-dot Action Menu located to the Right of the Status

  2. From the Dropdown, select Update Status

  3. In the Status Pop-up, click on the Status Field to display the Status Dropdown 

  4. Select a New Status

  5. Click Update

Info: When changing the Status of a Locker, you must select a Unit from the Dropdown menu. If the Status is changing to Sold or Conditional, you can also enter the Final Price (not mandatory). 

!!  Remember there Are Only a Limited Number of Lockers that you can Assign to a Unit 

If the Unit has reached the Limit of Allotted Lockers, you will be notified and you will NOT be able to Add Another one unless you Raise the number of allotted Lockers for the unit using the Condo Unit Configurator. 

Bike Racks

35. Bike Rack Inventory Overview 

Info: About Bike  Racks 

This section is located at the Top of the screen and provides an Overview of the Bike Racks available in the High-Rise community. It is arranged by Status and is Updated in Real Time. At a glance, you see the following:

  • Total Bike Racks

  • Bike Racks Available

  • Bike Racks Sold 

  • Sold Conditional

  • Bike Racks on Hold

This information is populated with the information you entered in the Condo Unit Configurator.

36. Filter the Bike Racks by Status

Info: About Bike Rack Cards 

The main section of the Bike Racks Management screen are the Bike Racks Cards. These display the different Bike Racks and their details. All Bike Racks are displayed and sorted numerically by Default. Use Filters to display only Certain Bike Racks.

  1. Above of the Locker Cards, locate the Colored Rectangles 

  2. Checkmark One or More of the Status Rectangles

  3. Only the Bike Racks that Align with your Criteria will be Displayed

37. List of Bike Racks - Card View

Info: About The Bike Rack List

The Bike Racks List displays the different Bike Racks and their details sorted numerically. By default, Bike Racks are displayed in the Card View. In each card, you'll find Information Inherited from the information you added when Configuring the Unit using the Condo Unit Configurator:

  • Bike Rack Number

  • Bike Rack Tags

  • Bike Rack Code

  • Bike Rack ID

  • Bike Rack Number

  • Bike Rack Type

  • Condo Unit Number

  • Bike Rack Price

  • Bike Rack Description

Info: Make Adjustments from the Bike Rack Card

Some Edits that can be done from a Bike Rack Card, like Adding or Removing TagsChanging the Status (only for Available Bike Racks) and Initiating a Transaction.

!!  Why is it Locked? 

Bike Racks that are SOLDSOLD CONDITIONAL or on HOLD are Locked and their information Can’t be Updated.

Edits Done from the Bike Racks Cards

Info: Some Edits can be done from a Locker Card, like Adding or Removing TagsChanging the Status (only for Available Lockers), and Initiating a Transaction.

38. Remove a Tag from a Bike Rack

  1. To Remove a Tag from a Bike Rack, Find the Card

  2. At the Top of the Card, find the Tag(s) Field

  3. Locate the Tag you want to Delete and Click the X next to the name

  4. The Tags are Updated

!!  Heads–Up  

These Updates are reflected Across the Platform. Bike Racks that are SOLDSOLD CONDITIONAL or on HOLD are Locked and their information Can’t be Updated.

39. Add a Tag to a Bike Rack

  1. To Add a Tag to a Bike Rack, Find the Bike Rack Card

  2. At the Top of the Card, find the Tag(s) Field

  3. Click the Tag Field to Display the Tags Dropdown Menu

  4. Locate the Tag that you want to Add and Select it

  5. The Tags are Updated

!!  Heads–Up

  • These Updates are reflected Across the Platform.

  • Sold, Sold Conditional, and Hold Bike Racks can’t have any tags added to them.

  • If the Tag that you need is not in the Dropdown Menu, you will need to Add the tag to the Tag List. Follow these steps. 

40. Bulk Actions: Add a Tag to a Group of Bike Racks

!!  Heads–Up 

Bulk Tags can only be added to Available Bike Racks and are reflected Across the Platform.

