TM - 3. Use the Transaction Management App to finalize Agreements - High-Rise - Lease Agreement

Modified on Fri, 8 Mar at 5:50 AM

Chapter 3

High-Rise - Lease Agreement

!! Not the type of Agreement you need? Check out our other two Chapters for High-Rise Projects:

Chapter 1: Finalize High-Rise Purchase Agreements with Firm Offers 

Chapter 2: Finalize High-Rise Purchase Agreements with Conditional Offers

Or Our Chapters for Low-Rise Projects

Chapter 4: Finalize Low-Rise Purchase Agreements with Firm Offers

Chapter 5: Finalize Low-Rise Purchase Agreements with Conditional Offers 

Chapter 6: Finalize Low-Rise Lease Agreements


The Transaction Management App allows users to finalize, sign, act and manage Agreements (Lease, Purchase and Sale) in a very efficient way. 

Bildhive’s Transaction Management App makes the process more efficient because it:

  • Integrates with the rest of the Bildhive Apps, allowing the sales agent to pull information automatically from the other applications to populate contracts

  • Integrates with DocuSign for Real Estate SKU to easily route, sign and securely store all agreements

  • Complies with the most stringent global security standards

  • Generates agreements that are lawful and admissible in a court of law

!!  The Transaction Management App, Condo Unit Configurator, and Contract Configurator, all work together.

  • In the Condo Unit Configurator, you enter all the Details about your condo unit (including floorplans and add-ons). 

  • The Contract Configurator allows you to configure all the Contract fields. 

  • The Transaction Management App pulls in Information about the Unit and the Contract that contains all the fields. Then you Fill the Contract with the transaction information. Finally, you Send the contract to all parties for their Approval, Signature, or Review.

!! Heads-Up 

Our Table of Contents links might occasionally land you Just Below The Target Section. If this happens, a Simple Scroll Up to the Previous Section will get you right where you need to be.


Get Started

1. Launch the Transaction Management (TM) App

  1. Go to the project’s Workplace,

  2. Under Customer & Transaction Management, find the Transaction Management App 

  3. Click on it

Info: When you enter the app, you land on the All Transactions List. The first time you use the App, you will not see any transactions.

Define your Settings

!!  Define your Settings Before Adding Your First Transaction. 

This isn't mandatory, but it's a good idea. In Settings, you can Integrate with DocuSign (required only for signing with E-signature and Combined E-Signature + In-Person), add Default Participants or Signers, add Inclusion Information.

2. Integrate with DocuSign

  1. If the Left Navigation Bar is not open, go to the top-left of the page under the Bildhive logo and Click the Hamburger Icon (Three horizontal lines)

  2. From the Navigation Bar, select Settings  

  3. On the Settings Submenu, select Integration

  4. If you are not Linked to DocuSign, Click on the Integrate with DocuSign button

  5. If you already have an Account, Log Into DocuSign

  6. Otherwise, Create an account and Log In

  7. To Disconnect, go to the bottom of the DocuSign Integration Section and click Remove Integration

!!  Warning: This is a MUST READ before Using the E-Signature Signing Method.

E-signature transactions WILL FAIL if the recipient's Email Address is Invalid, so always double-check it.

We advise those who wish to use Bildhive's E-signature Signing Method to do two things after creating a DocuSign account:

  •  First, Log Into their DocuSign account and create a Ticket to Enable Event Recipient Autoresponded to receive Notifications in Bildhive when a transaction fails due to a Bad Email Address.

  • Next, contact their DocuSign Account Manager and ask them to allow the Envelope Correct Function so that changes to the Purchasers’ and the Reps' Information can be made directly from Bildhive (only while the transaction is Pending).

3. Add, Edit, and Delete Default Participants or Signers 

!!  Who are Considered Default Participants?

Default Participants are those on the vendor's side whose signatures are Always required for a transaction to proceed (CEO, Accountant, etc.). If you already know who they are, enter their names. 

  1. If the Left Navigation Bar is not open, go to the top-left of the page under the Bildhive logo and Click the Hamburger Icon 

  2. From the Navigation Bar, select Settings 

  3. On the Settings Screen, select Default Participants 

  4. At the Bottom of the New Participant sectionclick Add New Participant

  5. In the Edit Participant pop-up, fill-In the information of the First Default ParticipantName*, Email Address*Company, and Role

  6. Click Create

  7. Repeat the steps to add the rest of the Default Participants

  8. To Edit or Delete a Participant, go to the Action Column to the Right of the Participant and click the Pencil or Delete icon

  9. Make the edits and click Update or Delete 

 * Mandatory fields.

