CRM - 3. Organize your Calendar, Communicate with Clients, and Manage their Information and Documents Using the Customer Relationship Management App

Modified on Fri, 8 Mar at 5:47 AM

Manage Your Day

!! STOP.  Before reading this article, we recommend that you Read CRM  1 - The Leads and CRM 2 - The Sales Pipeline 


The Customer Relationship Management App is a robust tool designed to support Brokers and Sales Agents from the first contact of a prospective buyer all the way through to the closing of a home. With the Customer Relationship Management App, you can:

  • Collect, manage, forecast, qualify, communicate with, and add opportunities to your Leads. Go to CRM 1- Leads 

  • Move Opportunities through the Sales Pipeline to win deals and process a transaction. Go to CRM 2 - The Sales Pipeline

  • Make your sales efforts more efficient by allowing you to create tasks, schedule appointments, organize reminders, and communicate 1 to 1 with your clients while keeping all of your client’s information and documents organized, handy and secure. Described in this Article

!! Heads-Up 

Our Table of Contents links might occasionally land you Just Below The Target Section. If this happens, a Simple Scroll Up to the Previous Section will get you right where you need to be.


Get Started

1. Launch the Customer Relationship Management App (CRM)

  1. Go to the project’s Workplace,

  2. Under the Customer & Transaction Management sectionfind the Customer Relationship Management App (CRM) 

  3. Click on it 

2. My Work Day Dashboard

Intro: My Work Day Dashboard is the CRM’s Homepage. This dashboard provides a bird's eye view of your sales activity and workload. 

!! The dashboard will be Empty until…

you begin acquiring Leads and engaging with them. Learn how here

As soon as you acquire leads, your dashboard will show the following information:

Leads at a Glance

  • Total Leads (The total number of Leads Independent of their Lead Score)

  • Total Active Leads (The total number of Leads with a Lead Score of 4 or More)

  • Total Active Opportunities (Total number of Opportunities in the Sales Pipeline)

  • Total Unsubscribed ((Total number of Potential Leads that have unsubscribed from the project)

Tasks and Appointments at a Glance:

  • Task Details ( A summary of your Completed Tasks)

  • Appointments by Month, Week, or Day ( A summary of the Appointments for the Month, Week, or Day)

  • Task Status (by Month, Week or Day)

  • Closed Deals ( by This month, Last Month, Last Quarter, This Week, or Today)

!!  Do you want to learn more about Collecting and Managing Leads?  Read CRM 1

!!  Do you want to learn more about moving Opportunities through the Sales Pipeline? Read CRM 2

3. CRM’s Main Navigation Options

On the Left Side of the screen, you can find the Main or Left Navigation Bar. Use it to navigate to the following sections:

  • My Work Day. This is the Homepage and it provides you with a bird’s eye view of your Sales Activity and Workload.

  • Leads. Select this option to see a list of all your Leads with details about each one.

  • Opportunities. Select this option to go to your Sales Pipeline. Click Archived from the submenu, to open your Archived Opportunities.

  • Email. Select this option to go to your Inbox where you can read your emails or compose new ones. Click Sent from the submenu, to navigate to your Sent Emails.

  • Calendar 

Select this option to view a calendar with your TasksAppointments, and Closing Dates for your Opportunities.

  • Tasks 

Select this option to see a list of all your Active tasks. Select Completed from the submenu, to view your Completed Tasks.

  • Appointments Select this option to Schedule Virtual MeetingsPhone Meetings, or Sales Center Visits with your contacts.

  • Settings. Select this option to: 

    • Integrate to your Email AccountCreate Email Signatures and Templates, and Add Custom Fields to your Lead ListSales Pipeline, and Task List. 

    • Configure your Meeting Settings as well as allow prospective users to schedule meetings DIRECTLY from your Website or Landing page

    • Import or Export Data, Bulk Delete Data, and view Data History

!! STOP.   Make Sure to Connect to Your Email Account. 

To see your Emails or schedule Appointments, you need to Integrate with your Email AccountFollow These Steps

Define Your Email Settings 

4. Connect to your Email Account Through Integrations

!! Connecting to your Email Account is NOT mandatory, BUT,

Connecting enables you to send Emails to your contacts and Schedule Appointments Directly from your CRM app. It also allows prospective users to Set-up Meetings DIRECTLY from your Website or Landing pages.

  1. To connect to your Email Account, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select Settings 

  2. On the Settings Submenu, under Email & Calendar Settings, select Integrations

  3. In the Email Accounts sectionselect the Email Account of your preference and click Sign in

  4. You MUST Allow Bildhive to Connect to your account 

  5. This will bring you back to the Email Accounts Window and the Status will appear as Connected

  6. To disconnect from your email account, click Disconnect 

!! The Connection will remain Active until you choose to Disconnect. It doesn’t matter if you Exit the Project and return at a Later Time.