  1. To Add a Tag to a group of Bike Racks, go to the Bike Rack List

  2. Locate the Cards of the Bike Racks you want to Tag

  3. To the Left of the Bike Rack Number there is a Square, Click it to Select the card

  4. The Bulk Actions Button will Display to the Right of the Colored Rectangles

  5. Click the Bulk Actions Button and select Apply Bulk Tags

  6. From the Dropdown Menu in the Bulk Apply pop-up, select the Tag(s) you want to Add 

  7. To Close the dropdown, Click out of the dropdown but Inside the pop-up

  8. Then Click Update

!! Why can’t I see my Tag?

If your tag is not there, you need to Add it in the settings

41. Update the Status of a Bike Rack

  1. To Update the Status of a Bike Rack from the Card, find the Three-dot Action Menu located to the Right of the Status of the Bike Rack 

  2. Click on it

  3. From the Dropdown, select Update Status

  4. In the Status Pop-up, click on the Status Field to display the Status Dropdown 

  5. Select a New Status

  6. Click Update

Info: When changing the Status of a Bike Rack, you Must Select a Unit to link to it from the dropdown menu. You can also enter the Final Price if the Status is changing to Sold or Conditional (not mandatory). 

!!  Remember there Are Only a Limited Number of Bike Racks that you can Assign to a Unit

If the Unit reaches the allotted Bike Racks, you get notified and will not be able to add another one unless you raise the number of allotted Racks for the unit using the Condo Unit Configurator.

Price Management 


42. Units Price List 

Info: About the Units Price List

In the Units Tab of the Price Management Screen, you can Manage the Price of a Unit. In the Units Price List, you can see only the Available Units, which include the following information:

  • Unit Number

  • Marketing Name

  • Interior Sq. Ft.

  • Exterior Sq. Ft.

  • Unit Premiums

  • Unit Add-Ons 

  • Unit Premium Price

  • Unit Add-On Price

 * Square with a Number indicates that More Than One Add-On Applies to the Unit. Click on the number to View Them all.

43. Unit not in the Unit Price List

!!  I Can’t See a Unit in the Unit Price List 

A Unit MUST BE PUBLISHED to appear in the Unit Price List. To Publish a Unit, you must use the Condo Unit Configurator.

44. Adjust a Unit Price

!!  Heads–Up 

These Updates are reflected Across the Platform.

  1. To Adjust the Price of a Unit, find the Unit in the List and Click on the Square to the left of the Unit # to select it

  2. At the Top Right of the Screen, the Adjust Price button displays, Click on it

  3. In the Adjust The Price pop-up, Select – or + to Increase or Decrease the Price or Percentage 

  4. Then, select the Price Icon or Percentage Icon to indicate whether to Adjust by Price or Percentage

  5. In the field, enter the Number of Dollars or Percentage Value

  6. Click Update

  7. The Total Price will be Updated to reflect the Changes

45. Bulk Adjust Unit Prices

!!  Heads–Up

These Updates are reflected Across the Platform.

  1. To Adjust the Price of Multiple Units, select All those that need Adjusting

  2. At the Top Right of the Screen, the Adjust Price button displays, Click on it

  3. In the Adjust The Price pop-up, Select – or + to Increase or Reduce the Price/ Percentage then select the Price Icon or Percentage Icon

  4.  In the field, enter the new Price or Percentage

  5. Click Update

  6. The Total Price of the selected Units will be Updated to reflect the Changes


46. Unit Premiums Price List 

Info: In the Premiums Tab of the Price Management Screen, you can Manage the Price of Unit Premiums. You can see the following information:

  • Name of the Unit Premium

  • Available Units where that Premium Applies

47. Unit Premium Not in the Premiums Price List

  1. If the name of a Unit Premium does not Appear in your list, you need to Add It using the Condo Unit Configurator.

48. Adjust the Price of a Unit Premium

!!  Heads–Up 

These Updates are reflected Across the Platform.

  1. To Adjust the Price of a Unit Premium, find it in the List and Click on the Square to the left of the Name of the Unit Premium to select it

  2. At the Top Right of the Screen, the Adjust Price button displays, Click on it

  3. In the Adjust The Price pop-up, Select – or + to Increase or Reduce the Price/ Percentage then select Price or Percentage

  4.  In the Price/ Percentage field, enter the new Price or Percentage

  5. Click Update

  6. The Price will be Updated to reflect the Changes

!!  Heads–Up   

The Total Price of the Unit containing this Premium will also be Updated to reflect the Changes.