 4. Adjust a Default Participant’s Info After You’ve Sent the Document

Info: Default Participants who are  Signers in a document are considered Internal Participants in that transaction. It is possible to edit an Internal Participant's information from the Settings, but there are restrictions. 

  • The TRANSACTION OWNER is the ONLY person who can Edit the Internal Participant’s Information 

  • DocuSign has to have the Envelope Correct Function enabled

  • Transactions need to be Pending and have No Signatures

  • You can’t adjust Transactions that are Completed or that are Pending and already have Signatures

  1. To Adjust the Information, go to the top-left of the page under the Bildhive logo and Click the Hamburger Icon (Three horizontal lines)

  2. Once the Left Navigation Bar opensselect Settings 

  3. From the Submenu, select Default Participants

  4. Go to the Action Column to the Right of the Participant and click the Pencil or Delete icon

  5. Make the edits and click Update or Delete

  6. As long as you followed the restrictions, the Participant should receive a New Document from DocuSign with the Adjusted information

5. About Inclusion Information

Info: The Inclusion Information lists any Upgrades, unique elements, or services included in the Contract. 

Examples of inclusions are Internet, Hydro, or Alarm Systems 

To Add Inclusions to a contract in the Transaction Management App, you must first set up a Field for inclusions in the Contract Template (using the Contract Configurator).

6. Add an Inclusion to the List

  1. If the Left Navigation Bar is not open, go to the top-left of the page under the Bildhive logo and Click the Hamburger Icon (Three horizontal lines)

  2. From the Navigation Bar, select Settings  

  3. On the Settings Submenu, select Inclusion Information 

  4. To Add your first Inclusion, go to the bottom of the section and click Add Inclusion 

  5. Give the inclusion a Title* and a Legal Text or Body*

  6. Click Create

  7. Repeat these steps per each Inclusion, up to 20 in Total 

  8. To Edit or Delete an Inclusion, go to the Action Column to the Right of the Inclusion and click the Pencil or Delete icon

  9. Make the edits and click Update or Delete

Mandatory field.

!! Do you need to Add Inclusions to your Contract Template?

Follow These Steps

Add a Transaction

7. Start a New Transaction

  1. If the Left Navigation Bar is not open, go to the top-left of the page under the Bildhive logo and Click the Hamburger Icon (Three horizontal lines)

  2. From the Navigation Bar, select All Transactions

  3. To add your first transaction, on the All Transactions Screen, go to the top right and click Add New Transaction

Info: About Types of Transactions. 

The Signing Method (E-Signature or Print and Sign), whether it is a Purchase of Sale transaction or a Lease transaction, and the Offer Type (Firm or Conditional) determine the Type of Transaction. There are four types, and we describe each in a separate article:

E-Signature and Combined E-Signature+In-Person (signing method) / Lease Agreement (type of agreement)

Read this Before you Start your E-Signature Transaction.

!!  Integrate with DocuSign before using E-Signature Signing.

For instructions on how to integrate with DocuSign, Click Here.

!!  We advise you to do these two things when using DocuSign:

  • Log into your DocuSign Account and Activate Event Recipient Autoresponded to receive Notifications in Bildhive when a transaction fails due to a Bad Email Address.

  • Contact your DocuSign Account Manager and ask them to allow the Envelope Correct Function so that changes to the Purchasers’ and the Reps' Information can be made directly from Bildhive (only while the transaction is pending).

!!  WARNING. Double Check the Recipient's Email Address.

If the recipient's email address is Invalid, the E-signature Transaction WILL FAIL.

Step 1 – Provide Transaction Information

!! Can some Participants Sign Digitally and Some in Person?

Yes, but you MUST select E-Signature as your Signing Method and then, in Step 5,  indicate Who Signs Online through DocuSign and Who Signs in Person when you Identify the Participant’s Action concerning the Contract.

8. Provide Signing Method and Transaction Type 

  1. In the Signing Method*, Select E-Signature

  2. From the Transaction Type dropdownselect Lease Agreement

  3. From the Agreement of Lease Contract Template dropdown, select a Contract Template* 

  4. Click Next

Mandatory field.

!! WARNING: Make sure your contract has all the fields you need. 

When using DocuSign, the Contract Template that you set up through the Contract Configurator will be automatically Populated with the data you input into the Transaction Manager. Keep in mind that any fields that are not configured in the template will not appear in the contract, even if you fill out the information in the Transaction Manager.