!! TIP: Do you have a team of Independent Sales Agents working together on a project?

It is Recommended that ALL members integrate with the Sales Center’s Email Address as opposed to each one using their own. This integration ensures Visibility for the Entire team, allowing Management to Oversee all interactions and keeping the History of Correspondence in one place.

5. Connect to your Video Conferencing Account

  1. Once you Connect to your Email Account, the Zoom Video Conferencing Section displays below the Email Accounts section 

  2. As long as you have a Zoom Account, use this section to connect to it

!! There are other options for Virtual Appointments besides Zoom.

  • If you use Gmail, you are Automatically connected to Google Meet

  • If you use Office 365, you can also use Teams 

  • If you use Outlook, you can ONLY use Zoom

6. Add a Signature to your Emails

  1. Go to the Left Navigation Bar and select Settings

  2. Under Email & Calendar Settings, select Email Signature

  3. The General tab is open by default 

  4. Enter the Information that you want to appear in your signature

  5. To add a Logo to your signature, click the Logo tab next to the General tab and select a, previously uploaded, logo from your Media library and click Select

  6. Or Drag and Drop it in the field

  7. To add a Social Profile, first, click on the Social tabthen, at the bottom, click Add More 

  8. On the Add Social Profile pop-upfirst, click the Arrow to open the Dropdown Menu and select a Platform 

  9. Then, click on the Add Social field and enter your Link

  10. Click Create

  11. To select a different Signature Layout, click the Design tab and select a different Layout

  12. Click Save

  13. All your Emails will Automatically include your Signature

!! Do you want to Delete your Signature from an Email?

If you do not want your Signature to appear on your email, simply Deactivate it. 

 Follow These Steps.

!! About Uploading to the Media Library: 

If you have not uploaded the Logo to your Media Library yet, you can upload it now using the Content Asset Management System (CAMS). Please Follow These Steps if you don’t know how to upload to the Content Asset Management (CAM). Make sure to follow the Bildhive Asset Preparation Guidelines when preparing your assets.

!! About File Formats and Folders: 

Different Sections in the Bildhive Platform require you to upload files in Specific Formats. When a section requires a jpeg or png Format, only the existing files with those formats will be Listed in the Media Library.

7. Hide your Signature on an Email

  1. When Composing the email, locate the Show Email Signature button below the Subject field and Slide the radio button to the LEFT

8. Create an Email Template

  1. To add an email Template, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select Settings 

  2. On the Settings Submenu, under Email & Calendar Settings, select Email Templates 

  3. At the bottom of the Templates Screen, click Add New Template

  4. Type the Subject* and Message*and Stylize the font and paragraph

  5. Upload an Attachment, if needed

  6. Save your Template

  7. On the Templates List, to the Right of your template, you can Preview, Edit or Delete a Template

*Mandatory Fields.

The CRM Calendar

9. Navigate to your Calendar

  1. To open your Calendar, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select Calendar

  2. This opens your Calendar Screen

10. Introduction to the Calendar Screen 

The CRM calendar displays your Tasks, Appointments, and Estimated Close Dates for your Opportunities ( in this context, we'll refer to them simply as opportunities). 

The Calendar Screen is divided into three sections:

  • The Month Thumbnail section, located at the top left of the Calendar screen. It displays a snapshot view of your month. 

  • The Overview section, located in the Main Stage of the Calendar screen. It displays a detailed view of your Month, Week, or Day

  • My Calendars section, located below the Thumbnail Section. Here, you can choose to view all three calendars (Tasks, Appointments, or Opportunities), a combination of two, or just one of them 

!!  Your Calendar is Updated in Real Time

When Tasks are AssignedClose Dates are EstimatedAppointments are Scheduled, and potential clients or buyers Schedule a Meeting through a Website or Landing Page, they are Added to your Calendar.

11. View your Scheduled Events in the Month Thumbnail Section

  1. Find the Month Thumbnail Section at the Top Left of the Calendar Screen 

  2. To Navigate Between Months, locate the Arrows to the left or right of the name of the month and Click

  3. If a date has a Red Dot, this indicates you have an Event scheduled for that day

  4.  To view the Details, click the Number with the Red Dot

  5. The Event displays in the Overview Section of the Calendar 

  6. To open a Quick View Pop-up with Details of the event, Click on the event in the Overview Section

12. View, Edit, or Delete Scheduled Events in the Overview Section of your CRM Calendar 

  1. The Overview Section appears to the Right of the Calendar Screen

  2. At the Top Right of the Overview Section, select the Month, Week, or Day View

  3. At the Top Left of the Overview Section, the name of your Current Selection displays 

  4. To Navigate to a different month/week/ day, Click the Arrows to either side of the Current Selection

  5. To open a Quick View Pop-up of the Scheduled Event, locate it in the main section of the calendar and Select it

  6. To Edit the event, Click the Edit icon at the Top of the Quick View Pop-up

  7. Depending on the Type of event, the Task Pop-up, Appointment Drawer, or Opportunity’s General Information Screen displays