49. Bulk Adjust Unit Premium Prices

  1. To Adjust the Price of Multiple Unit Premiums, select All those that need Adjusting

  2. At the Top Right of the Screen, the Adjust Price button displays, Click on it

  3. In the Adjust The Price pop-up, Select – or + to Increase or Reduce the Price/ Percentage then select Price or Percentage

  4.  In the Price/ Percentage field, enter the new Price or Percentage

  5. Click Update

  6. The Price of the selected Premiums will be Updated to reflect the Changes

!!  Heads–Up   

These Updates are reflected Across the Platform. The Total Price of the Units containing these Premiums will also be Updated to reflect the Changes.

Add-Ons – Parking Spots

50. Parking Spots Price List 

Info: About the Parking Spots Price List 

In the Add-Ons Tab of the Price Management Screen, you can Manage the Price of Parking Spots. Check below the Units, Premiums and Add-Ons tab to Make Sure the Parking Spot Button is selected. You can see the following information:

  • Parking ID

  • Parking Spot #

  • Parking Spot Type

  • Parking Spot Description

  • Unit #

  • Parking Spot Price

51. Parking Spot Not in the Parking Spots Price List

  1. If the Parking Spot does Not Appear on your list, you need to Add It using the Condo Unit Configurator.

52. Adjust the Price of a Parking Spot

  1. To Adjust Parking Spot’s Price, find it in the List and Click on the Square to the left of it 

  2. At the Top Right of the Screen, the Adjust Price button displays, Click on it

  3. In the Adjust The Price pop-up, Select – or + to Increase or Reduce the Price/ Percentage then select Price or Percentage

  4.  In the Price/ Percentage field, enter the new Price or Percentage

  5. Click Update

  6. The Price will be Updated to reflect the Changes

!!  Heads–Up  

These Updates are reflected Across the Platform. The Total Price of the Unit linked to this Parking Spot will also be Updated to reflect the Changes.

53. Bulk Adjust Unit Parking Spots

  1. To Adjust the Price of Multiple Parking Spots, select All those that need Adjusting

  2. At the Top Right of the Screen, the Adjust Price button displays, Click on it

  3. In the Adjust The Price pop-up, Select – or + to Increase or Reduce the Price/ Percentage then select Price or Percentage

  4.  In the Price/ Percentage field, enter the new Price or Percentage

  5. Click Update

  6. The Price of the selected Parking Spots will be Updated to reflect the Changes

!!  Heads–Up

These Updates are reflected Across the Platform. The Total Price of the Units linked to these Parking Spots will also be Updated to reflect the Changes.

Add-Ons – Lockers

54. Lockers Price List 

Info: About the Lockers Price List 

In the Add-Ons Tab of the Price Management Screen, you can Manage the Price of Lockers. Check below the Units, Premiums and Add-Ons tab to Make Sure that the Lockers Button is Selected. You can see the following information:

  • Locker ID

  • Locker #

  • Locker Description

  • Unit #

  • Locker Price

55. Locker Not in the Locker Price List

  1. If the Locker does Not Appear in your list, you need to Add It using the Condo Unit Configurator.

56. Adjust the Price of a Locker

  1. To adjust a Loker's Price, find it in the list and Click the Square to the left of it

  2. At the Top Right of the Screen, the Adjust Price button displays, Click on it

  3. In the Adjust The Price pop-up, Select – or + to Increase or Reduce the Price/ Percentage then select Price or Percentage

  4.  In the Price/ Percentage field, enter the new Price or Percentage

  5. Click Update

  6. The Price will be Updated to reflect the Changes

!!  Heads–Up  

These Updates are reflected Across the Platform. The Total Price of the Unit linked to this Locker will also be Updated to reflect the Changes.