!!  Can’t Find Your Purchase Contract Template in the Dropdown?

You will only see contracts that were added with the Contract Configurator.

Step 2 - Provide Participant Information

9. Introduction

Info: There are Three Types of Participants

In this step, you add the Tenant(s) Information, the Tenant(s) Lawyer Information (if applicable), and the Tenant(s) Agent Information (if applicable).

!! To Auto-populate the Tenant's information, you can scan their Driver's License or Passport.

!!  WARNING. The E-signature Transaction WILL FAIL if the recipient's email address is invalid, so double-check it. There are two Actions users are advised to take:

  • Log into their DocuSign Account and Activate Event Recipient Autoresponded to receive Notifications in Bildhive when a transaction fails due to a Bad Email Address.

  • Contact their DocuSign Account Manager and ask them to allow the Envelope Correct Function so that changes to the Purchasers’ and the Reps' Information can be made directly from Bildhive but only while the transaction is Pending.

10. Scan the Tenant’s License or Passport on a Tablet

  1. Click Add Primary Tenant

  2. From the Dropdown menu, select Scan Driver’s License or Scan Passport 

  3. For the License, click on the Front Photo Scan Button

  4. Once the Tablet’s Camera opens up, Scan the Front and upload it

  5. Repeat this process with the Back of the License

  6. For Passports, scan the Page where the Photo appears

  7. Click Next 

  8. Review the Information in the Add Primary Tenant’s field and manually adjust or fill in any missing fields

  9. Click Add

  10. Repeat the Process until you have the Purchasers that you Need

  11. The Number of Purchasers you can add is Limited to the same Number of Purchasers included in your Contract Template

  12. To Increase the Number of Purchasers, the Contract Configurator and Add the necessary Fields

!! You don’t have a license or passport on hand? It's no problem.

Follow these steps to Manually Enter License, Passport, or Other ID Information.

!!  Is the information not coming in Properly?

Try Rebooting the tablet.

11. Upload a Picture of the Tenant’s License  or Passport from a Computer

  1. Click Add Primary Tenant

  2. From the Dropdown Menu, select Scan Driver’s License or Scan Passport 

  3. For the License, click the Front Photo Scan Button

  4. Once your File Finder opens up,  Locate the image of the Front of the License, Select it, and Click Open

  5. Repeat this process with the Back of the License

  6. For Passports, upload a picture of the Photo page 

  7. Click Next

  8. Review the Information in the Add Primary Tenant’s form and manually adjust or fill in any missing fields

  9. Click Add

  10. Repeat the Process until you have the Purchasers that you Need

  11. The Number of Purchasers you can add is Limited to the same Number of Purchasers included in your Contract Template

  12. To Increase the Number of Purchasers, the Contract Configurator and Add the necessary Fields

!! You don’t have a license or passport on hand? It's no problem.

Follow these steps to Manually Enter License, Passport, or Other ID Information.

12. Manually Enter the Tenant’s License, Passport, or other ID Information

  1. Click Add Primary Tenant

  2. From the Dropdown menu, select Create Manually

  3. Fill in all the (mandatory) Fields in the Form

  4. Click Next

  5. If you have Secondary Tenants, repeat these steps to add them 

  6. Click Next

  7. Follow these steps if you want to Upload a Copy of the ID to the Supporting Documents

  8. Repeat the Process until you have the Purchasers that you Need

  9. The Number of Purchasers you can add is Limited to the same Number of Purchasers included in your Contract Template

  10. To Increase the Number of Purchasers, the Contract Configurator and Add the necessary Fields

!!  If the Tenant’s Data is already in the CRM, you can Autofill their Information. 

Just enter the first few letters of their name into the Search For a Contact field, then select the Name from the Dropdown Menu. 

!!  WARNING. The E-signature Transaction WILL FAIL if the recipient's email address is invalid, so double-check it. There are two Actions users are advised to take:

  • Log into their DocuSign Account and Activate Event Recipient Autoresponded to receive Notifications in Bildhive when a transaction fails due to a Bad Email Address.

  • Contact their DocuSign Account Manager and ask them to allow the Envelope Correct Function so that changes to the Purchasers’ and the Reps' Information can be made directly from Bildhive (only while the transaction is Pending).

Info: What is the purpose of Tenant's Tags?

A tag allows you to Target a specific Email Broadcast to a group of Tenants or potential tenants.  