  8. Make the necessary Edits and Save

  9. To Delete the event, Click the Delete Icon at the Top of the Quick View Pop-up and Confirm Delete

13. Select Between the Task, Appointments, and Opportunities Calendars

  1. To select which calendars to Display in the Overview Section, go to the My Calendars section located below the Month Thumbnail section 

  2. By default, all three calendars are Selected

  3. To Hide a calendar, click on the Checkmark to the Right of the calendar you want to hide

  4. To Display it again, click on the square to Checkmark it

Create, Edit, Delete, and View Tasks 

!!  TIP. Customize your Task Settings before Adding Tasks

By Default, Bildhive provides three types of tasks: To-do, Call, and Follow-up; these cannot be adjusted or deleted. However, you can Add New Task Types and edit or delete them as needed.

14. Customize your Task Settings to Add, Edit or Delete Task Types

  1. To customize your Task Settings, select Settings on the Left Navigation Bar

  2. On the Settings Submenu, under Customization, select Tasks

  3. To add a new Task type, at the bottom of the field, click Add Type

  4. Enter a Name*

  5. Click Create

  6. To Edit or Delete a Task Type, select Settings on the Left Navigation Bar

  7. On the Settings Submenu, under Customization, select Tasks 

  8. In the Task Type List  locate the Task Type you want to Edit or Delete, go to the Right of the field, and click Edit or Delete,

  9. Once you make the necessary adjustments, click Save or Delete

!! How come some Options are Locked?

There are three Default Task Options: To Do, Call, and Follow Up. They cannot be edited or deleted.

15. Add a Task from the Calendar Screen’s Top Bar 

  1. From the Left Navigation Bar, select Calendar to open the Calendar Screen

  2. Go to the Top Right Corner of the screen and click Add New

  3. From the Dropdown, select Task 

  4. In the Add New Task Pop-Up, provide a Title *

  5. Enter a Description  

  6. From the Task Type Dropdown, select a Task Type* or Add a New Task Type

  7. Select a Priority Level *

  8. Assign to a Team Member *

  9. In the What is this task related to? Dropdown, select Contact or Opportunity

  10. Enter the name of the Primary Contact *or the Lot/Model/Elevation related to the Opportunity*

  11. Select a Due Date 

  12. Click Create

*Mandatory Fields

16. Add a Task from the ‘My Calendars’ Section of the Calendar Screen

  1. From the Left Navigation Bar, select Calendar to open the Calendar Screen

  2. Below the Month Thumbnail, find the My Calendars Section 

  3. At the top of the section, Click Add

  4. At the top of the Pop-up, make sure the New Task Tab is selected 

  5. Provide a Title *

  6. Enter a Description  

  7. From the Task Type Dropdown, select a Task Type* or Add a New Task Type and select it*

  8. Select a Priority Level *

  9. Assign to a Team Member *

  10. In the What is this task related to? Dropdown, select Contact* or Opportunity*

  11. Enter the name of the Primary Contact *or the Lot/Model/Elevation related to the Opportunity*

  12. Select a Due Date 

  13. Click Create

 *Mandatory Fields

!! Tip. Create Tasks with the Minimum Number of Clicks.

Follow the chart below: 

17. How to Add Tasks from the Different Sections of the CRM



!! Notes

My Work Day Screen

Locate the Task Details Section below Total Leads 

Go to the Bottom of the section and click View All to open the Task List

At the Top Right of the Task List, click Add New Task

Left Navigation Bar

Select Tasks to Open the Task List

At the Top Right of the Task List, click Add New Task

Task List

At the Top Right of the Task List, click Add New Task

Leads List

Click on the Lead to Open the Quick View Card

Locate the Tasks Tab below the Opportunities and Notes Tab 

To the Right, click Add

The Primary Contact field will be Locked and Pre-populated with the Name of the Lead

Lead’s Quick View Card

Locate the Tasks Tab below the Notes Tab 

and to the Right of itclick Add

The Primary Contact field will be locked and Pre-populated with the Name of the Lead

Lead’s General Information Screen

From the Lead’s Navigation Menu, select Tasks

The Task List related to that Lead displays

At the Top of the List, click the Plus Icon

The Primary Contact field will be locked and Pre-populated with the Name of the Lead 

Sales Pipeline

On the Card View, locate the Card of the Opportunity to which you wish to add a Task

On the List View, locate the Row of the Opportunity to which you wish to add a Task

Roll Over the Three-Dot Action Menu at the right and select Add Task

The Related To field will be locked and Pre-populated with the Lot/Model/Elevation of the Opportunity