57. Bulk Adjust Unit Lockers

  1. To Adjust the Price of Multiple Lockers, select All those that need Adjusting

  2. At the Top Right of the Screen, the Adjust Price button displays, Click on it

  3. In the Adjust The Price pop-up, Select – or + to Increase or Reduce the Price/ Percentage then select Price or Percentage

  4.  In the Price/ Percentage field, enter the new Price or Percentage

  5. Click Update

  6. The Price of the selected Lockers will be Updated to reflect the Changes

!!  Heads–Up

These Updates are reflected Across the Platform. The Total Price of the Units linked to these Parking Spots will also be Updated to reflect the Changes.

Add-Ons – Bike Racks

58. Bike Racks Price List

Info: About the Bike Racks Price List 

In the Add-Ons Tab of the Price Management Screen, you can Manage the Price of Bike Racks. Check below the Units, Premiums and Add-Ons tab to Make Sure that the Bike Racks Button is Selected. You can see the following information:

  • Bike Rack ID

  • Bike Rack #

  • Bike Rack Description

  • Unit #

  • Bike Rack Price

59. Bike Rack Not in the Price List

  1. If the Bike Rack does Not Appear in your list, you need to Add It using the Condo Unit Configurator.

60. Adjust the Price of a Bike Rack

  1. To adjust a Bike Rack's Price, find it in the list and Click the Square to the left of it

  2. At the Top Right of the Screen, the Adjust Price button displays, Click on it

  3. In the Adjust The Price pop-up, Select – or + to Increase or Reduce the Price/ Percentage then select Price or Percentage

  4.  In the Price/ Percentage field, enter the new Price or Percentage

  5. Click Update

  6. The Price will be Updated to reflect the Changes

!!  Heads–Up

These Updates are reflected Across the Platform. The Total Price of the Unit linked to this Bike Rack will also be Updated to reflect the Changes.

61. Bulk Adjust Bike Racks

  1. To Adjust the Price of Multiple Bike Racks, select All those that need Adjusting

  2. At the Top Right of the Screen, the Adjust Price button displays, Click on it

  3. In the Adjust The Price pop-up, Select – or + to Increase or Reduce the Price/ Percentage then select Price or Percentage

  4.  In the Price/ Percentage field, enter the new Price or Percentage

  5. Click Update

  6. The Price of the selected Bike Racks will be Updated to reflect the Changes

!!  Heads–Up

These Updates are reflected Across the Platform. The Total Price of the Units linked to these Bike Racks will also be Updated to reflect the Changes.

Price History

62. Units Price History

Info: In the Units Tab of the Price History Screen, you can View all the price changes done to the Prices of Units. The following information is displayed:

  • Date

  • Item (Unit Number)

  • Sales Rep

  • Previous Price 

  • Adjustment (in price and percentage)

  • New Price

63. Premiums Price History

Info: In the Premiums Tab of the Price History Screen, you can View all the price changes done to the Prices of Premiums. The following information is displayed:

  • Date

  • Item (Premium Name)

  • Sales Rep

  • Previous Price 

  • Adjustment (in price and percentage)

  • New Price

64. Parking Spots, Lockers, and Bike Racks Price History

Info: In the Premiums Tab of the Price History Screen, you can View all the Price Changes that have been done to the Prices of Parking Spots, Lockers and Bike Racks. Make sure to select the Parking Spots Button, the Lockers Button or the Bike Racks Button, at the top of the screen. The following information is displayed:

  • Date

  • Item (Name of Add-On)

  • Sales Rep

  • Previous Price 

  • Adjustment (in price and percentage)

  • New Price

General Settings

65. Tags

Allocations Reservations and Commissions for VIP Brokers

Settings for Reservation and Commissions

66. Reservation Fee

  1. First, set your Reservation Currency by clicking on the Dropdown and selecting $USD or $CA

  2. Then, set your Reservation Fee by entering a $ Amount

  3. Save

67. Receive Reservation Payment – Integrate with Stripe

!!  Heads-Up

To Receive the reservation fee Payment, the Builder/Owner of the account MUST integrate with Stripe .

  1. From the Left Navigation Bar, click Settings

  2. On the Submenu, under Reservation and Commission Settings, select Reservation Payment

  3. If you are not Linked with Stripe yet, click Integrate with Stripe and follow the Prompts

  4. If you have Problems or Concerns, contact support@bildhive.com

!!  What is Stripe?