Step 3 - Provide Product Details

13. Provide Product Details and Dates

  1. From the Select Floor DropdownSelect a Floor*

  2. From the Select Unit DropdownSelect the Unit* 

  3. Select a Tenancy Start Date* from the Calendar

  4. Select Tenancy End Date from the Calendar

  5. Save as Draft or click Next 

  6. The 15-minute Unit Timer gets activated, and you have 15 Minutes to complete your Transaction before the Unit becomes Available again

  7. The 15-minute Unit Timer appears at the Top of your Screen

  8. If it is Not Possible to Complete your Transaction in the Allotted 15 Minutes, Save it as a Draft

Mandatory field.

Info: About Navigation in the Calendar,

The Single Arrow next to the date Advances the calendar One month at a time. The Double Arrow Advances the calendar One year at a time.

14. Save the Transaction as a Draft

  1. You can Save your Transaction as a Draft at any point after you enter the Tenant’s Information (Step 2) 

  2. To Save your Transaction, go to the Bottom of the Screen and click Save As Draft

  3. Notification appears indicating the Draft was Successfully Saved

  4. Once the Transaction Window closesyou are redirected to the All Transactions List, where your Transaction Draft is Listed

  5. If you saved a transaction as a Draft after Step 3, the 15-minute Unit Timer is Activated

15. Complete, Edit, Archive, or Void a Saved Draft

  1. To Edit, Archive, or Void a Saved DraftLocate your transaction on the All Transactions List or the Drafts List

  2. To Open the Lists, go to the Top Left of your screen, Click the Hamburger Icon (three horizontal lines), then select All Transactions or Draft 

  3. Locate the Draft on the List, and select it to Complete the Transaction

  4. Otherwise, click the Three-Dot Action Menu, and select Edit, Archive, or Void Transaction

  5. If the rep can’t complete the transaction, they MUST VOID the saved transaction, Releasing the Property

!!  TIP: You Can’t Complete Your Saved Transaction Within 15 MinutesDo this.

  • Open the Transaction Draft

  • At the Bottom of the screen, click Next until you get to Step 3 

  • Save it as a Draft again

  • The 15-minute Timer will re-Activate

The 15-Minute Unit Timer

16. About the 15-Minute Unit Timer

  1. As soon as a Salesperson completes Step 3 of a transaction, the 15-minute Unit Timer gets Activated 

  2. Once the Timer starts, the UNIT IS PUT ON HOLD FOR 15 MINUTES giving the Sales Team time to Finalize the Transaction

  3. Any member of the team trying to Transact a Unit ON HOLD will receive a Notification message indicating another member of the team is transacting that Unit

  4. After 15 minutes, even if the Status still appears as ON HOLD, if the salesperson Did Not Complete the Transaction, the unit becomes Available Again

Step 4 – Finalize the Document

17. Review Details, Select Inclusions, and Check Custom Fields

  1. If applicable, Checkmark the Inclusions that apply to this transaction

  2. The Inclusion Options that appear in this Section were set up in the Contract Configurator as Field #1, Field #2, etc.

  3. If you have added Custom Fields to your contract template, they will show here

  4. You can also select the inclusions that apply to this transaction from the Dropdown located in the Custom Fields Section

  5. The Inclusions Dropdown that appears in this Section was created as a Custom Field / Inclusion List in the contract Configurator

  6.  Once you are done entering all the information, click Next: Signing Order

!! Would you like to Add more options to your Inclusions List?

Follow these steps to Add an Extra Inclusion.

Step 5 – Set Up Signing Order


In this section, you will find, from top to bottom, left to right):

  • The option to require a Rep (the transaction Owner) to review the contract before it is sent 

  • A list of cards, one per Participant

  • A number to the left of each card, indicating the order in which the participants will sign the contract

  • The Additional Recipients button that allows you to add more Recipients

  • The Sign Route Preview. The icon on the top right of each circle indicates the Action each participant needs to take when they receive the contract. Roll over the icon to see each person’s role

18. Indicate if the Transaction Owner Needs to Review the Contract

  1. To have the Transaction Owner Review and Make any Final Adjustments to the contract before sending it to be signed, go to the top of the section and select Requires Rep to Review Contract

  2. Once you select this option, the Transaction Owner is placed at the Top of the Signing Route and is assigned Number Zero in the Signing Order

  3. The Transaction Owner gets the contract through DocuSign 

  4. There can make the necessary Adjustments and then send it to the rest of the Participants to be Signed

!! The ONLY person who can review contracts in DocuSign is the Transaction Owner(s).

Info: Reviewing the contract before sending it is particularly useful for omissions.