Opportunity's Quick View Card

Locate the Tasks Tab below the Notes Tab 

and to the Right of itclick Add

The Related To field will be locked and Pre-populated with the Lot/Model/Elevation of the Opportunity

Opportunity’s Detail Page

In the Opportunity’s Navigation Menu, select Tasks

The Task List related to Opportunity will display

At the Top of the List, click the + Plus Icon

The Related To field will be locked and Pre-populated with the Lot/Model/Elevation of the Opportunity

18. Open your Active Tasks List 

  1. To view your Active Task List, go to the Left Navigation Bar

  2. Select Tasks

  3. From the submenu, select Active

19. Introduction to the Active Task List

All of your Active Tasks are listed in your Active Task List. By default, the tasks are organized by Due Date with Today’s Tasks at the Top followed by Tomorrow’s Tasks, and Future Tasks at the Bottom. To filter the tasks by Priority, go to the top right of the screen and below the Add New button, click Due Date. From the dropdown menu, select Priority Level. The list will now be Organized by priority level, with the Highest Priority tasks at the Top

On the list, you can see the following information:

  • Title 

  • Task Type 

  • Description

  • Primary Contact (Click on it, to Open the Primary Contact’s Quick View Card)

  • Priority Level (Click on the Arrow to Change the Priority Level)

  • Due Date

  • Assign To

  • Comments linked to this Task

  • Attachments Linked to this Task

  • To mark a task as Completed, click on the circle at the Left of the Title. (The task will then be moved to the Completed Task List)

20. Edit, Copy, Change Due Date, or Delete Active Tasks 

  1. To Edit a TaskAttach a File, Type a Comment, Change Priority, and Add an Assignee, go to the Left Navigation Bar, and select Tasks to open the Active Task List

  2. Locate the Task, Scroll right, click the Three-Dot Action Menu, and select Edit to display the Task Pop-up

  3. Thenmake your Edits

  4. To Attach a file, click Attach Files, to open your Media Library and select a file

  5. To type a Comment, scroll to the bottom of the Pop-up, and type your comment

  6. To change the Priority Level, go to the Top Right, click the Priority Level, and select a New One

  7. To add an Assignee, go to the Assignee Section and click the Plus Icon

  8. To change the Due Date, click on the Date and select a New One

  9. From the Task’s Three-Dot Action Menu, you can also Copy the Task, Change the Due Date and Delete the Task

!! Do you want to change the Task Type?

Locate the Lead or Opportunity to whom this task belongs, from the Quick View Card, or the Three-Dot Action Menu, click Edit to open the General Information Screen. Once it opens, go to the Lead’s or Opportunity’s Navigation Bar and select Tasks. Locate the Task in the list, and click the Edit IconChange the Task Type and click Save.

21. How to View, Edit and Delete Tasks from the Different Sections of the CRM



!! Notes

My Work Day Screen

Go to the Bottom of the Task Details or Task Status section and click View All to open the Task List

Scroll Right and click the Three-Dot Action Menu

Heads-Up: This is the ONLY PLACE where you can Copy Tasks, Add Comments and Upload Attachments for this Task. BUTIt is not possible to Edit the Task Type from here

Left Navigation Bar

Select Tasks to Open the Task List

Scroll Right and click the Three-Dot Action Menu

Heads-Up: This is the ONLY PLACE where you can Copy Tasks, Add Comments and Upload Attachments for this Task. BUT,  It is not possible to Edit the Task Type from here

Task List

Scroll Right and click the Three-Dot Action Menu

Heads-Up: This is the ONLY PLACE where you can Copy Tasks, Add Comments and Upload Attachments for this Task. BUT,  It is not possible to Edit the Task Type from here

Leads List

Click on the Lead to Open the Quick View Card

Locate the Tasks Tab below the Opportunities and Notes Tab 

You can View the Tasks and Mark them as Done, but Can’t Edit them

Lead’s Quick View Card

Locate the Tasks Tab below the Notes Tab 

and to the Right of itclick Add

You can View the Tasks and Mark them as Done, but Can’t Edit them

Lead’s General Information Screen

From the Lead’s Navigation Menu, select Tasks

The Task List related to that Lead, opens

To the Left of each Task, select the View, Edit, or Delete Icons

You can View, Delete and make All Edits. 

BUTyou can’t Copy Tasks, Add Comments or Upload Attachments.

Sales Pipeline

On the Card View, locate the Card of the Opportunity or, on the List View, locate the Row of the Opportunity. 

Go to  the Three-Dot Action Menu at the right and select Edit Opportunity to open the General Information Screen

Go to the Opportunity’s Navigation Menu and select Tasks

Locate the Task and select the Edit Icon

You can View, Edit all the information and Delete it.

BUTfrom this section, you can’t Copy Tasks, Add Comments, or Upload Attachments.