Stripe is a Payments Platform that lets businesses Accept credit cards, debit cards, and popular Payment Methods around the world.

68. Reservation Refund Structure


Builders can leverage the Reservation Refund Structure to choose between full, partial, or no refund options for reservations that did not result in a purchase.

  1. To set the Reservation Refund Structure, go to the Left Navigation Bar and click Settings

  2. On the Submenu, under Reservation and Commission Settings, select Reservation Refund 

  3. On the Refund Fee Type section, Select between Percentage and Amount

  4. Then, Enter the refund fee Percentage or Amount

  5. Save

69. Agent Commission Structure


Builders have the flexibility to specify the Commission Amount payable to agents for specific units. The commission structure may be configured either as a Percentage of the sale amount or as a Fixed Fee in dollars.

  1. To set the Agent Commission Structure, go to the Left Navigation Bar and click Settings

  2. On the Submenu, under Reservation and Commission Settings, select Agent Commission Structure 

  3. On the Commission Fee Type section, Select between Percentage and Amount

  4. Then, Enter the commission fee Percentage or Amount

  5. Finally, Define if the commission is Payable for Units Only, Units Plus Add Ons, or Add Ons Only

  6. Save

!! You don’t have to repeat this for each unit.

This structure becomes the Default for all units but can be adjusted individually.

70. Agent Payout Structure – Add New Payout Entry


In this section, builders can customize commission payout details, including Payout Type, Date/Stage, and Amount/Percentage

  1. To set the Agent Payout Structure, go to the Left Navigation Bar and click Settings

  2. On the Submenu, under Reservation and Commission Settings, select Payout Structure 

  3. On the Payout Structure section, Select Add New Payout

  4. In the Add New Payout pop-up, on the Payout Type section, Select between Date and Stage 

  5. If you selected Date as the payout type, specify the Number Of Days* following the offer date for the payout to expire

  6. If you selected Stage, click on the Payout Stage dropdown and select between Execution and Closing *

  7. In the Amount Type section, choose between Percentage or Amount

  8. In the Payout section, enter the Percentage or Amount

  9. Click Create

 * Mandatory fields

!! Why is a Unit Grayed-out / Locked?

The unit is Locked and appears Grayed Out during the Specified Period in the payout structure. Once this Period Ends, the unit is Unlocked and Available.

71. Agent Payout Structure – Edit or Delete

  1. To Edit/ Delete the Agent Payout Structure, go to the Left Navigation Bar and click Settings

  2. On the Submenu, under Reservation and Commission Settings, select Agent Payout Structure 

  3. On the Payout Structure section, find the Agent Payout you want to Edit, and, on the Right side, click the Pencil icon 

  4. In the Edit Payout pop-up, make the adjustments to the Payout Type, Number Of Days/Stage*Amount Type, and/or Percentage or Amount

  5. Click Update

  6. To Delete Payout Entry, find the Agent Payout you want to Delete and, on the Right, click the Trash Icon 

  7. Then, Confirm Delete

 * Mandatory fields

72. Email Sender


In this section, builders can specify the originating email address for the reservation process.

  1. To Specify an Email Sender, go to the Left Navigation Bar, and, select Settings

  2. On the Submenu, under Reservation and Commission Settings, select Email Sender

  3. On the Email Sender Setting Section, in the Select a Sender Email Address Dropdown, Select either the Default, no-reply address, or another one as

  4. You can click on the Sender Logo section and upload a logo from your Media Library 

  5. Then, Save your choices

 * Mandatory fields

!!  Do you not see the Email Address you are looking for?

Go to the Broadcast Email Builder App/ Settings and configure/verify the address of your choice.