19. Review and Adjust the Signing Order

  1. Locate the Number to the Left of each signer’s card

  2. If the order needs to Change, Roll Over the number and use the up or down Arrows to adjust it

20. Define Each Participant’s Action when Receiving the Contract 

  1. Use the Dropdown menu to the Right of the participant's Name to select the action they need to take once they receive the contract, including, SignReceive a CopyApprove or Don’t Send a Copy to this Participant

21. Create an Access Code to Add an Extra Layer of Security

  1. Locate the Card of the Participant to whom you want to assign an Access Code 

  2. In the Access Code field, enter a Code, such as a series of numbers, a word(s), or a combination of letters and numbers

  3. Share the code with the Participant

  4. To Skip this step, Leave the Access code field Blank

  5. Participants who have been Assigned a Code must Enter it to Access the contract

  6. Participants who Don’t Receive the Code will get a Notification to Contact the Sender (Rep) to request it

22. Define Who Signs Online and Who Signs in Person

  1. At the bottom of each signer’s card, Locate the Signing Process buttons

!! Can some Participants Sign Online and Some in Person?

Yes, but ONLY If you selected E-Signature as your Signing Method in Step 1. Make sure to indicate Who Signs Online and Who Signs in Person when you Define each Participant’s Action in Step 5.

23. Add More Recipients

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the Signing Order section, click Additional Recipients, and Repeat the previous steps

24. Preview the Sign Route

  1. The signing route appears on the right side of the screen

  2. Roll over the icon on the top right of each circle to see what Action each participant needs to take once they receive the contract 

  3. Changes to any information in this preview must be made on the Participants' Card to the left of the signing order

  4. Once the information is correct, Scroll to the Bottom Right and click Next: Review and Send

Review and Send

25. Preview the Contract and Send it to All the Recipients

!!  Be Patient, it Takes a Few Minutes to Generate the Preview of the Contract 

Once the preview is generated, make sure to Review the Contract Carefully. To Navigate the pages, click the Thumbnails on the Left Navigation Bar

  1. Once the Preview of the contract Opens, navigate through the pages to Review the Contract

  2. Once you are done, close the Preview Tab

  3. To Email the contract to All Recipients, click Send Contract 

  4. To make Adjustments, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Back

!!  Heads-Up When Using a Tablet

When using a Tablet, the Review and Send Screen opens up in a new Tab. Once you finish reviewing, you can close the tab.

Safari or Chrome browser will provide better Performance.

Signing E-Signature and Combined Transactions Electronically

26. How to Sign Electronically

  1. Once the contract is sent, Participants should go to their Inbox

  2. Open the email with the words Via DocuSign contained in the subject line, and click the Button inviting them to Sign, Review, Approve, etc.

  3. They will be redirected to DocuSign

  4. They must Sign in if they haven’t done so and then follow the Prompts to complete their required Action (Sign, Review, etc.)

!!  Emails are sent according to the Sign Route that was defined in Step 5

In the Detail Tab, under the Progress Column, you can see who has signed, reviewed, etc., and who still needs to sign, review, etc.

Signing Combined Transactions in Person

27. Select the Participants Who Need to Sign in Person

  1. Once you send out the contracts, you are redirected to the Transaction’s Detail Page with the Documents tab open

  2. If one or more of your participants need to sign in person, find the Action column to the right of the Document, and click the Three-Dot Action Menu 

  3. From the Dropdown, select Process in Person Signing

  4. The In-Person Signing Pop-up opens

  5. From the Select Signer dropdownselect the Name of the person who needs to Sign, then click Process

  6. You are Redirected to DocuSign

  7. Sign in, if you haven’t done so already

!! Are all of your Participants signing in Person?

Then, follow the Print & Sign Signing Method.

28. Open DocuSign and Download the Document

  1. Once the Document opens in DocuSign, go to the Top Right and click Other Actions

  2. From the dropdown, select Print & Sign and select if you would like to Upload or Fax the Document once it is Signed

  3. Then Download the Document and follow the prompts

29. Have the in-Person Signers Sign the Document, then Upload or Fax it to DocuSign

  1. Have the Downloaded Document signed, then click Return Document, and follow the prompts

  2. If it is not possible to sign the document immediately, you will need to repeat Steps One and Two, then click Return Document, and follow the prompts

!! Make sure to Upload or Fax the Document that contains all the signatures.

!! Don’t forget the Cover Page

If you are Faxing the Document, make sure to include the Cover Page provided by DocuSign.