Opportunity's Quick View Card

Locate the Tasks Tab below the Notes Tab 

and to the Right of itclick Add

You can View the Tasks and Mark them as Done, but Can’t Edit them

Opportunity’s General Information Screen

From the Opportunity’s Navigation Menu, select Tasks

The Task List related to this Opportunity, opens

To the right of the Opportunityselect the View, Edit, or Delete Icons

You can View, Delete and make All Edits. 

BUTyou can’t Copy Task, Add Comments or Upload Attachments.

22. Open your Completed Tasks List

  1. To view your Completed Tasks List, go to the Left Navigation Bar

  2. Select Tasks

  3. From the submenu, select Completed

23. Introduction to the Completed Task List

All of your Completed Tasks are listed in this List. By default, the tasks are organized by Due Date with the Oldest tasks at the Top

On the list, you can see the following information:

  • Title 

  • Primary Contact (Click on it, to Open the Primary Contact’s Quick View Card)

  • Priority Level (Click on the Arrow to Change the Priority Level)

  • Due Date

  • Task Owner

  • Comments added to the task

  • Linked or Uploaded Documents

!! Do you want to View, Edit or Delete Completed Tasks?

Follow the steps on This Chart

Configure your Meetings or Appointments

!!  TIP. Customize your Appointment Settings before Adding Appointments

By Default, Bildhive provides three Types of AppointmentsVirtual Meetings, Sales Centre, and Home Visits; these cannot be adjusted or deleted. However, you can Add New Appointment Types and edit or delete them as needed.

24. Open the Meetings Settings

  1. On the Left Navigation Bar, Select Settings

  2. On the Settings Submenu, under Customization, select Meetings

25. Configure the Meeting Dates, Types, Times, Duration, Minimum Notice Time, and Buffer Time

  1. On the Meeting Settings screen, select Rolling Weeks or Custom Date Range and select a Range*

  2. From the Select your Preferred Meeting Type* dropdown, select all the options that apply

  3. Enter the Days of the Week and Available Time Ranges* when people can Book a meeting in your calendar

  4. From the Duration dropdown, select the Length* of the meetings

  5. From the Minimum Notice Time dropdown, select the minimum time between when a meeting is Booked and when it can Take Place

  6. From the Buffer Time dropdown, select how much Time should pass Between the End of a Meeting and the Beginning of the Next One

*Mandatory Fields.

!! TIP. Provide More Than One Duration Option.

This way, the client can Decide whether they need a Short or a Long meeting.

Configure your Meeting Reminders

26. Schedule a Pre-Meeting Reminder for Yourself 

  1. In the Pre-meeting Reminder Section, select how long before a meeting you would like to receive a Reminder Email

  2. If you are Logged into Bildhive at the time, you will see a Pre-meeting Notification pop up

27. The Appointment Booking Widget

!! What is the Appointment Widget?

It is a Component that you can add to a Website or Landing Page to enable prospects and customers to Book Appointments. It also allows Clients to Reschedule Appointments directly from their Confirmation Emails

Click Here to Learn How to add it to your Website or Landing Page.

!! What happens If Multiple team Members are logged into the Appointment Booking Widget?

The prospects and customers will be able to select from the Combined Appointment Options entered by the members of the Sales Team. Meetings will be assigned in a Round Robin fashion based on when team members Configure their Meeting Parameters.

28. Allow the Clients to Reschedule their Appointments from their Confirmation Email

  1. To allow your Prospective clients to Reschedule their Appointments, you need to Copy and Paste the Appointment Widget URL from the Website/ Landing page that Contains it 

  2. If the Website or Landing Page Have Not Been Published, you Must use the URL of the Preview

  3. To find it, Open the Website & Landing Page Builder (WLPB)

  4. Select the Project that contains the Appointment Widget

  5. Preview the Page that Contains the Widget and copy the URL that appears in the Top Bar 

  6. Then, go back to the CRM, and from the Left Navigation Bar, click Settings

  7. On the Settings Submenu, under Customization, select Meetings

  8. On the Meeting Settings Screen, Scroll to the Appointment Widget URL section and Paste the Widget URL

!! STOP.  Once the Website or Landing is Published, you MUST replace the URL with the URL of the Live Site. 

Just Open the published website, go to the page that contains the Appointment Widgetcopy the URL, and paste it into the Appointment Widget URL section of the CRM’s Meeting Settings.

29. What Users See in the Appointment Booking Widget on the Website

Team Members Define the following in the CRM:

Users see the following on the website:

When a Meeting can be Scheduled

Info:  These consist of a range of dates when people can book a meeting.

A calendar showing the available dates when they can meet with a team member.
Info: Meeting dates and days are based on availability, defined by the team members in the CRM. 
!! Calendar days during which team members are unavailable will be grayed out.