Commission and Allocation Management – Units

73. Assign/Unassign a Unit

  1. On the Left Navigation Bar, click Commission & Allocation Management 

  2. Confirm the Units tab is selected

  3. Locate the Unit you want to Assign 

  4. At the end of the unit’s Row, click Assign

  5. In the Assign Unit pop-up select the VIP Realtor * you want to assign the unit to

  6. Set the Expiration Date*

  7. Click Save

  8. To Unassign, locate the Unit you want to unassignand at the end of the row, click Unassign

  9. On the pop-up, click Proceed

 * Mandatory fields

74. Adjust the Commission Structure for this Unit

  1. If you want to adjust the Commission Structure for this Unit,

  2. Go to the Left Navigation Bar, and click Commission & Allocation Management 

  3. Confirm the Units tab is selected at the top

  4. Locate the Unit for which you want to adjust the Commission

  5. At the end of the row, click Commission

  6. In the Commission Structure pop-up, Update the Options as required

  7. To Reset to original options, click Reset to General Commission Structure

75. Bulk Actions - Assign, Unassign, and Commission More Than One Unit

  1. On the Left Navigation Bar, click Commission & Allocation Management 

  2. Confirm the Units tab is selected 

  3. Narrow Down your List of Units, filtering them either by Status or Other Filters

  4. Click the Checkboxes next to each unit to Select them 

  5. At the Top of the list of units, find the  Bulk Actions dropdown menu 

  6. Click and select the Action you want to perform: Assign, Unassign, or Commission 

  7. If you select Assign, you will be prompted to select the VIP Realtor you want to assign the units to and enter an Expiration Date

  8. Once you have entered the information, click Assign to apply the bulk action to the selected units

  9. If you select Unassign, you will be asked to Confirm that you want to Unassign the selected units from their current VIP Realtor 

  10. If you select Commission, you will be asked to enter the Commission Percentage or Amount for the selected units

  11. Once you have made your selection, click Update to apply the bulk action 

Commission and Allocation Management – Parking Spots, Lockers, or Bike Racks

76. Assign/Unassign Add-Ons – Parking Spots, Lockers, or Bike Racks

  1. On the Left Navigation Bar, click Commission & Allocation Management 

  2. Select either the Parking Spots, Lockers, or Bike Racks tabs

  3. Locate the Spot, Locker, or  Bike Rack you want to Assign 

  4. At the end of the item’s Row, click Assign

  5. In the Assign Add-On To pop-up select the VIP Realtor * you want to assign the Parking Spot, Locker, or Bike Racks to

  6. Set the Expiration Date*

  7. Click Save

  8. To Unassign, locate the Add-On you want to unassignand at the end of the row, click Unassign

  9. On the pop-up, click Proceed

 * Mandatory fields

77. Adjust the Commission Structure for the Add On’s

  1. If you want to adjust the Commission Structure for this Add-On,

  2. Go to the Left Navigation Bar, and click Commission & Allocation Management 

  3. Select the Parking SpotLocker, or Bike Rack tab

  4. Locate the Add-On for which you want to adjust the Commission

  5. At the end of the row, click Commission

  6. In the Commission Structure pop-up, Update the Options as required

  7. To Reset to original options, click Reset to General Commission Structure

78. Bulk Actions - Assign and Unassign More Than One Add-On

  1. On the Left Navigation Bar, click Commission & Allocation Management 

  2. Select the Parking SpotLocker, or Bike Rack tab 

  3. Filter your List by Realtors/Assignees, Type, or Price

  4. Click the Checkboxes next to each Parking SpotLocker, or Bike Rack to Select them 

  5. At the Top of the list, find the  Bulk Actions dropdown menu 

  6. Click and select Bulk Assign or Bulk Unassign 

  7. If you select Assign, you will be prompted to select the VIP Realtor you want to assign the Add-Ons and enter an Expiration Date

  8. Once you have entered the information, click Assign to apply the bulk action to the selected items

  9. If you select Unassign, you will be asked to Confirm that you want to Unassign the selected items from their current VIP Realtor 

  10. Once you have made your selection, click Update to apply the Bulk Action 

Commission and Allocation History

79. Commission and Allocation History for Units, Parking Spots, Lockers, and Bike Racks

  1. On the Left Navigation Bar, click Commission & Allocation History

  2. The Commission History is displayed by Default

  3. If you want to view the Allocation History, go to the top and select the Allocation button 

  4. The Unit History displays by Default

  5. To view the Parking SpotLocker, or Bike Rack history, select one of those tabs

  6. The UnitsParking Spots, Lockers, or Bike Racks are listed by item #

  7. Each item includes StatusDateRealtor information, and Expiry Date information

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