View Transactions Details on the Details Screen

30. The Transaction’s Detail Screen

Once the contract has been sent, you will be redirected to the Transaction’s Details Screen. This screen has several tabs:

  • Details 

  • Tenants & Reps

  • Documents

  • Internal Participants

  • Notes

  • Timeline

!! You do not see the tabs? Scroll up, as they may be hidden.

The Documents tab is selected by Default. To Navigate between the tabs, click on them.

Documents Tab

31. Transaction Documents Tab


All the Documents for this Transaction are Housed in this Tab: the Contract Template (in this case, Agreement of Lease), any Amendments (documents that require Approval/ Signature), Add-Ons Contracts (Parking Spots, Lockers and/or Bike Racks), and Supporting Documents (a passport, if this was used to identify the user). 

32. Review the Transaction’s Information and Documents 

From left to right, top to bottom:

  • Type of Agreement (in this case,  Lease Agreement)

  • Document Name (name of the template used)

  • Transaction Owner

  • Date Created

  • Progress (Delivered, Pending, Completed, Archived, Voided, etc - see note below)

  • Action, if Pending ( Click the Three-dot Action Menu and select to Resend or Void)

  • Action, if Complete (Select to Download a signed Zipped file with the pdf of the signed document or to Preview it)

  • Refresh (at the very top right of the screen)

  • Download PDF (next to the Refresh button, this downloads a PDF of the Details Screen and attaches the Licence or Passport if scanned)

!!  Does the Progress Column show 1/2 Signed or something similar?

1/2 Signed means that One out of Two people has signed. 2/3 Signed means that Two out of Three people have signed. Hover over the Text to see who Has Signed and who has Not Signed Yet.

33. Create Amendments and Additional Documents that Require Approval or Signature

Info: In this section, you can create additional Documents that require a Signature /Review, such as Amendments. These documents are created similarly to transactions.

  1. First, at the bottom of the Amendments section, click Create Amendment/Document, then complete the Three Steps:

  1. Step 1 Choose Template

  • First Select Signing Method

  • Then, Select the Document Template* from the Dropdown or, Configure it using the Contract Configurator and then select it from the Dropdown

  • Fill in any required Fields 

  • Click Next

  1. Step 2 Signing Order

  • Review and Adjust the Signing Order

  • Select whether the participant Needs to Sign, Receives a Copy, Needs to Approve, or if they don’t need to do any of the aboveselect Do not Send a Copy to this participant 

  • Add an Access Code if Necessary

  • Below the participant's email address, locate the Signing Process Section and select whether they must sign Online Through DocuSign or in Person

  • Add any Additional Recipients if Necessary

  • Move the Slider to Preview Signing Route 

  • Hover over each Participant to reveal their Signing Information

  • Click Review and Send

  1. Step 3 Review and Sign

  • The preview opens in a new Tab, Review the Contract

  • Close the Preview

  • If all is okay, click Send Contract

  • Otherwise, click Back and make the necessary adjustments

Mandatory field.

34. How to Upload a Signed Amendment or Document

  1. Scan the document to your computer or phone using one of the scanning apps (for example, Scanner) and save it as PDF

  2. To Upload the pdf of the signed document to the Transaction Manager, go to the Transaction’s Detail Screen

  3. Ensure you are in the Documents Tab, then scroll down to Supporting Documents 

  4. At the end of the row, locate the Action column, roll over the Three-dot Action menu, and select Upload

  5. Confirm that the file is the Signed Copy of the transaction and Upload it

  6. Under the Progress column, the document will appear as Complete

35. Create Add-Ons Contracts

Info: In this section, you can create additional Documents for Add-Ons. These documents follow the same steps as transactions.

  1. At the bottom of the Add-Ons Contracts section, click Create Add-Ons Contract then complete the Five Steps:

  1. Step 1 Provide Transaction Information

  • Signing Method* 

  • Select Transaction Type*

  • Select the Agreement of Lease Contract Template* from the Dropdown or, Configure it using the ome 

  1. To Download Some or All of the Transactions in the All, Pending, Completed, Draft, or Voided Transactions Lists, open the List that contains the transactions you wish to download

  2. To Download All the transactions, go to the Top Left of the Screen, click the Bulk Action dropdown, and select Download All

  3. To Download a Selection of Transactions, Select the Transactions you wish to Download

  4. Go to the Top Left of the Screen, click the Bulk Action dropdown, and pick Download Selected

  5. You will receive a Link to download the selected transactions Via E-mail

  6. Click on the Link to Download a Pdf of the APS

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