Preferred Meeting Type

Info:  Select Phone, Virtual, and /or Sales Center Meeting.

Buttons showing the types of Meetings Available

!! If the Sales Team only offers Phone Meetings, only a Phone Button is visible.

Available Times

Info: These consist of the days and times of the week on which the team member is available for a  meeting.

A list of available time slots for users to choose from. 

Info: This is determined by the Available Times defined by the team members, as well as the Buffer Time and the Minimum Notice Time.


Info: The Team member selects one or more time periods during which meetings can take place.

A series of options with different time periods. 

Info: These are based on the time periods selected by the team member. For example, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, and an hour

Minimum Notice Time

Info: The team member defines the minimum time between when a meeting is scheduled and when it can take place.

Info: A meeting's first time slot is determined by the time of day plus the Minimum Notice Time. If the time is 12:00 and the Minimum Notice Time selected by the team member is 15 minutes, then the first time slot offered is 12:15.

Buffer Time

Info: The team member determines how much time should pass between one meeting and the next. 

Info: The different time slots will be determined by the Duration plus the Buffer time. So, continuing with the previous example, if the duration selected is 30 minutes and the buffer time is 10 minutes, the second time slot offered will be 12:55 (12:15 + 30-minute duration + 10-minute buffer).

30. Turn On the Confirmation Email Option and Configure the Email

  1. To send a Confirmation Email to the Client and allow them to Reschedule or Cancel an Appointment, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select Settings then Meetings 

  2. Scroll down to the Email Notifications section, and make sure the Confirmation Email option is Turned On 

  3. To Turn it Off, Slide the button to the Left 

  4. You can upload a Logo

  5. Then Enter a Subject* and a Preheader*

  6. You can Preview the Email and send a Test Email

*Mandatory Fields.

31. Activate the Pre-meeting Reminder Email

  1. If you want your prospects/ customers to Receive a Pre-meeting Reminder Email, go to the Bottom of the Email Notifications Section and Slide the Pre-Meeting Reminder Email slider to the Right

Schedule Meetings or Appointments

32. Schedule an Appointment from your Calendar’s Top Bar

  1. From the Left Navigation Bar, select Calendar to open the Calendar Screen

  2. Go to the Top Right Corner of the screen and click Add New

  3. From the Dropdown, select Appointment 

  4. In the Add New Appointment Pop-Upprovide a Title *

  5. Select a Date * 

  6. Enter Start* and End* Times 

  7. Enter Primary Contact *

  8. Assign it To a Team Member* 

  9. If applicable, enter Guest Email(s)

  10. Select the Type* of Appointment or add a new one 

  11. If the Appointment is Virtual, enter the Meeting Link * 

  12. Assign the appointment to a Team Member * 

  13. If applicable, enter a Guest Email

  14. From the Dropdown, select Appointment Type *

  15. If applicable, enter a Location

  16. Click Setup a Reminder and select the number of minutes or days before the meeting you wish to receive a Reminder Email

  17. Enter some Notes for the appointment, if needed  

  18. Click Create

*Mandatory Fields

33. Schedule an Appointment from the ‘My Calendars’ Section of your Calendar 

  1. From the Left Navigation Bar, select Calendar to open the Calendar Screen

  2. Below the Month Thumbnail, find the My Calendars Section 

  3. At the top of the section, Click Add

  4. At the Top of the Pop-Up, select the New Appointment Tab

  5. In the Add New Appointment Pop-Up, provide a Title *

  6. If necessary, adjust the Date * 

  7. Adjust the  Start* and End* Times 

  8. Enter Primary Contact * 

  9. Assign the appointment to a Team Member * 

  10. From the dropdown, select the Appointment Type*

  11. If applicable, enter a Location

  12. Click Setup a Reminder and select the number of minutes or days before the meeting you wish to receive a Reminder Email

  13. Enter some Notes for the appointment, if needed  

  14. Click Create

*Mandatory Fields

!! Tip. Create Appointments with the Minimum Number of Clicks.

Follow the chart below: 

34. Schedule Meetings or Appointments from the Different Sections of the CRM



!! Notes

My Work Day Screen

Locate the Appointment Section at the Top Right

Go to the Bottom of the section and click View All to open the Appointment List

At the Top Right of the List, click Add New Appointment

Left Navigation Bar

Select Appointments to Open the Appointment List

At the Top Right of the List, click Add New Appointment

Appointment List

At the Top Right of the List, click Add New Appointment

Leads List

Select the Lead to Open the Quick View Card

Locate the Appointment Tab below the Task Tab 

To the Right, click Add

The Primary Contact field will be Locked and Pre-populated with the Name of the Lead

Lead’s Quick View Card

Locate the Appointment Tab below the Tasks Tab 

and to the Right of itclick Add

The Primary Contact field will be locked and Pre-populated with the Name of the Lead

Lead’s General Information Screen

From the Lead’s Navigation Menu, select Appointments

The List of Appointments related to that Lead displays

At the Top of the List, click the Plus Icon

The Primary Contact field will be locked and Pre-populated with the Name of the Lead 

Sales Pipeline

On the Card View, locate the Card of the Opportunity for whom you wish to schedule an appt. 

On the List View, locate the Row of the Opportunity for whom you wish to schedule an appt.

Roll Over the Three-Dot Action Menu at the right and select Add Appointment

The Related To field will be locked and Pre-populated with the Lot/Model/Elevation of the Opportunity

Opportunity's Quick View Card

Locate the Appointments Tab below the Tasks Tab 

and to the Right of itclick Add

The Related To field will be locked and Pre-populated with the Lot/Model/Elevation of the Opportunity

Opportunity’s Detail Page

In the Opportunity’s Navigation Menu, select Appointments

The List of Appointments related to this Opportunity displays

At the Top of the List, click the + Plus Icon

The Related To field will be locked and Pre-populated with the Lot/Model/Elevation of the Opportunity

35. View, Edit, and Delete Appointments from the Different Sections of the CRM



!! Notes

My Work Day Screen

Go to the Top Right and find the Appointments Section  at the Bottom Right of the Section, click View All to open the Appointment List

Scroll Right and click the Three-Dot Action Menu

You can PreviewEdit and Delete the Appt.

To BUlk Delete,

Select more than one Appointment, and at the Top Left, click the Delete Button

Left Navigation Bar

Select Appointments to Open the Appointments List

Scroll Right and click the Three-Dot Action Menu

You can PreviewEdit and Delete the Appt.

To Bulk Delete,

Select more than one Appointment, and at the Top Left, click the Delete Button

Task List

Scroll Right and click the Three-Dot Action Menu

You can PreviewEdit and Delete the Appt.

To Bulk Delete,

Select more than one Appointment, and at the Top Left, click the Delete Button

Leads List

Click on the Lead to Open the Quick View Card

Locate the Appointments Tab below the Tasks Tab 

Click on the Arrow to the Left to display your list of appointments. To the Right of each one, you can Edit or Delete.

Lead’s Quick View Card

Locate the Appointments Tab below the Tasks Tab and to the Left of itclick the Arrow to display the appointments for this Lead

Click on the Arrow to the Left to display your list of appointments. To the Right of each one, you can Edit or Delete.

Lead’s General Information Screen

From the Lead’s Navigation Menu, select Appointments

The List of Appointments related to the Lead displays

To the Right of each Appointment, select the View, Edit, or Delete Icons

You can PreviewEdit and Delete the Appt.

Sales Pipeline

On the Card View, locate the Card of the Opportunity or, on the List View, locate the Row of the Opportunity 

Go to  the Three-Dot Action Menu at the right and select Edit Opportunity to open the General Information Screen

Go to the Opportunity’s Navigation Menu and select Appointments

Locate the Appointment and select ViewEdit or Delete

You can PreviewEdit and Delete the Appt.

Opportunity's Quick View Card

Locate the Appointments Tab below the Tasks Tab 

and to the Left of itclick the Arrow to display the appointments for this Opportunity

You can PreviewEdit and Delete the Appt.

Opportunity’s General Information Screen

From the Opportunity’s Navigation Menu, select Appointments

The List of Appointments related to the Opportunity displays

To the right of the Opportunityselect the View, Edit, or Delete Icons

You can PreviewEdit and Delete the Appt.

36. Open your Sales Pipeline to see your Active Opportunities 

  1. To view your Active Opportunities List, go to the Left Navigation Bar and select Opportunities

  2. On the Submenu, make sure Sales Pipeline is selected

!! Read Article Two - The Sales Pipeline 

and learn all about the Sales Pipeline and how to Move Opportunities through it.

37. Add an Opportunity from the Top Bar of the Calendar Screen 

  1. From the Left Navigation Bar, select Calendar to open the Calendar Screen

  2. Go to the Top Right Corner of the screen and click Add New

  3. From the Dropdown, select Opportunity 

  4. In the Add Opportunity pop-up, select a Lot* and an Elevation*

  5. Enter the Primary Contactor skip this step if the contact is predefined

  6. Select an Estimated Opportunity Close Date*

  7. From the Dropdown Menu, select a Deal Stage* or Add a New Stage

  8. Add a Value*

  9. From the Dropdown Menu, select a Deal Source* or Add a New One

  10. Select Visibility

  11. The Sales Owner(s)* field is pre-populated with whoever created the Opportunity you can select more than one owner from the dropdown

  12. In the field titled Interested In, describe the Opportunity

  13. Click Create

*Mandatory Fields

!! Read Article Two - The Sales Pipeline 

and learn all about the Sales Pipeline and how to Move Opportunities through it.

38. Add an Opportunity from the ‘My Calendars’ Section of the Calendar Screen

  1. From the Left Navigation Bar, select Calendar to open the Calendar Screen

  2. Below the Month Thumbnail, find the My Calendars Section 

  3. At the Top of the section, Click Add

  4. At the Top of the Pop-up, make sure the New Opportunity Tab is selected 

  5. In the Add Opportunity tab, select a Lot* and an Elevation*

  6. Enter the Primary Contactor skip this step if the contact is predefined

  7. Select an Estimated Opportunity Close Date*

  8. From the Dropdown Menu, select a Deal Stage* or Add a New Stage

  9. Add a Value*

  10. From the Dropdown Menu, select a Deal Source* or Add a New One

  11. In the Probability Field, Keep 20% or Adjust the Win Probability

  12. Select Visibility

  13. The Sales Owner(s)* field is pre-populated with whoever created the Opportunity you can select more than one owner from the dropdown

  14. In the field titled Interested In, describe the Opportunity

  15. Click Create

 *Mandatory Fields

!! Read Article Two - The Sales Pipeline 

and learn all about the Sales Pipeline and how to Move Opportunities through it.

!! Tip. Create Opportunities with the Minimum Number of Clicks.

Follow the chart below: 

39. How to Add Opportunities from the Different Sections of the CRM



!! Notes

My Work Day Screen

At the Top, click Total Active Opportunities

to open the Sales Pipeline

Then, at the Top Right, click Add New Opportunity

Left Navigation Bar

Select Opportunities to open the Sales Pipeline

Then, at the Top Right, click Add New Opportunity

Sales Pipeline

At the Top Right, click Add New Opportunity

Leads List

Click on the Lead to Open the Quick View Card

Click the Convert Lead Orange Button

Lead’s Quick View Card

Click the Convert Lead Orange Button

Lead’s General Information Screen

At the Top Left, on the Quick Info Square, click Convert Lead

!! Read Article Two - The Sales Pipeline 

and learn all about the Sales Pipeline and how to Move Opportunities through it.

40. View, Edit, and Delete Opportunities from the Different Sections of the CRM



!! Notes

My Work Day Screen

At the Top, click Total Active Opportunities

to open the Sales Pipeline

Then, locate the Opportunity 

To the right, click the Three-Dot Action Menu

Thenselect an Action

You can PreviewEdit, and Delete

In Addition, you can Add Notes, add Tasks, Add AppointmentsEmail, mark as Lost, mark as Won or Process a Transaction 

Left Navigation Bar

Select Opportunities to open the Sales Pipeline

Then, locate the Opportunity 

To the Right,  click the Three-Dot Action Menu

Thenselect an Action

You can PreviewEdit, and Delete

In Addition, you can Add Notes, add Tasks, Add AppointmentsEmail, mark as Lost, mark as Won or Process a Transaction

Lead’s Quick View Card

Locate the Opportunities Tab below the Tasks Tab

and to the Left of itclick the Arrow to display the Opportunities

To the Right of the Opportunityclick the Edit or Delete Icons

You can ONLY PreviewEdit, and Delete.

Lead’s General Information Screen

On the General Information Screen, go to  the Lead’s Navigation Menu, and select Opportunities

The List of Opportunities related to the Lead displays

To the Right of each Opportunity, select the View, Edit, Open Pipeline, or Delete Icons

You can PreviewEdit, and Delete

In Addition, you can open the Sales Pipeline

Sales Pipeline

On the Card View, locate the Card of the Opportunity oron the List View, locate the Row of the Opportunity 

Go to  the Three-Dot Action Menu at the right and select an Action

You can PreviewEdit, and Delete

In Addition, you can Add Notes, add Tasks, Add AppointmentsEmail, mark as Lost, mark as Won or Process a Transaction

Opportunity’s Quick View Card

Open the Quick View Card, and select an Action. Click the Details Tab to view the Opportunity’s Details

You can PreviewEdit, and Delete

In Addition, you can Email, Add Notes, add Tasks, Add AppointmentsView Form Submissions, Attachments, and a Timeline of Activities

Opportunity’s General Information Screen

From here, you can View, Edit and Delete all the Details about this opportunity

You can PreviewEdit, and Delete

In Addition, you can Email, Add Secondary Contacts or Purchasers, add Notes, add Tasks, Add AppointmentsView Form Submissions, Attachments and a Timeline of Activities

Archived Opportunities

From the Left Navigation Bar, select Opportunities and from the Submenu, select Archived

!! Click Here for Instructions on how to Archive Opportunities and Move them back to the Sales Pipeline 

You can move Opportunities Back to the Sales Pipeline or Delete Opportunities.

In Addition, you can Bulk Move or Bulk Delete

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